Understanding the AMP Results and So Much More

We’re delighted to share our new publication Understanding Results of the AMP Trials. The first results of these landmark trials were announced in early 2021, but their implications will be echoing for years to come. This guide provides a foundation for advocates.

The AMP trials evaluated the ability of a broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb), called VRC01, to protect against HIV. The trials showed that VRC01 did not reduce the overall risk of acquiring HIV. However, VRC01 protected some individuals from infection by HIV viruses that were particularly vulnerable or “sensitive” to the antibody. Together these results mean AMP will inform future bNAb and vaccine studies. Read Understanding Results to learn more; listen to our Px Pulse podcast to dive into the AMP trials; and check out AVACer Daisy Ouya’s commentary on the AMP trials in the latest issue of IAVI’s Voices: Community Perspectives on Clinical Research.

Also, in case you missed it, we’re highlighting a few other important resources to inform prevention advocacy:

Looking at PEPFAR, with Emily Bass on her new book, To End a Plague

The latest episode of Px Pulse takes a deep dive into PEPFAR, The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, looking at its pioneering successes and its challenges. In this episode, AVAC’s former Director of Strategy and Content, Emily Bass, discusses her new book, To End a Plague: America’s fight to end AIDS in Africa.

Emily began reporting this comprehensive history of PEPFAR not long after George W. Bush launched the program in 2003. Since its creation, PEPFAR had an enormous impact and radically changed expectations of what a foreign aid program should be.

But the program has also faced challenges. Emily covers it all in her new book, including questions related to health equity, drug costs, patents, and the best ways to design and implement a foreign aid program and address pandemics.

This podcast episode is bittersweet for us at AVAC. After nearly 16 years with AVAC, Emily is taking on new challenges in the larger field of global health as part of the new Pandemic Prevention Institute. Her leadership at AVAC has provided a legacy of passionate, far-sighted advocacy and she will be deeply missed. Congratulations, Emily, on this book, and we look forward to our continued collaborations with you in fighting against pandemics and for global health equity.

Happy Listening!

Opinion: US leadership matters in fighting AIDS

Carlos del Rio is professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine and professor of global health and epidemiology at Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health. He is also chair at the PEPFAR scientific advisory board. Mitchell Warren is AVAC’s Executive Director and a member of the PEPFAR scientific advisory board. This piece first appeared on Devex.

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly praised the United States’ leadership in the global effort to end HIV/AIDS. Early this month, in marking the 40th anniversary of the start of the AIDS pandemic, the White House noted the “heartbreaking human toll” of nearly 35 million global AIDS deaths, the ongoing, high rate of new HIV infections worldwide, and the enormous progress being made against the epidemic by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR.

But surprisingly, more than five months into the new administration, PEPFAR remains with an acting global AIDS coordinator and, thus, effectively leaderless, for far longer than at any point in its history.

The silence on who will run US efforts to control and reverse the AIDS pandemic is a source of increasing anxiety and frustration for advocates, public health officials, PEPFAR partners around the world, and members of the PEPFAR scientific advisory board, on which we both sit.

PEPFAR is the largest single-nation effort to address a disease in history and is one of the few examples of a highly effective and truly bi-partisan government program, garnering both Presidential and Congressional support for almost 20 years.

Since its creation, PEPFAR has enabled more than 18 million people to receive life saving antiretroviral treatment, and provided HIV testing for 50 million people.

As members of PEPFAR’s scientific advisory board … we know that the best-intended efforts by committed staff and capable advisers still require clear and consistent leadership.

PEPFAR’s DREAMS initiative has reduced new infections among adolescent girls and young women who are particularly vulnerable to HIV in several sub-Saharan African countries.

Moreover, the HIV policy, programmatic, and laboratory infrastructure that PEPFAR has helped to build over the past 18 years is the strongest foundation for an equitable global response to COVID-19 and future pandemics. To put it simply, PEPFAR is US global leadership at its best.

PEPFAR’s impact is so enormous, and its leadership is seen as so important to US efforts to advance global health and security, that its program director holds the title of ambassador — unique among US global health employees, and its activities are coordinated by the US Department of State. Of all of the vacant ambassadorships in Washington, PEPFAR’s vacant leadership is one that causes global health advocates the most alarm.

