Advocates Condemn Cuts to WHO

AVAC, Health GAP, KEI and TAG

AVAC, Health GAP, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) and Treatment Action Group (TAG) strongly condemn the Trump Administration’s decision to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the midst of the urgent COVID-19 global health crisis.

“In a time where international cooperation on public health strategy, science, data and information sharing is more urgently needed than ever before, the Trump Administration has made an incredibly shortsighted decision to pull critical commitments to the WHO,” commented Mark Harrington, Executive Director of TAG. “Cutting global health funding in the middle of a pandemic will only prolong the devastating loss of life and economic damage in the US and across the world, and undermine the response to other infectious diseases, including HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C.”

WHO plays a central role in developing normative guidance, and coordinating data and best practices in public health for its member states to implement through national programs and policy. This ensures in-country public health responses on-the-ground are backed by data and science, particularly in countries where COVID-19 continues to surge.

“WHO coordination, guidance and mobilization of the public health response is tremendously important for supporting countries with struggling with limited resources, conflict and other humanitarian and ecological disaster-related crises,” explains Suraj Madoori, TAG’s US and Global Health Policy Director. “The COVID-19 epidemic will devastate already constrained health systems without the good global governance, cooperation, transparency, protection of human rights, access to health technologies for all—principles embodied by the WHO.”

The US contributes $893 million to WHO over two-years, accounting for nearly 15 percent of the agency’s budget. According to the WHO, funding contributions from the US government support a range of pandemic response activities, including prevention and control of outbreaks, emergency operations, strengthening surveillance and early warning management. Moreover, roughly $89 million (10 percent) of US funding to WHO supports tuberculosis (TB), HIV and hepatitis programming at the agency – placing even more pressure on the global response to these diseases, which has been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and the COVID-19 response in many countries.

“The Trump administration’s efforts to deflect and distract will be deadly for people living with HIV, particularly in countries that are in desperate need of increased emergency funding to bolster health systems that could be pushed to their limit by COVID-19,” said Asia Russell, Executive Director of the Health Global Access Project (Health GAP). “Defunding the WHO shows the administration’s callous disregard for human life. Congress should take immediate steps to protect and in fact increase the US investment in global health.”

Developing the guidance, surveillance, treatments, diagnostics and vaccines needed to curb the COVID-19 pandemic requires increased resources and international cooperation. To date, in the US there are an over 600,000 confirmed cases, and an estimated 26,000 deaths.

“Even with a perfect response to COVID-19 in the US, which is far from the case, we would still need WHO’s global efforts to help ensure that the pandemic is brought under control across the globe,” said Mitchell Warren, AVAC’s Executive Director. “Without robust international cooperation and WHO leadership, we cannot end this pandemic.”

This virus respects no borders. COVID-19 anywhere can quickly become COVID-19 everywhere. The US government must immediately restore and protect funding to WHO and work to ensure global cooperation in the pandemic response.

“The WHO needs to be fully operational and Trump’s comments are a massive distraction. The US already has enormous influence on WHO policies, but Trump’s comments and actions will reduce this, and breed deep and lasting resentment to the US around the world,” warned James Love, Executive Director for KEI.

AVAC, Health GAP, KEI and TAG urgently calls on Congress to take action to ensure that no appropriated funding to the WHO and global health partners is withheld in a time of critical need to address the growing COVID-19 crisis.

Thank you for helping us carry this message forward! And stay tuned for continuing resources and key messages that advocates can use to fight the epidemics we face today.

New Resources on and

On the heels of our spotlight last week looking at the intersection of COVID-19 and HIV, this edition of the Advocates Network features new resources for HIV prevention research and advocacy, work that’s as important today as ever before. Both HIV and COVID-19 are urgent matters of public health, demanding a sustained commitment. Use these tools to stay informed and connected, and scroll down for COVID-19 materials.

PrEP Use Today

  • Our infographic, PrEP Initiations By Country World Wide, updates the global number of people initiating PrEP to date. We are monitoring this data particularly closely to see the impact of COVID-19 on PrEP use, so stay tuned for next quarter’s update and all things PrEP at

Three Weeks of Activism in Action: PEPFAR COPs 2020

Every year, country teams from more than 50 countries work with the US Government’s President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to make plans and set targets for the year ahead. Over three weeks, civil society and advocates are in meeting rooms fighting for better policies and winning important gains. Check out this year’s wins:

Px Pulse: Understanding HVTN 702

The latest installment of AVAC’s podcast, Px Pulse, talks about what’s next for HVTN 702 (also known as Uhambo). Data show the vaccine tested is safe, but offers no protection against HIV.

