What’s Next for the Pandemic Accord? A civil society and communities perspective

This side event, co-sponsored with Care and Frontline AIDS, was part of the World Health Assembly and featured expert panelists discussing what’s promising in the Pandemic Accord, what we expect from governments, and what’s missing for successful implementation. Selected panelists came from different health areas but all have experience in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

This panel also helped civil society prepare for the coming year and gain capacity to meaningfully engage in advocacy around implementation of the Accord.

Watch the recording.

PrEP Resources Showcase

This dynamic, workshop-style showcase was the first of a series that featured multimedia presentations that took participants through key PrEP resources including: A toolkit to ensure programs related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV prevention are well designed to reach and support adolescent girls and young women. Comprehensive databases for tracking PrEP uptake, Implementation research and other critical data by product, country, and population.  

Small groups had opportunities to take deep dives into each of the above resources, and explore how they might use these in their work. Additionally, participants provided input on what resources are still needed, collaborate on how to improve and disseminate what exists, and support the development of evidence and networks to advance HIV prevention.

Global PrEP Tracker video / Integrated Study Dashboard video / Breaking the Cycle Toolkit video

Video Series: Lessons from the Field

Six short videos spotlight lessons learned at PrEP demonstration projects run by LVCT Health in Kenya. The series explores key issues from the introduction of PrEP and managing symptoms to adherence and the role of support groups.

AVAC Fellow Peter Mogere: HIV self-testing

2017 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Peter Mogere speaks on Kenya’s KUTV about HIV self-testing.

Watch the clip (17:29).

Jeff McConnell Memorial Webinar – Audio

This webinar memorialized pioneering sociologist Jeff McConnell and his impact on HIV prevention science. Updates were presented on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) research and the implications of Dr. McConnell’s research on sexual networks for how PrEP will be implemented.Find details, slides and full flash webinar here.

HIV Prevention Europe Webinars: Rectal microbicides

The seventh webinar in our series addressing a range of topics in HIV prevention research, hosted jointly by NAM and AVAC, focused on rectal microbicides. Speakers included: Ian McGowan, University of Pittsburgh; Carolina Herrera, Imperial College; Alex Carballo-Dieguez, Columbia University; and Marc-André LeBlanc, IRMA.

The presentation was followed by a Q&A session. Click here for slides and audio from the webinar.

Facing Questions about Hormonal Contraceptives and HIV: What’s next in getting answers?

In this webinar we learned about and discussed proposed research to directly evaluate how different family planning methods might impact HIV risk.

Trial designs are actively being discussed and funding is being sought for such research—but there are many questions where advocates’ voices are needed: What should a trial look like? How can method mix (the range of available family planning options) be expanded for all women? What can be done to better integrate HIV and family planning in the meantime?

View the full webinar here

Women and HIV Prevention Research: Designing, testing and marketing products to improve adherence

The fourth webinar in AVAC’s Research & Reality series, a year-long dialogue about prevention research and advocacy, this webinar provided a forum to learn about and discuss key issues around women and the HIV prevention agenda, including challenges around marketing of and adherence to new prevention options. Click for speaker details, slides and audio.