Of course, this multibillion-dollar global initiative continues to function, even without clear leadership. But the lack of a Presidentially-appointed and Senate-approved PEPFAR director is beginning to take its toll on efforts, such as those approved at the 2016 United Nations High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS, to end the global AIDS epidemic by 2030, where US leadership was necessary to secure global commitments.

PEPFAR-supported infrastructure is also critical to ending COVID-19 globally, an effort that must be coordinated between a permanent PEPFAR director and the recently appointed Gayle Smith, the State Department’s coordinator for global COVID-19 response and health security.

As US Representatives and HIV/AIDS Caucus co-chairs, Barbara Lee and Jenniffer González-Colón noted in a recent letter to the White House, PEPFAR’s strategic plan, which lays out its global AIDS-control vision for the next five years, is currently being developed with no leader in place.

Daily decisions on efforts to ensure the delivery of critical PEPFAR services, now severely tested by COVID-19, are being made without the benefit of a director with a clear line to the highest levels of the US government.

That situation could have been understandable in the early weeks of a new presidency, but more than five months into the Biden-Harris administration, it’s past time to give PEPFAR leadership the priority it deserves. The administration’s failure to have named PEPFAR leader to work with member states at the recent UN High-Level Meeting, and to represent the program at the upcoming International AIDS Conference next month sends a message that HIV is no longer a priority for the administration.

Few doubt this administration’s commitments to a robust response to HIV/AIDS. The recent appointment of Harold Phillips as the director of the White House Office of HIV/AIDS Policy — a position left vacant since 2017 — will strengthen efforts to control and reduce the US’s own entrenched national HIV epidemic, which disproportionately impacts people from racial and ethnic minorities, men who have sex with men, heterosexual women, people who inject drugs, transgender people, and people from other marginalized communities.

As members of PEPFAR’s scientific advisory board, however, we know that the best-intended efforts by committed staff and capable advisers still require clear and consistent leadership from a director who brings the demonstrated confidence of the President, Secretary of State, and Congress to the table.

The world has just commemorated the solemn anniversary of 40 years of AIDS. Now it’s time for the President to nominate a strong PEPFAR leader with the vision and commitment to help lead global efforts to control and eliminate AIDS in the years ahead.

New Resources and Webinar on AVAC.org

Check out the new resources and events available on avac.org, plus a new site for global AIDS policy resources!

An “HIV Prevention Buffet” and a DJ

The AIDS Foundation of Chicago, in partnership with AVAC, the Black AIDS Institute, Desmond Tutu Health Foundation and SisterLove, is hosting a June 29 webinar, What’s Your Pleasure? Expanding Your Choices on the HIV Prevention Buffet. The event will feature global HIV prevention research experts, spoken word artistry and a smokin’ DJ (yes, a DJ!). The focus of the webinar will be on the HIV prevention research pipeline, including a wide array of molecules and modalities. Speakers include Desmond Tutu Health Foundation’s Dr. Linda-Gail Bekker, Dazon Dixon Diallo of SisterLove and the Black AIDS Institute’s Rob Newells-Newton. Register here.

Monitoring Progress Towards PrEP-FP Integration

Authors from the OPTIONS, PROMISE and CHOICE consortia, including AVAC’s Jessica Rodrigues, recently published an article, “Integrating oral PrEP into family planning services for women in sub-Saharan Africa: findings from a multi-country landscape analysis” in Frontiers in Reproductive Health. In the piece they share their desk review to develop a PrEP-FP integration framework—as integration of HIV and family planning services sees a renewed focus for national policy makers, donors, and implementers in sub-Saharan Africa. In the authors’ analysis, none of the countries included had made substantial progress toward integrated PrEP-FP service delivery. Check out the article for a road map for policy makers, program implementers, and health care providers to assess and monitor progress toward PrEP-FP integration. This work complements AVAC’s ongoing SRH/HIV integration work. Read more.

PrEP “Cycling”: The dance of oral PrEP

The landscape for PrEP is in the midst of transformation, with opportunities to understand and improve HIV prevention. With increasing numbers taking oral PrEP and new products on the horizon, such as the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring and long-acting cabotegravir, the world must get rollout right. There are vital lessons to learn from how people use oral PrEP and critical questions to answer. AVACer Jeanne Baron’s blog, PrEP “Cycling”: The dance of oral PrEP explores one key lesson from today’s PrEP users that could mean a new definition of success with PrEP. Read more.