COVID-19 & HIV’s dedicated page to COVID-19 and HIV provides essential resources to support an advocacy agenda on the combined impact of COVID-19 and HIV.

Programs, Products, Services and Users: HIV & SRH integration is the future of prevention

The 2019 results of the ECHO (Evidence for Contraceptive Options in HIV Outcomes) trial, which evaluated differences in risk of acquiring HIV among women using three different forms of contraception, revealed astoundingly high rates of HIV incidence in women across the study. Though none of the methods themselves comparatively increased one’s risk of HIV, the high incidence alone elevated a long-standing call for the integration of HIV prevention and sexual & reproductive health (SRH) services. The recent early stop of the HVTN 702 vaccine trial in South Africa showed similar rates of new infections among women—as with ECHO, over 4 percent incidence rates, well above the WHO definition of “substantial risk” at 3 percent in their oral PrEP recommendation.

Taken together, these results underscore the need to bring integration to service delivery, programs and products, including the need for new multipurpose prevention options as a public health imperative.

Integrating HIV and SRH has been successfully put into practice for family planning in HIV care and treatment clinics and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services in maternal and child health clinics. But integrating HIV prevention—most recently the addition of oral PrEP—and SRH services has been slow.

Effective integration of HIV/SRH requires multilayered prevention, an issue highlighted in AVAC Report 2019: Now What?. Multilayered prevention can—and should—encompass both SRH and HIV services and products, including multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs), such as condoms or the dual prevention pill (see below); and embed these services and products in “multisectoral strategies”, such as policy reform, community norms-changing and economic empowerment.

More MPTs must be developed and ultimately brought to market. Imagine a single pill that combines both oral PrEP and oral contraception, or, eventually, combining both strategies in a vaginal ring, injectable or implant. For young women who are inconvenienced by going to one clinic for PrEP and another for family planning, likely traveling far and waiting in long lines for both, a dual prevention pill could lessen the burden and provide the same protection against HIV and unintended pregnancy. In a multilayered context, that dual prevention pill would be available at whatever clinic they prefer to use, and once there they are connected to other services that speak to their most pressing needs.

AVAC, as part of its HIV Prevention Market Manager (PMM) project, worked with partners to understand what it will take to integrate HIV prevention and SRH services, and has developed a number of new resources:

It’s time to act on tried and tested approaches as well as spur new efforts to deliver comprehensive services that address the comprehensive health needs of girls and women.

In addition, to learn further from integration efforts to date, AVAC began rapid assessments of HIV/SRH integration in Kenya and Zimbabwe in late 2019, in collaboration with both countries’ Ministries of Health.

In early 2020, AVAC co-convened a meeting with Kenya’s National AIDS and STIs Control Programme (NASCOP) and the Department of Family Health to build on the findings and develop tangible ways to integrate HIV prevention and SRH. A multisectoral group of national and county-level Ministry of Health officials, implementing partners, researchers, frontline providers, civil society and youth lent their diverse perspectives and agreed on several next steps. Among them, a technical working group (TWG) on integration and policy guidance will be formed, and select health facilities will pilot integrated services to better understand what approaches work and can be replicated.

Stronger integrated services can help improve existing delivery, particularly where reaching adolescent girls and young women has been a challenge, and help pave the way for a smooth introduction of MPTs. Initiative and innovation are needed in both services and products. AVAC is leveraging its strong partnerships to push for integration in both:

  • The USAID-funded Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research (CASPR) is building a cadre of advocates who understand the overall women’s HIV prevention research agenda as well as the MPT pipeline and are prepared to engage with policymakers, product developers and communities around the introduction of new options. In the near-term, a positive regulatory opinion on the dapivirine vaginal ring could lay the foundation for a future multipurpose vaginal ring.
  • Following the ECHO results, the Civil Society Advocacy Working Group on HC-HIV led by and for women in Africa is working to develop funded country plans for integrated services that center women and affirm the right to full information and informed choice.
  • A North-South collaboration of civil society organizations, known as COMPASS, is advocating for ambitious targets—in PEPFAR, Global Fund and locally-funded programs—to be set around integration of services in national and regional programs.

