A Guide to This Year’s Global Fund Replenishment

September 16, 2022

The Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment conference begins this weekend in New York City. Held every three years, these conferences bring governments, philanthropies and the private sector together to pledge their investments to the largest global grant-making source for health systems in low- and moderate-income countries.

The UNAIDS Report released in July showed us that we are off-track in reaching global targets for HIV, and the field of global health knows the world is similarly off-track with TB and malaria targets. At least US$18 billion for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment would save 20 million lives, cut the death rate from HIV, TB and malaria by 64 percent and build resilient and sustainable systems for health, and to strengthen pandemic preparedness.

The US government already committed $6 billion over the next three years. Now, the rest of the world needs to step-up with their support for the Global Fund. Plus the US needs to ensure that PEPFAR is robustly funded. Next year, PEPFAR will be up for Congressional reauthorization, allowing advocates opportunities to influence and sustain PEPFAR’s priorities. These priorities must advance pandemic preparedness and be defined by what impacted communities need and want.

The Global Fund and PEPFAR together constitute a core foundation for pandemic preparedness and global health security. Investing in both is fundamental to making full use of existing platforms and expanding them to achieve global health security and equity. Read our latest P-Values blog, What does multilateralism mean and why it’s right for the future, from AVAC’s Senior Policy Manager, John Meade for more.

And check out other resources and background to inform your Replenishment advocacy.