A New Look for the GAPP

The Global AIDS Policy Partnership (GAPP) is a coalition of over 70 organizations committed to expanding and improving US global HIV/AIDS programming, and they’ve got a new website! Visit globalaidspolicy.org for information on member organizations, global AIDS policy resources and a calendar of events. AVAC is a long-time member of the GAPP and hosts the staff secretariat for the partnership. Read more.

UN HLM: Civil society says “Yes — AND” to the 2021 political declaration

A special HLM page on avac.org recaps some of the events at the HLM earlier in June and includes an editorial from AVAC’s Maureen Luba, published in Science Speaks, which puts the Political Declaration in context and sharpens the focus on the need to eliminate punitive laws and structures that result in discrimination and stigma. Read more.

PrEP “Cycling”: The dance of oral PrEP

The landscape for PrEP is in the midst of transformation, with opportunities to understand and improve HIV prevention. With increasing numbers taking oral PrEP and new products on the horizon, such as the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring and long-acting cabotegravir, the world must get rollout right. There are vital lessons to learn from how people use oral PrEP and critical questions to answer. AVACer Jeanne Baron’s blog, PrEP “Cycling”: The dance of oral PrEP explores one key lesson from today’s PrEP-users that could mean a new definition of success with PrEP.

And be sure to check two recent reports from AVAC’s Prevention Market Manager (PMM) project and Jhpiego, Evaluating, Scaling up and Enhancing Strategies for Supporting PrEP Continuation and Effective Use and Defining and Measuring the Effective Use of PrEP which offer key recommendations for this evolving field.

PrEP “Cycling”: The dance of oral PrEP

By Jeanne Baron

Oral PrEP, a daily pill first approved by the FDA in 2012, has changed a lot of things for the better for Josephine Aseme. At the start of 2021, more than a million people had at least started PrEP at some point since 2016—it’s movement in the right direction, but still shockingly short of the global target to reach at least three million people in that time-frame. Still there’s no question, it’s an essential HIV prevention option for Josephine and for many of the 12,000 women in the organization she founded in 2015 for women at risk, the Nigeria-based Greater Women Initiative for Health and Rights.

As a leader for sex workers’ rights, an advocate for poor and vulnerable woman, an AVAC Fellow and a sex worker herself, Josephine says she began taking PrEP in 2017 and quickly understood this pill would change her life. “PrEP really made a big impact for me. Clients cannot be trusted; they will deliberately misuse condoms, and I may not notice or be able to stop them. I was always scared of HIV. PrEP came along and empowered me to know that I can stay [HIV] negative.” So why is it that many PrEP users, including Josephine, sometimes “cycle off” PrEP, at least for a time? Understanding this question is imperative.

PrEP only works if you take it. For years, public health messaging, programs, services and data collection have attempted to reflect this fact of biology. A person has to have a certain level of drug in their body to be protected. This means that missed doses and missed appointments for refills, days and weeks not taking the preventive medication, represent a challenge, if not a serious problem. This in turn has led many to consider the discontinuation of PrEP as a potential failure; of programs and policies, of leadership and decision-makers, or even of users.

But the conversation is changing and stories from PrEP champions like Josephine, as well as data from studies, are leading the way. Josephine has counseled countless women on the potential benefits, risks and use of PrEP, and she herself has dropped her daily pill for periods of time only to later pick it up again.

A growing body of research about what’s behind this “cycling” points to a cross current of pressures. Many have been documented and are clearly barriers to PrEP use: side effects, stock-outs, fear of disclosure to partners and family, stigma and access issues, among others. But some people consciously choose to stop taking their pills, keen to give their bodies a rest from daily medication as they enter a period of their lives when HIV’s shadow is not so long.

While programs must have the resources to deliver PrEP to everyone who can benefit from it, a conversation with Josephine Aseme suggests there’s much to learn and understand about these patterns of use, and how policies and programs can support people to take PrEP when they need it.

Josephine has stopped taking her daily pill several times in the last five years. Once when traveling, she forgot her pills and found herself in a region where there was no access to PrEP. “I was away for a week and I reached out to other KPs [key populations eligible for PrEP] to see if I could get pills. It was sad. There was no PrEP there.”

At least twice she confronted stockouts after traveling hours to her regular “One-Stop-Shop” that offers stigma-free services for key populations. The month she visited her family she wasn’t working and dropped the pill while there. And during the terrifying month of March 2020, when COVID-19 shut down everything, she stopped taking PrEP.