A health system that is responsive to the lives of girls and women will recognize that pregnancy, HIV, and STI prevention options should be readily available, accessible, and layered with behavioral and structural interventions. Integration of HIV prevention and SRH is a critical step toward providing this holistic, person-centered care.

Check out AVAC’s new webpage focused on HIV/SRH integration, where these and future resources will be housed to help inform evidence-based approaches to integration.

Telling the PrEP Story through Pictures: The Untapped Potential of the PhotoVoice Project

Qualitative research on PrEP often hinges on interviews with study participants. The 3Ps for Prevention (Partners, Perceptions and Pills) study (3P), which evaluates PrEP use and adherence in adolescent girls and young women in Cape Town, South Africa, decided to also try an alternative methodology: incorporate photography as a way for the young women to document their experience with PrEP. Their photographs added a visual component to the research, enhanced their agency as participants in the study, and helped them to shape the conversation about PrEP. The images they created gave researchers a unique view into participants’ perspectives on PrEP, revealing new dimensions to their experience and the factors that encourage or discourage PrEP use.

PhotoVoice is a participatory research methodology that depicts personal narratives through photography. Researchers at the Women’s Global Health Imperative program (WGHI) at RTI International conducted the PhotoVoice project in partnership with the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation (DTHF). Six young women from adherence clubs in the 3P study volunteered to participate in the project over a two-week period in July 2018. Researchers presented PhotoVoice as a tool participants could use to reflect on what motivates or deters PrEP use and adherence. At the time of the project, they had been taking PrEP for up to one year as participants in the 3P study.

By relying on visuals with brief captions as the primary mode of communication, PhotoVoice brought to light particular aspects to their experience that may not have emerged in interviews or surveys. In research studies with young people, sustaining participant interest and motivation can be difficult. This project is “a fun way to get participants more engaged,” says Shannon O’Rourke of WGHI at RTI International. “PhotoVoice taps into a different part of young women’s brain as they try to explain their experience through this PrEP journey,” says Ariane van der Straten, Senior Fellow and Director, WGHI at RTI International. “We tend to be verbal when we are conducting research – we primarily ask questions and ask participants to answer. PhotoVoice a very different process to produce images of that experience.”

The project kicked off with an initial focus group discussion and a training session by a local photographer on the PhotoVoice method and basic elements of photography. The young women participated in a series of follow up meetings where they shared their photography and discussed what they were hoping to capture about their experiences with PrEP. While the project facilitators provided some guidance, feedback and suggestions were largely offered by the participants themselves.

The project was structured around three topics – relationships, risk perception, messaging – which came through as major themes in interviews with 3P participants. Using these same themes as a guide for the photography allowed researchers to compare the images with the interviews. Participants were also encouraged to go beyond these themes and photograph anything related to their journey with PrEP, and in so doing, they drove the direction of the research. The project culminated in an exhibition at the DTHF Youth Centre in Masiphumelele, Cape Town (where the 3P study is located).

A rich array of photos were produced, highlighting how young women saw themselves in their communities and the lives they were aspiring to lead. The images explore what empowered them, what gave them a sense of belonging, and what they found challenging. In addition to taking photographs, participants wrote captions for each image, describing its significance or symbolic meaning.

Through this process, participants created their own representations of PrEP in their lives. For instance, a photo of women dancing signified how PrEP is empowering to one PhotoVoice participant. Photos depicting a partner’s distrust, worries about sexual violence, and alcohol abuse in their communities were uniquely vivid compared to verbal accounts of these situations, filtered through researchers’ written words. “I don’t think we realize the level of stress and trauma that these young women have to navigate on a daily basis – and what that translates to in terms of creating a commitment and a habit of taking pills,” explains van der Straten. “It was important to ground the words they’re saying into something that is more visually real.”

“When your partner is with you but still looks at other girls, he can put you in danger.”

These photographs enabled young women to express feelings metaphorically, expanding the range and depth of experiences they explored with researchers. A picture of plants deteriorating represents how PrEP prevents HIV in the body; another of children running along the beach shows how PrEP can help foster a fulfilling life. While talking can draw out the rationalized reasons behind the decision to take PrEP, “there is an emotional component to taking PrEP and sticking with PrEP. These pictures render better the emotional dimension that is sometimes hard to capture when we just ask questions,” says van der Straten.

