A Curtain Raiser for Prevention at IAS 2019

July 18, 2019

IAS 2019 is just ahead, July 21-24 in Mexico City. To help you prepare, read on for a round-up of research and happenings you won’t want to miss, a roadmap to guide you to sessions where HIV prevention is center stage, and how to follow on-site or from afar.

This year’s conference will feature data from late-breakers on highly anticipated research including:

For the full conference program go to the website for IAS 2019, and find your optimal schedule for following HIV prevention with AVAC’s conference roadmap, which can be sorted by timing, intervention or session type (Excel/PDF here).

Consider adding these satellite and conference events below, some hosted by AVAC and partners, to your calendar!

  • “Sticky Linkage”: Latest evidence and new strategies
    Sunday 21 July, 8:00-10:00, Palacio de Iturbide 1 y 2

    This session on approaches for improving ART initiation and retention will talk about challenges to the idea that the continuum of care is linear. The agenda includes the results of segmentation research aimed at improving linkage to treatment among South African men.

  • An HIV vaccine to prevent HIV acquisition
    Sunday 21 July, 17:00-19:00, Palacio de Valparaíso 1

    Learn more about the newest candidate for a vaccine to be investigated in a trial known as Mosaico. This session will provide an overview of pre-clinical work and next steps for the latest mosaic vaccine strategy.

  • Data from six locations inform the future of the HIV response
    Monday 22 July, 14:15-15:00

    This press conference will unveil a new analysis from amfAR, AVAC and Friends of the Global Fight of six case studies of progress toward epidemic control. From the report Translating Progress Into Success to End the AIDS Epidemic, the analysis identifies elements that accelerate the impact of treatment and prevention with implications for program, policy, implementation and advocacy. The press conference will only be open to journalists, but you can watch the livestream and watch for a future Advocates Network with links to the report post-launch.

Following from afar?

AVAC will offer comments and updates on Twitter and Facebook. Use the conference hashtag — #IAS2019.

Get the latest news on the conference at this dedicated page on the IAS 2019 website.

Interested in the events where AVAC is participating? Click here. And watch this space for additional updates.