And then there was the time she just got fed up. “I’d been on PrEP a long time. I was saying to myself ‘I’m tired.’ Some part of me was thinking, ‘enough of this medication has been in my system. I’m going off for two or three months.’ But at the same time, I was still doing sex work and I was still scared of HIV.”

Eventually that anxiety drove Josephine back to PrEP and she has not cycled off since May 2020. She says her experience with going on and off PrEP is typical. One of her own staff, another PrEP champion and a sex worker, went off PrEP for a time. “When I learned about it and asked her why, it was clear she understood the consequences. But I wasn’t surprised because I have gone through the same stage. She was just tired of taking a pill. She’s back on it now.” And why did she go back on it? Josephine offers insight into this.

In one of her programs at Greater Women Initiative for Health and Rights, Josephine offers support to sex workers at hot spots where they meet clients. Her conversations from this outreach put a spotlight on the struggle to stay HIV negative, and the pressures, fears and opportunities that spur a return to PrEP.

Josephine goes to the hot spots to share prevention messages, and remind people that they can stay negative. “I’ll see people I have helped to get PrEP, or provided referrals to PrEP, and they’ll tell me ‘sorry, my pill finished months ago, but now I feel like I need to go back to the pill’. Josephine says brothel owners will send them packing if they become positive. Most of the brothel owners encourage regular and mandatory HIV testing. “That fear will bring others back on track with PrEP. Maybe someone they know has just become positive. Sometimes my phone will ring with someone saying ‘I just remembered to call you today, please where can I get PrEP. I am in a new location now, where I can find it.’ We see this a lot in our program.”

The SEARCH study, conducted among the population of 16 communities in rural Kenya and Uganda since 2013, has provided telling data on these patterns. Still ongoing, SEARCH studied interventions to bring down the incidence of HIV, including rapid access to PrEP with counseling, and flexible options for follow-up, among other things. Among the key findings: 83 percent of study participants stopped PrEP at least once (half of them later restarted). Among those who initiated PrEP, incidence went down 74 percent (compared to control groups that were not offered this enriched program for PrEP) even though self-reported adherence among the whole cohort was never better than 42 percent and declined to 27 percent by week 60. The explanation may be that those who self-reported being at risk showed much higher adherence, never lower than 70 percent.

These data along with data from the US, the UK and Australia, among other high-income settings, suggest “coverage”—getting enough PrEP to the people who need it—can result in lower incidence across a population of PrEP users, even if many people are cycling on and off. It’s a picture that demands more nuance in how the field defines using PrEP effectively.

Two recent reports from AVAC’s Prevention Market Manager (PMM) project and Jhpiego, Evaluating, Scaling up and Enhancing Strategies for Supporting PrEP Continuation and Effective Use and Defining and Measuring the Effective Use of PrEP offer key recommendations to address these complex issues: the field should develop new definitions and metrics for effective PrEP use that anticipate that people will cycle on and off; a new focus on the impact of all PrEP products on reducing HIV incidence is needed; and more research must be done to understand the range of reasons people discontinue and return to PrEP.

Supporting people during seasons of risk to stay on PrEP will be relevant to the next generation of prevention products, including the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring (DVR) and injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA), both approved by regulatory bodies and moving toward introduction, as well as the PrEP strategies still being tested, such as the islatravir monthly pill and injectable lenacapavir.

Even though these methods are longer-acting than daily oral PrEP, they each come with challenges. People will also start and stop or switch products. Exactly why and when, and how they find their way back to prevention must be better understood. Reaching women in remote villages in languages they understand must be part of the plan. And all this knowledge must be applied to programs and policies that should soon be offering an increasing number of options. Will those options be integrated into services that result in meaningful choices for Josephine Aseme and the women she works with? Josephine says she certainly hopes so, because sticking with daily oral PrEP has been hard, a life-saving yoke that sits heavily.

As a panelist at a recent prevention conference Josephine said a lot of the information wasn’t new, but she got excited when someone said PrEP is not a lifetime pill. “I really liked hearing this; the idea that I don’t have to be on PrEP forever. I am grateful for PrEP having my back all these years, for protecting me. But I am not happy taking it every day. I want to be able to choose other methods to protect myself. Every time I counsel someone who is initiating PrEP they ask me ‘how long do I have to be on it’ and it’s so good to say, ‘it’s not a lifetime pill. When you are still at risk, take the pill. When the risk stops, so does the pill.’”