“CD4 is losing power. Taking 3P (PrEP) to avoid HIV and make my CD4 strong.”

The photos and captions revealed the shifting factors that encourage or discourage PrEP use and how they change over time, depending on how long the women had been taking PrEP. Social support was fundamental for new users, with many depicting who they could count on. Family members, particularly mothers whom participants lived with, served as both strong sources of support and in some cases opposition. Those with longer term PrEP use portrayed self-motivation to take PrEP, saying it empowered them and made them feel safer in their communities. Some explored images showing the importance they attach to acting as advocates in their community.

“Support: my mom supports me all the time.”

The photos also illuminated reasons and patterns related to PrEP discontinuation. Most of the young women who stopped PrEP pointed to external circumstances that made PrEP use less feasible, rather than questioning its value. One stopped because she went through the process of becoming a traditional healer but intended to restart after her initiation in the role. Some experienced a death in the family; others had to move out of their communities. The project also highlighted the need to better understand women’s desire to stop and restart, and how to support changes in PrEP use. Those who stopped expressed that, “this is something I will look forward to do later on – just not right now,” says van der Straten.

In fact, most PhotoVoice participants reported positive experiences taking PrEP. It gave them an avenue to communicate with their partners about sexual health that they didn’t previously have. One said the PhotoVoice process allowed her to think more about why she was taking PrEP, and as a result now feels more motivated to adhere to her pills. Another felt it was important to depict her struggle with side effects in the beginning and overcoming these barriers.

“Be who you are.”

The issue of stigma was underrepresented in photos, not because it did not play a role in young women’s lives, but because it was harder for participants to take pictures of those who reject them. One, whose mother disapproved of PrEP, took a photo with her peer’s mother to illustrate a parent’s opposition to preventive pill-taking. Whereas PhotoVoice found that supportive relationships proved central to adherence and a positive experience of PrEP use; how young women internalize stigma and social opposition merits further research exploration.

The exhibition of participants’ photos at the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation Youth Centre in Masiphumelele created a dialogue among other young women in the 3P study who came to the exhibition, as they compared their own PrEP experiences to what was depicted in the photos.

PhotoVoice proved instrumental for the 3P study and has the potential to enrich research studies more broadly. In the 3P study, PhotoVoice cued researchers early to the need to know much more about the emotional journey young PrEP users experienced. Subsequent qualitative analysis was structured to continue to explore these questions, yielding valuable insights around different types of motivations and the process of forming an identity as a PrEP user. Other studies could similarly benefit from giving participants this alternative, expressive form of self-exploration, and a participatory process to feel more engaged in co-creating the research.

Beyond research, PhotoVoice projects could be built into the design of PrEP programs to understand how PrEP users define their emotional journey and the significance of PrEP. It would allow programs to better align with what’s happening in participants’ lives and offer tailored support. And while many researchers and implementers grapple with the question of how to improve PrEP persistence rates, PhotoVoice could unearth potential solutions. “It’s a powerful tool that is not used enough,” says van der Straten. Making research more visual offers a new window into the lives of young women and, in turn, allow programs to better serve them.

For more information on the work of the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation and RTI International’s work, see:

Essential COVID-19 & HIV Resources at

In this unprecedented time, AVAC has been urgently gathering evidence-based information on COVID-19 and the research underway to treat or prevent it. We are sharing these resources with you today—scroll down to dig in immediately.

Great loss of life, misinformation, stigma, mistrust, failing political leadership and communities living in fear because of COVID-19 remind us of the beginning of the HIV epidemic. These are days that are painful to remember, but looking back also reminds us of how much we’ve learned – and what we now must do. We must bring those lessons to the global response to COVID-19.

The HIV community has a unique role to play. COVID-19 research is an essential, global priority. As HIV and global health advocates, we know that an inclusive, cooperative response is imperative to bring an end to this international crisis.

Use the resources below to stay informed and stay connected.

Advocacy in Action

COVID and HIV Webinars

Essential Resources

  • Resources for Advocates
    Regularly updated and curated list of sources on a range of issues related to COVID-19, including prevention and transmission, the research pipeline and country-specific resources.
  • Research Process Basics
    Tony Fauci, NIAID Director and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, provides a 5-minute tutorial on product development and the research process (excerpted from the March 26 White House briefing).

