AVAC PxROAR Europe presents a webinar introducing European approaches to HIV vaccines and a cure:
- The European HIV Alliance’s Sheena McCormack will discuss HIV vaccines and the quest to identify immune correlates associated with control of HIV replication. The EHVA is a consortium of 39 partners from eleven countries in Europe plus four in sub-Saharan Africa and the US. It is pursuing a number of different preventative vaccine strategies including improved viral vectors, modified versions of HIV envelope proteins and dendritic-cell vaccines.
- HIVACAR’s Felipe Garcia will discuss research into a therapeutic alternative to “cART for life” (combined antiretroviral therapy). An innovative strategy based on the patient’s immune system that is safe, affordable and scalable to achieve the functional cure of HIV-1 infection will be tested in a Phase I/IIa clinical trial. HIVACAR is a 14-site consortium evaluating a combination of immune-based therapies to achieve a functional cure of HIV infection.
Both EHVA and HIVACAR are funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
Recording: YouTube / Audio / EHVA Slides / HIVACAR Slides