Other publications coming from the PMM explore related topics in-depth: Lessons from Oral PrEP Programs and Their Implications for Next Generation Prevention, to be published shortly, draws lessons from the introduction of PrEP in terms of demand creation, the design of delivery, assessing impact and more. And a series of highly-focused briefs, also to be published in the weeks to come, will dive into key technical recommendations. Watch out for these!

A UN Message on HIV, What Advocates Say

Last week, UN member states approved the 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS at the fifth High-Level Meeting on AIDS. On the face of it, this year’s Political Declaration, passed with overwhelming support, includes much to applaud: new ambitious targets for prevention, investment targets for treatment, and a financial and moral commitment to end gender inequality, stigma and discrimination. But the vote was not unanimous, various member states undercut the basic commitments to human rights and political divisions could well threaten the targets and the ultimate achievement of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

The COVID-19 response and last week’s Declaration make it clear that the biggest obstacle to overcoming HIV and other health threats is not money but laws and policies that affect access to prevention, treatment and care for all populations. Advocates can find resources and information to support their work on these issues at this dedicated page on AVAC.org, featuring:

  • A statement from more than 80 organizations, including many partners from AVAC’s COMPASS and Advocacy Fellows programs, raises the alarm that the Political Declaration does not address the harmful and hateful effect of criminalizing key populations, such as gay men and sex workers.
  • An editorial from AVAC’s Maureen Luba, published in Science Speaks, puts the Political Declaration in context and sharpens the focus on the need to eliminate punitive laws and structures that result in discrimination and stigma.
  • No Prevention, No End: The importance of Leadership for HIV prevention – How decisions can turn an epidemic
    AVAC’s Mitchell Warren and partners, Joyce Ouma and Lilian Benjamin Mwakyosi, discuss the role of leadership to achieve the HIV prevention targets by 2030. Check out the recording from the special session on HIV prevention convened by the Global Prevention Coalition.
  • Facts of Life: Youth, Sexuality & HIV
    A lively debate between young people, government representatives and other experts on what’s working, what isn’t and why in securing young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Check out the recording.

UN Political Declarations come and go. But the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS in 2001 was transformative—catalyzing the creation of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, and eventually PEPFAR, and establishing a truly global response to the epidemic. This year’s meeting and Declaration remind us that turning progress into lasting change depends on our collective action.

UN 5th High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS: Civil society says “Yes — AND” to the 2021 political declaration

Maureen Luba Milambe is the African Regional Advocacy Advisor: COMPASS and AVAC, based in Malawi. This piece first appeared on Science Speaks.

On Tuesday (June 8), the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to approve the 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS introduced as part of the now fifth High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS. Previous Declarations were accepted by unanimous consent, following months of negotiations. This year’s Political Declaration includes much to applaud, including new ambitious targets for prevention, investment goals to ensure everyone who needs treatment has access to it, and a financial and moral commitment to end gender inequality, stigma and discrimination. While all true, the overwhelming vote in favor, 165-5 (it was unexpectedly forced to a vote by the Russian Federation) obscures divisions that still exist around human rights and support for key populations and will undermine the targets and goals set forth in the declaration for the next five years, unless we pay heed.

The Russian Federation and a handful of other countries worked in the weeks ahead of the HLM to eliminate mention of harm reduction and rights-based programming, and weaken provisions related to key populations and youth. As Permanent Representative of Australia and meeting co-facilitator Mitchell Fifield noted, the Russian Federation made 73 changes to the document and then voted against the declaration it had weakened. Then after the vote, many countries that voted in favor of the declaration quickly disassociated themselves from the areas in it that addressed the rights of key populations or young people. Courtney Nemroff, the US representative, highlighted the problem in her remarks: the declaration, although an important step forward, still “lacks the ambition needed to meet the stated goals of this high-level meeting — ending inequalities and ending AIDS.”

Early in the epidemic, which quietly spread for years, and 40 years ago this month began to receive attention from healthcare workers, scientists and activists, financing appeared to be the main obstacle to protecting the health and welfare of all those affected by HIV. There were some who thought the global “mortgage” of a commitment to treat all could never be fully funded. This was never true, and COVID-19 has shown that money flows when the political will exists. The additional US$10 billion in investment that UNAIDS calls for to end the HIV epidemic by 2030 seems modest in comparison to COVID-19 investments.