Have a resource to add or one you’d like to see? Please be in touch!

Together we can get out the facts, demand equitable access to interventions, advocate for ethical research grounded in Good Participatory Practice, and hold global leaders accountable. AVAC will continue to reach out and forge paths for joint action.

Advocates Call for Ethical Research for COVID-19 Solutions

April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed how research and development can happen. We have seen potential new COVID-19 treatments, vaccines and other prevention options move into human trials with unprecedented speed and with strong, innovative global collaboration. But at the same time, we’ve heard politicians and national leaders tout unproven treatment and prevention options.

It is essential to state clearly: There are currently no approved treatments, cures, vaccines or other biomedical prevention options for COVID-19. Treatment and prevention options are needed across the globe, and ethical and inclusive research and development is critical to meet this need.

Everyone is impacted by the SARS Coronavirus 2, the causative agent of COVID-19 disease. The virus knows no borders and doesn’t care about our social circumstances. Yet early data is exemplifying that underlying health inequities persist with COVID-19 along racial and socioeconomic lines. Research to find solutions to the pandemic must take into account the social, economic, racial, gender and geographic inequities that exist for both individuals and communities where research takes place and pay particular attention to those who are most vulnerable, in whatever community or country they live.

A recent interview with two French researchers speculating about the possibility of doing COVID-19 research in Africa—and suggesting it might be more efficient to conduct research where people might be “more exposed to the virus”—is repugnant. History is littered with examples of the most marginalized communities being exploited “in the name of research”, and no crisis, no matter how dire, should send us back to the times that have exhibited the worst of our humanity. We know it is possible to conduct ethical research quickly and safely, but only when those participating in research and the communities where the research is happening are central to the process, as codified in the UNAIDS/AVAC Good Participatory Practice Guidelines.

COVID-19 research is an essential, global priority. As HIV and global health advocates, we know that an inclusive, cooperative response is needed to address an international crisis. We are especially happy to see the announcement of the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, a new global effort to accelerate COVID-19 clinical research in resource-limited settings.

As research moves forward, individuals must be given clear information about the potential risks and benefits of study participation; trial communities must be meaningfully involved in developing and implementing study protocols; product developers must make a concerted and genuine effort to ensure historically underrepresented groups be included in clinical trials and have a comprehensive product development plan for all populations who may benefit from a potential product as well as a clear commitment to delivering access for all; and research must follow the World Health Organization’s Good Participatory Practice for Trials of Emerging Pathogens (GPP-EP).

We call on researchers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, regulators, policy makers, and funders of COVID-19 research to commit to upholding globally agreed-upon ethical and Good Participatory Practice standards for research. We also call on them to commit to ensuring rapid and equitable access to proven COVID-19 treatments, diagnostics, vaccines and other prevention options for people worldwide. If anyone is left behind, everyone is vulnerable.


Advocacy for Prevention of HIV and AIDS (APHA)
Advocates for Youth
African American Health Alliance
Afrocab Treatment Access Partnership
AIDS Action Baltimore
AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta
AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition (ATAC)
American Academy of HIV Medicine
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
Arcfrancis Foundation
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
ATHENA Network
Bar Hostess Empowerment and Support Program
Black AIDS Institute
CAMI Health
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Cascade AIDS Project
Center for Public Health, Laws, Social Economic Right and Advocacy
Central Illinois Friends
Centre for Family Health Initiative (CFHI)
Centre for Health Advocacy, Research & Program
Centre Stage Media Arts Foundation Zimbabwe
Champaign County Health Care Consumers
CHANGE (Center for Health and Gender Equity)
CNS (Citizen News Service)
Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS Uganda)
Coalition of Women Living with HIV and (COWLHA) Malawi
Cross World Care Foundation Kaduna
defeatHIV Community Advisory Board
Development for Peace Education
Environmental and Rural Mediation Centre (ENVIRUMEDIC)
European AIDS Treatment Group
Facilitators of Community Transformation (FACT)
Fort Lewis College
Forum for Collaborative Research
Frontline AIDS
Global Black Gay Men Connect
Global Health Liaisons
Global Health Technologies Coalition
Global Network of Black People working in HIV
GSSG : Gemeinnützige Stiftung
Guardian Angels Care and Support
Health GAP
Health Strategies, Solutions & Sytems LTD
HepCoS (Hepatitis collation of Sikkim)
HIV + Aging Research Project–Palm Springs
HIV i-Base
HIV Medicine Association
HIV Modernization Movement-Indiana
HIV Survivors and Partners Network
Home of Joy Foundation
House of Blahnik, Inc.
Howard Brown Health
Hwupenyu Health and Wellbeing Project
Ibis Reproductive Health
Impulse Bangkok
Independent Learner
Integrated Health Organization Rwanda
International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
International Community of Women living with HIV Eastern Africa (ICWEA)
International HIV Partnerships
International Partnership for Microbicides
International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA)
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) Global
John Snow, Inc. (JSI)
Joint Adherent Brothers and Sisters Against AIDS (JABASA)
Kenya Progressive Nurses Association
Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA)
Key Population Consortium of Kenya
Kiambu Sex Workers Advocacy Group

