GPP Training Agenda: Standard training

Sample agenda for a day-and-a-half workshop on the GPP guidelines designed to provide research site staff with an understanding of the main concepts of the GPP guidelines. It can also be used to train community stakeholders, such as community advisory boards (CABs), civil-society groups, community leaders and others who collaborate with research teams in the context of a biomedical HIV prevention trial.

GPP Training Agenda: Advanced training

Sample agenda for a two-day workshop that provides an in-depth introduction to the GPP guidelines. This agenda, which references activities contained in GPP Training Tools prepares participants to facilitate GPP training sessions.

Too Little Too Slow: Results from from civil society monitoring of male circumcision for HIV prevention in Uganda

A jointly-authored report by Ugandan civil society groups taking stock of progress and challenges in Uganda’s voluntary medical male circumcision program as of 2012. Makes recommendations for future action, and highlights examples of best practices in the country.

Advocate’s Guide to Statistical Terms

Simple one-page resource explaining terms like “statistical significance,” “p-value,” “confidence interval” and other concepts used to describe and interpret the results of clinical trials.

What is Treatment as Prevention and What is it Not?

Simple, one-page factsheet developed in 2012 that defines treatment as prevention and what it can achieve.

Data Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs)

Clinical trials are monitored and regulated by a variety of entities, including independent bodies that review the trial protocol and data on an ongoing basis to ensure that the trial is ethical and should continue. This fact sheet is for advocates who would like to learn more about how these entities work, what they do, and what impact their recommendations can have on clinical trials.

Treatment as Prevention: Frequently asked questions

This FAQ was developed with input from the National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV (NEPHAK) and Health GAP on the basis of national PLHIV dialogues on treatment as prevention conducted throughout Kenya. The questions and answers contain information relevant for a global audience—but have been written specifically for individuals living and working in low and middle income countries

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: A primer for HIV prevention advocates

Pharmacokinetics (PK) is the study of what happens to a drug when it is taken into the body; pharmacodynamics (PD) is the study of what happens to the body when a drug is taken. PK/PD research is a central aspect of the search for ARV-based prevention, and this factsheet is for advocates looking to understand some of the basic terms, aims and objectives of PK and PD studies.

FDA’s Advisory Committee Review of Daily Oral Truvada as PrEP to Reduce the Risk of HIV Infection: An advocate’s primer for public participation

This primer was developed to help advocates understand the mechanism of the US Food and Drug Administration’s external advisory committee. It was specifically developed in preparation for the US FDA review of Truvada for use as PrEP in 2012. It offers a guide to the workings of the external advisory committee (a set of outside experts who make recommendations) and ways for civil society to participate in the process.

GPP Blueprint for Stakeholder Engagement

The GPP Blueprint is a companion to the Good Participatory Practice guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention research. It is a step-by-step guide designed for the research team members in charge of stakeholder engagement. It presents questions, worksheets and explanations that can guide and generate a stakeholder engagement plan for a specific trial or research program.