What the COVID-19 response and last week’s declaration demonstrate is that the biggest obstacle to overcoming HIV and other health threats is not money but laws and policies that affect access to prevention, treatment and care for all populations. The declaration commits to reducing annual HIV infections to under 370,000 people and to ensure by 2025 that 95 percent of people at risk of HIV infection are able to obtain appropriate, person-centered and effective combination prevention. But how can this be achieved when countries continue to criminalize or restrict the autonomy and rights of those people they need to reach?

A number of organizations and activists have spoken out after the adoption of the declaration. Together these responses represent a community amendment to the declaration. Together they say ‘yes’ to the declaration and

  • Protect human rights and eliminate structural barriers that result in discrimination, gender inequality, underfunding and excluding people living with HIV and people most at risk of HIV, such as key populations, priority populations and children who may be at elevated risk of HIV.
  • Protect the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls, eliminate gender-based inequalities, gender-based violence, stigma and discrimination, as well as punitive legal and policy environments.
  • Commit to global accessibility, availability and affordability of safe, effective and quality-assured medicines, including generics, vaccines, diagnostics and other health technologies to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV infection.

Even though the vote on June 8 was overwhelmingly in favor of the Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, the problem with a split vote is that it no longer sets the standards for policy in the way that a consensus adoption does. A new study from Georgetown University found little evidence in support of the argument that criminalizing behavior of marginalized people in a pandemic results in positive outcomes for them or their national response. The Political Declaration could have defined the minimum standards for developing policies that support those most at risk of HIV. Instead, it becomes the ceiling that may never be reached by many countries, unless civil society again makes the case and governments actually adopt policies that acknowledge that there is no end to the HIV epidemic without involving, supporting and accepting everyone.

Protecting Global Gains: Connecting Ecuador’s indigenous communities to health care

The latest Protecting Global Gains, Connecting Ecuador’s indigenous communities to health care through training in native languages, describes how health workers are reaching marginalized and geographically isolated communities during the ongoing pandemic.

Thanks to an innovative virtual training program launched by Universidad Católica de Cuenca and Project HOPE—a global health and humanitarian assistance organization—community health workers in Ecuador are delivering critical messaging on COVID-19 prevention in the native languages of Kichwa and Shuar. Health workers who successfully complete the training form a health brigade responsible for educating at least 2,000 local leaders who continue the knowledge-sharing within their own communities. By using local languages to communicate the importance of mask wearing, social distancing and handwashing, healthcare workers are providing life-saving health information to some of the most rural and far-flung communities.

Ecuador’s community health workers and this inclusive outreach holds promise beyond the context of COVID-19; the health brigades can help administer standard childhood vaccines, conduct prenatal consultations, and provide treatment for common ailments, much of which has been placed on hold during the pandemic lockdowns. The program’s success highlights the importance of adaptive and client-centered services that are responsive to the unique needs of marginalized populations.

Follow Protecting Global Gains on social media at @HIVpxresearch, @theglobalfight, @Amref_Worldwide, and #ProtectingGlobalGains, and consider amplifying these stories on your own social media. Advocates who are health care professionals can also join Project HOPE’s volunteer roster to help strengthen health systems in vulnerable communities around the world. Visit www.protectingglobalgains.org to learn more about how to take action.

40 years of HIV/AIDS, and 18 months of COVID: Resources and Perspectives

It’s 18 months and counting since COVID-19 hit the world, and it’s 40 years this week since the first cases of HIV appeared in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of the CDC. Both epidemics have deeply scarred humankind, and neither can be vanquished without prevention. That message is vital to remember as the UN High Level Meeting (HLM) on AIDS begins next week—20 years since the first UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS that led to the establishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

At AVAC.org we have new resources to support your advocacy and get you the latest information on the prevention pipelines for both HIV and COVID-19—and some recommended reading, too, from some friends and colleagues:

We hope you’ll scroll down for a roundup of recently updated materials. And we hope you’ll join a side meeting at the HLM, No Prevention, No End: The importance of leadership for HIV prevention—How decisions can turn an epidemic. Register to support the urgent need for leadership to reach the 2030 UN targets. And to see the larger conversation of the HLM, and AVAC’s take, on Twitter, follow #HLM2021AIDS.

