Peter Katleho Ntheri

Updated January 2024

Peter is a social scientist. He is a member of Lesotho’s (CCM) Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund and sits on its Proposal Development Committee. He is also a member of Lesotho’s PrEP Technical Working Group.


As member of Lesotho’s CCM, Peter secured funding for the dapivirine vaginal ring, scale-up of HIV self-testing and multi-month dispensing of oral PrEP.

Onward Chironda

Updated January 2024

Onward is a religious leader and an advocate for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. He leads MY-AGE (Masvingo Youth and Adolescence Group for Edutainment), a member organization of the COMPASS program.


Onward worked with religious leaders, bringing about their commitment to tolerance and ending stigma and discrimination of LGBTQ populations. He succeeded in integrating LGBTQ needs into Zimbabwe’s Adolescent Health Implementation Strategy. And, his engagement on the Global Fund writing team ensured KP issues were prioritized in the country’s concept note.



Prince Mikel Juao

Updated January 2024

Prince is the Advocacy Coordinator at CEDEP (Center for the Development of People). He is a core member of Malawi’s Civil Society Advocacy Forum (CSAF), co-chair of the AFROCAB Technical Working Group and trans representative for the Global KP HIV Prevention Advisory Group.

Prince helped to shape and advocate for trans inclusion in Malawi’s implementation study of cabotegravir long-acting injectable PrEP. He was also instrumental in securing Global Fund and PEPFAR support for the scale-up of CAB for PrEP and on the writing team he helped prioritize KP funding in the Global Fund concept note.

Read about some of Prince’s latest work in our CASPR Results Bulletin (October 2023).

Ruth Akulu

Updated January 2024

Ruth is an Advocacy Officer at ICW East Africa. She is a member of the Young Women’s HIV Prevention Council, the DPP (Dual Prevention Pill) Civil Society Advisory Group and the Regulatory Pathways for MPTs Working Group. Ruth was crowned Miss Y Plus 2nd Runner-Up 2019/20 and also won the Y Plus Media Advocate award in 2020.


Ruth mobilized Uganda’s regulatory authorities to prepare for the Dual Prevention Pill and to establish the Product Regulators Engagement Committee. She also successfully led advocacy to secure pharmacy distribution programs for PrEP.

Read about some of Ruth’s latest work in our CASPR Results Bulletin (October 2023).

Media Advocacy


Catherine Madebe

Updated January 2024

Catherine works at the intersection of adolescent girls and young women and sexual and reproductive health. She co-leads the AGWY Forum, founded with 2018 Fellow Alumni Lilian Benjamin Mwakyosi, and is a leading member of the Tanzania HIV Prevention Coalition. Catherine was named SRHR Best Celebrity in Eastern and Southern Africa for her outstanding performance by the Southern African AIDS Trust.


Catherine cofounded Tanzania’s AGYW Forum, the leading national level advocacy network for HIV prevention of young women. She also won increased funding for AGYW through her direct involvement in the Global Fund and PEPFAR processes.



Liyema Somnono

Updated January 2024

Liyema is a gender and human rights activist. She is currently employed as a paralegal at SWEAT (Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force) and is a member of the drafting team for the national legislation to decriminalize sex work. Liyema is a member of the Eastern Cape AIDS Council Women’s Sector and serves on the Young Women’s HIV Prevention Council.


Liyema was a national leader in mobilizing testimonials for public comment in favor of South Africa’s sex worker decriminalization bill (which has been put on hold for now). She also initiated community-led monitoring, highlighting the struggles of young women in rural Eastern Cape to access HIV prevention and family planning services.



Elizabeth Atieno Onyango

Updated January 2024

Elizabeth is a feminist and human rights defender from Mombasa where she works as the Programs Officer for COSWA (Coast Sex Workers Alliance) KENYA, advocating for HIV and SRHR services for sex workers. She is a young people’s representative for AIDS2024, on the Conference Planning Committee and cochair of the Global Village.


Liz formed Hidaya, an advocacy network of sex workers who use drugs to advocate for harm reduction. She was a lead in the Global Fund writing process and ensured this population was prioritized for services in the concept note. She also co-founded a social media program—Thursdays with Liz and Lee—to decriminalize sex work.



Natasha Mwila

Updated January 2024

Natasha is the Advocacy, Information and Research Officer at The Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS. She is actively involved in advocacy and preparedness for the injectable PrEP and the PrEP vaginal ring.


Natasha successfully pressured Zambia to approve the dapivirine vaginal ring and CAB for PrEP, using both traditional and social media. She helped shape her country’s HIV Prevention Roadmap and guidelines for injectable PrEP. She also led Zambia’s PEPFAR COP process and was on the Global Fund writing team, ensuring allocations for HIV prevention.

Read about some of Natasha’s latest work in our CASPR Results Bulletin (October 2023).

