An Advocates’ Guide to HIV R4P: How to link up on-site and from afar

October 24, 2014

The HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIV R4P) starts on Monday, October 27 in Cape Town, South Africa. We hope that whether on-site or from afar, you will follow along and join the conversation, which will span the range of prevention options (including vaccines, PrEP, microbicides, treatment as prevention, voluntary medical male circumcision and cure) as well as the cross-cutting issues related to trial design and conduct, policy and advocacy.

We also hope you will save the date for our post-R4P webinar focused on the “state of the prevention union”. This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, November 6 at 10am US EST (visit for the time in your area). Click here to register.

Prevention Advocacy Connections On-Site

Advocates’ Pre-conference Workshop: Strengthening Advocacy for Research to Rollout
Monday, October 27, 08:00–16:30, Room 1.61-1.62
International, African and South African civil society partners are organizing this workshop to equip advocates, new investigators, community liaison officers and other stakeholders to more fully participate in biomedical HIV prevention research and HIV R4P. Registration is free but capacity is limited so advance registration is requiredregister here.

Launch of the new Good Participatory Practice On-line Training Course
Thursday, October 30, 18:15–19:30, Discussion Room A, Poster Hall 2
This new interactive course brings the GPP Guidelines to life and gives learners practical skills for applying GPP in their work. Join us for refreshments, a course tutorial, testimonials from course participants and more.

The Road from Cape Town: Laying the Groundwork for a New Era of HIV Prevention R&D
Friday, October 31, 13:30–17:30, Roof Terrace Room
This session will explore an era of expanding research and trial sites using the Southern African experience as a model. Trial designers, network and site staff, policy makers, review bodies and advocates will discuss strategic engagement and steps required to prepare communities and sites for large-scale efficacy trials. More information available here.

The Advocates’ Corner
October 28–31
Located just outside the conference plenary hall, the Advocates’ Corner is a gathering place for sharing information, learning more about key topics, submitting blogs and catching up with friends and allies—new and old. Stop by to find materials and learn more about our programming during the conference, including three lunchtime advocacy teach-in sessions. AVAC is also collaborating with Link Up policy partners ATHENA and STOP AIDS NOW! to convene a Young Women’s Leadership Initiative at R4P – stop by the Advocates’ Corner to find out more.

Following R4P from Afar

AVAC’s Take from the Conference
We will be sending out daily dispatches with the latest from the conference via our Advocates’ Network. You can also follow AVAC via @HIVpxresearch on Twitter and Facebook—check out full coverage of the conference and share your impressions whether you are there or not via the conference hashtag #HIVR4P. And our HIV R4P page will be updated frequently during the conference. Check back for updates!

Live Blog
WhatsUpHIV is a live blog set up to report all the developments from HIV R4P, the world’s first global research conference dedicated to biomedical HIV prevention. Take a look!

Sessions from the conference will be webcast and available to view within 24 hours.

All accepted abstracts will be published as an open-access online supplement in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses on Friday, October 31. The publication can be accessed here.

Conference posters will be available to view and download online at the conclusion of the meeting on Friday, October 31 in the ePoster repository.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the conference and to connecting with all of you afterwards to ensure the conversations – and actions – are not confined to a conference center!

As always, if you have any questions – let us know!