November 6, 2023
More HIV prevention options are finally becoming available, including oral pills, injections and vaginal rings. Developing and delivering these options and making them actual choices for people, while also continuing to invest in the development of additional options to meet diverse needs has never been more promising or complex.
At AVAC, we know that products don’t end pandemics unless they are delivered with equity and urgency. We created in 2007 to serve as a go-to resource for PrEP research, and it has expanded to include toolkits, guides, data, case studies and more to support efforts to improve access to PrEP. Our data, evidence and insights, based on lessons from oral PrEP, are intended to help get the rollout of next generation right this time.
Please join us and partners for a series of interactive sessions to guide you through these essential resources.
November 20, PrEP Resources Showcase

Calling for collaboration: This dynamic, workshop-style showcase is the first in a series that will feature multi-media presentations to take you through key resources including a toolkit to ensure programs related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV prevention are well designed to reach and support adolescent girls and young women; and a comprehensive database for tracking PrEP uptake, implementation research and other critical data by country. Participants will get to dive deeply into specific resources, explore how they might use these in their work, and have an opportunity to provide input on what resources are still needed.
November 28, Spotlight on New Tools and Data: From R&D to Access

Staying on top of the latest data on PrEP initiations, the introduction of new PrEP products and the upstream pipeline of PrEP research and development is also both essential and complex. Advocates, researchers, funders and others working in HIV prevention must understand the trends and updates to do their job effectively—but how can you navigate the vast amount of PrEP data online?
Join AVAC, Unitaid, and the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) to learn more about three complementary online PrEP resources and understand how they can support and enhance your work:; Long-Acting Therapeutics Patents and Licenses Database (LAPaL) and the Access to Medicines Tracker — quarterly-update on regulatory filings, regulatory approvals and product supplies of MPP-licensed generic medicines at the country level.
Advances in HIV prevention represent a huge opportunity to help get actual prevention choices into the hands of people. We are grateful to support from the Gates Foundation for the Biomedical Prevention Implementation Collaborative (BioPIC) and from USAID and PEPFAR for the Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention (MOSAIC) Consortium that help make these resources possible.
We hope you’ll join us as we walk through ways you can use our resources to make this happen.