The HIV Prevention Pipeline

  • AVAC’s classic infographic, The Future of ARV-Based Prevention and More, has a fresh update. It offers a look at the range of non-vaccine technology moving from pre-clinical through phase IV trials.
  • HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on May 18th brought a slew of resources for vaccine advocacy. On AVAC’s dedicated page for HVAD 2021 you will find key messages, a PowerPoint for basic vaccine science, podcasts, opinion pieces and more.
  • You won’t want to miss the June 29th webinar, What’s Your Pleasure? Expanding Your Choices on the HIV Prevention Buffet. The talk will be both a scientific update on the research pipeline—with Dr. Linda-Gail Bekker from the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, Dazon Dixon Diallo from SisterLove, and Rob Newells from the Black AIDS Institute—and a happenin’ gathering with spoken word artist Storie Deveraux and DJ set by DJ Triple D. Register here.

Updates On COVID Vaccines

How to be #HIVvaccineaware this #HVAD2021

Today, May 18th, is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD), and advocates are calling for policies, science and advocacy for HIV vaccines that leverage the lessons of the past year.

This HVAD, we are focused on how the COVID experience can speed the development AND delivery of vaccines for HIV, TB, malaria and other diseases. Below you’ll find a roundup of resources, from AVAC and others, providing context, key messages and other information on what the field has learned from COVID-19, the essential role of vaccines in global health, and what’s next in the search for an HIV vaccine.

Vaccines & Global Health in Perspective

  • In a commentary today in Bhekisisa, Fatima Hassan of Health Justice Initiative and AVAC’s Mitchell Warren outline Finding an HIV vaccine: Five lessons from the response to COVID-19.
  • Episode 1 of the new podcast from the International AIDS Society (IAS), HIV Unmuted takes listeners to the global HIV change-makers who have shaped the response and asks what must happen now to end the AIDS epidemic. This debut episode features the NIH’s Anthony Fauci, AVAC’s Maureen Luba, Udom Likhitwonnawut from Thailand’s National Community Advisory Board, and others.
  • In their piece, How HIV Vaccine Advocacy Can Leverage Lessons from COVID-19, USAID’s Ashley Lima and Margaret McCluskey draw on the experiences and perspective of CASPR partners and their agenda for vaccine advocacy in the midst of COVID.

AVAC’s HVAD Package
Check out AVAC’s key messages for this HVAD. Designed for easy communication, this resource outlines the six ways that the COVID experience can shape HIV vaccine advocacy moving forward. For social media, we hope our sample tiles and tweets will inspire action to keep audiences #HIVvaccineaware this #HVAD2021. Download tiles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Get the basics with AVAC’s annually updated powerpoint tutorial on HIV vaccines; current and planned vaccine research with this table of clinical trials; and our infographics gallery allows you to search by prevention intervention. All of these resources and more are up at www.avac.org/hvad.

IAVI’s HVAD Resources
We encourage you to explore IAVI’s #HVAD2021 toolkit for the perspectives of scientists and community liaison teams, videos on the science and development of vaccines, and tiles and tweets supporting their HVAD campaign at #EyesOnTheTarget and more.

Updates from the Field

  • Earlier today, WACI Health and AfNHI hosted a webinar exploring the remarkable advances in HIV vaccine research and the promising concepts being studied today with Ntando Yola, of APHA-South Africa and the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, and Nyaradzo Mgodi, clinical pathologist from the University of Zimbabwe. Look for a recording of the webinar here, along with recordings of two additional webinars: one co-hosted by IAVI and KANCO featuring leading researchers and advocates in East Africa and one co-hosted by IAVI and SANAC featuring leaders in South Africa.
  • On May 13th, AVAC hosted a webinar HIV Vaccines in the Midst of COVID. In this recording you’ll hear researchers and advocates discussing new vaccine technologies, delivery challenges, community engagement, and confidence in both vaccines and vaccine research.
  • In the latest episode of AVAC’s Px Pulse podcast, Dive into the AMP Trials, we unpack the results of the recent Antibody-Mediated Prevention (AMP) studies, which will inform the fields of antibodies-for-prevention, and HIV vaccine research.

We can make #HVAD2021 the turning point, when the full potential of vaccines becomes undeniable, and the world renews its commitment to the search for vaccines for HIV, TB and other diseases that continue to threaten so many people’s health and well-being.