Latino Commission on AIDS
Legal Council for Health Justice
LILA Italian League for Fighting AIDS
Love to Love Organization
Men Against AIDS Youth Group
Mobilizing Our Brothers Initiative (MOBI)
MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health & Rights
NAM aidsmap
NASTAD (National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors)
National Association for Supporting People living with HIV/AIDS (ANSP+)
National Association for Young People Living with HIV in Malawi
National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition
National Coalition for LGBT Health
National Community Advisory Board (NCAB)
National Working Positive Coalition
New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS)
Nyanza Reproductive Health Society
Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS Trust (PZAT)
Parkers Mobile Clinic (Nigeria)
Partners In Health
People Living with HIV (PLAS) LYANTONDE
Planned Parenthood Global
Population and Development Iintiative
Positive Council Switzerland
Positive Voice
Reigners in Life (RIL)
School of Public Health, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Indianeswar
Setshaba Research Centre
Shanduko Yeupenyu Child Care
Shanti Project
Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre
Thailand National Community Advisory Board on HIV Research
The “DIRT” Advocacy Movement
The AIDS Institute
The Aurum Institute
The Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation
The Tuke Institute CIC
The Well Project
Treatment Action Group
Treatment Advocacy & Literacy Campaign (TALC)
Treatment Educat10n Network (TEN)
Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organisations (UNASO)
University of California San Francisco

University of KwaZulu-Natal
University of Oxford
US People Living With HIV Caucus
Vaccine Advocacy Resource Group (VARG)
We Think 4 A Change
Weaker Section Welfare Association
Wings To Transcend Namibia
Zambia Association for Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (ZAPHIT)
Zambia Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS – ZANERELA+
Zephyr LTNP Foundation, Inc.

Adeniyi Anthony Opeyemi
Adeshina Oluwafemi
Dr. Aloysius Hanson
Alween Banda
Andrea Weddle
Ángel Luis Hernández
Anna Forbes, MSS
April Kaur Randhawa
Ayodele Oluwakemi Oyetayo
Ayoola Oladosu
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Belinda Ameterra
Beryl Koblin
Bethany Young Holt
Birahim Pierre Ndiaye
Bruce Agins
Butch McKay
Carlos Santiago
Carole Treston
Dr. Carrie Foote
Charles Holmes
Charles Umeh
Chilufya H.
Cosmas Rongoti
Daisy Ouya
Dale Miller
David G. Ostrow, MD, PhD, LFAPA
Dawn Averitt
Deric Kimler
Derrick Mapp
Diane T Williams
Donnie TC Denome
Elizabeth Panahi
Emmanuel F Oyeleye
Eric Nsengiyumva
Ernest Hopkins
Fagbade Kunle
Fatima Abbas

