Our Mission and Strategy

AVAC’s vision for a world without AIDS and with global health equity guides our work.

Our mission is to accelerate the ethical development of effective HIV prevention options and ensure access to those options for everyone who needs them as part of a comprehensive and integrated path to global health equity.

We know that ending the AIDS epidemic requires providing truly effective HIV prevention to all who need it, which must be embedded in resilient health systems, and founded on policies and practices that protect equity at every level of society.

Therefore, we focus our work both on high-burden countries and communities where the bulk of HIV prevention research is carried out, and on contributing to the global ecosystem by mobilizing resources, fostering accountability, exchanging knowledge, and building impactful partnerships with people living with and at high risk for HIV. 

Our strategic plan outlines three pillars to anticipate and respond to new complexities in HIV prevention, position our work to advocate for resilient health systems that center communities and prioritize social justice, and invest in robust, mutually empowered partnerships that achieve far-reaching results.

  • TRANSLATE: AVAC serves as a bridge between the scientific field and communities where research happens. We share research findings, develop and support evidence-based advocacy by our partners, and amplify the voices, perspectives and needs of affected communities.
  • ADVOCATE: AVAC mobilizes to ensure programs, products and policies are evidence-based, inclusive and effective. We are committed to advocacy and action founded on principles of power-sharing. We foster the development of skilled and informed advocates.
  • CATALYZE: AVAC cultivates and sustains partnerships that shape and leverage an ecosystem of advocacy for clinical trials, products, programs and policies that advance HIV prevention and global health equity.

In addition to the three major pillars, AVAC’s strategic plan integrates four key enablers that are essential to success:

  • Commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Read our EDI statement here
  • Equitable Partnerships
  • Team Culture
  • Operational Efficiency

Read our full strategic plan for 2022-2026.