Frank Michael Amort
Gabriel Boichat
Guillermo A Chacon
Henry Gabelnick
Huntly Collins
Ingrid Katz
Jared Baeten
Jean Baptiste Musafiri
Jeff Berry
Jeff Taylor
Jeffrey O’Malley
Jen Balkus
Jennifer Flynn Walker
Jeremy Kwan
Jim Pickett
Joaquim Sérgio Inácio Manhique
Jocelyn Anderson
Jordan Mwabutende Kaisi
Jose M Zuniga, PhD, MPH
Jose Sousa
Judith D. Auerbach
Julia Marcus, PhD, MPH
Julius Kachidza
Kate MacQueen
Katherine Parmalee
Kathryn Stephenson
Kay Marshall
Kaylan Szafranski
Kehinde Macaulay
Kennedy Chungu Palangwa
Kennedy Mupeli
Kennedy Otieno Olango
Kenneth Mwehonge
Kerri Penrose
Khatija Ahmed
Koliswa Konkwane
Krista Martel
Kristina Brooks
Krittaporn Termvanich
Latonya Maley
Laura D Wagner
Laura Mccullagh
Lawrence Ulu Ogbonnaya
Lella Cosmaro
Leon Roets
Lewis Marshall
Prof. Linda-Gail Bekker
Linda Joseph Robert
Lisa Noguchi
Lori Heise
Lori Miller
Luis G. Santiago
Lynn Werlich
Madzouka Kokolo
Manju Chatani
Margaret M. McCluskey
Mark Hubbard
Mark Misrok
Mary Dorsey
Mary Littleton
Massimo Oldrini
Matthew M. Kavanagh
Mbu Hlongwa
Mercy Mutonyi
Michaela Clayton
Michelle Jackson Rollins
Mitchell Warren
Mpume Gumede
Nanette Benbow
Naomi Hill

Nick Armstrong
Nishana Ramdas
Niwat Suwanphatthana
Noblyn Princewill
Ntombizodwa Nyoni
Oghenekome Richard Atoreze
Olarewaju Sunday
Olivier Manigart
Patrick Sseremba
Paul Clift
Pedro Goicochea
Peevara Srimanus
Pinkie Malepe
Rahab Mwaniki
Rena Janamnuaysook
Renee Heffron
Richard Stranz
Robert Palermo
Rochelle P. Walensky
Rodrigues Luis
Rosalind Coleman
Rosemary Musesengwa, PhD
Dr. Rupert Whitaker
Sarah Michienzi, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP
Sekatuka Abubaker
Shamal Waraich
Sharifah Kyomukama Nalugo
Sheena McCormack
Silvia Okoth
Simon Collins, HIV i-Base
Simon Odiwuor K’Ondiek
Sinah Teemane
Siriporn Nonenoy
Sofonea Shale
Sorawit Amatavete
Dr. Steffanie Strathdee
Stella Gitia
Stella Kirkendale
Stephani Becker
Prof. Sudhir Kuman Satpathy
Susan Mello
Tamara Wilson
Tanaka Chirombo
Tapati Dutta
Tladi Ledibane
Tonia Poteat
Tyler TerMeer, PhD
Uchenna Ikediobi
Veronica Miller
Veronica Noseda
Wanda Buckner
William Snow
Willis Odek, MSc, PhD
Wim Vandevelde
Winifred lkilai
Yumnah Hattas

Last updated April 23, 2020

COVID-19: The HIV research advocacy movement offers lessons

This post first appeared on Science Speaks. For more information on COVID-19, please consult our COVID-19 and HIV Resources page, which includes a comprehensive set of information and advocacy Resources for Advocates. Stacey Hannah is AVAC’s Director of Research Engagement.

In biomedical research, there is a “before HIV” era, and the world we live in now. Before HIV, most responses to public health crises were dictated top-down by government authorities and medical officials. Research was designed and conducted with little or no community input. Innovation was shunned, collaboration between research institutions avoided, and progress was slow.

While many of those challenges remain, years of work by dedicated and informed HIV advocates and researchers has accelerated both progress and collaboration in the fight against infectious diseases. The smarter, more responsive research approaches produced by these partnerships are now also advancing the fight against COVID-19. As responses to this new pandemic accelerate, it’s important to take stock of how the lessons of HIV can make the COVID-19 response faster, more inclusive, and more effective.

On a concrete level, HIV research has generated more scientific knowledge about immune function and responses than ever existed, along with a range of products and platforms that are speeding COVID-19 research today. Studies on HIV antiviral therapies are advancing the development of possible COVID-19 treatments, while HIV vaccine platforms are being used to accelerate experimental COVID-19 vaccines into clinical trials.

Even more fundamentally, many basic approaches to biomedical research have been transformed by HIV advocates who studied the research process, challenged assumptions, and brought bold new ideas to the table. Because of the HIV advocacy movement, communities have assumed a concrete role in research design and implementation. Collaboration between research institutions, across public-private lines and between researchers and communities is more encouraged and supported. And innovation to safely speed both research studies and access to the products they help to develop is more prioritized.

Thanks in large part to the research and funding collaborations and trial design innovations set out by the HIV community, the potential timeline for developing a COVID-19 vaccine has been slashed from the industry average of 5-7 years to just 18 months. HIV advocates have also played a key role in encouraging product developers and funders to invest in manufacturing capacity long before tests of vaccine or treatment candidates are complete – so that urgently needed products can be produced and delivered as soon as they’re proven safe and effective.

Rapid research is important, but brings a real risk that along with speed can come harm to the communities that make research possible. In the weeks and months ahead, clinical trials will examine potential COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Epidemiologists will attempt to understand how our movements and interactions spread or slow the disease. In a field of research directly related to HIV, studies will try to determine whether antibodies produced in response to COVID-19 can help prevent infections. And researchers will grapple with the challenges of “pragmatic trials” such as the World Health Organization SOLIDARITY trial, which seeks to measure the relative effectiveness of four potential COVID-19 treatments rapidly and in real-world settings.

As all of these studies move forward, it’s critical to apply one of the greatest contributions of the HIV research advocacy movement: the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Guidelines developed by AVAC and UNAIDS. Good participatory practice guidelines provide trial funders, sponsors and implementers with systematic guidance on how to work effectively with those for whom the stakes are highest in the design and conduct of biomedical research.

The World Health Organization has already built on the GPP model with Good Participatory Practice for Trials of Emerging Pathogens (GPP-EP), a roadmap for engaging community stakeholders and promoting ethical standards in research for new diseases, such as Ebola, Zika, and now, COVID-19. Used effectively, these guidelines can help ensure that COVID-19 research is conducted in collaboration with stakeholders from trial communities to global funders, trial participants are informed and protected, critical expectations about research processes and timelines are maintained, and research outcomes lead to the swift development and delivery of life-saving products to those in need.

Beyond the research arena, citizen advocates have a vital role to play in holding political leaders accountable, supporting adequate funding for the COVID-19 response, and countering stigma and misinformation. Already in this new pandemic, we have seen world leaders distort the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, minimize the importance of behavioral prevention such as physical distancing, and underestimate the research timelines for developing treatments and a vaccine.

Informed advocates can be the best response to misinformation, whatever its source. Nearly forty years of battling HIV shows that advocates have the expertise to understand the science, the skills to communicate it effectively, and the networks to get the facts to those who need them most. As we continue to respond to HIV, this movement can also employ our decades of research advocacy know-how to help reduce the global toll of COVID-19 and bring this new pandemic to a close.

COVID-19 and HIV

There’s much we do and don’t know about COVID-19 and the virus that causes it. The global response to COVID-19, which is evolving rapidly, can and must benefit from lessons learned in the fight against HIV. AVAC is committed to data-driven, evidence-based advocacy, and we hope these resources help us all stay up-to-date on the facts, share experiences and make sure interventions for COVID-19 and HIV reach those who need them the most.

As we all observe the need to physically distance, now more than ever it’s vital to connect. We will be organizing additional webinars and other virtual platforms for information-sharing and action. Together, we can get out the facts, demand data, set milestones and call on global leaders to bring solutions to the people who need them.

COVID and HIV Webinar Series

Essential Resources

  • Resources for Advocates
    Regularly updated and curated list of sources on a range of issues related to COVID-19, including prevention and transmission, the research pipeline and country-specific resources.
  • Research Process Basics
    Tony Fauci, NIAID Director and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force , provides a 5-minute tutorial on product development and the research process (excerpted from the March 26 White House briefing).

Have a resource to add or one you’d like to see? Please be in touch!

In Memory of Gita Ramjee

It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I write to share news that Gita Ramjee passed away on Tuesday, March 30 of COVID-19 related complications.

For those who didn’t know her, Gita was a legend – for many years, she led the HIV prevention research program at the South African Medical Research Council, and participated in pretty much every microbicide trial imaginable as well as many other prevention studies. Most recently, she was the chief science officer at the Aurum Institute.

She also co-chaired the Microbicide Conferences in 2006, 2008 and 2010. And in 2012, Gita and Lut van Damme were honored together with the conference’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

She was a great friend to AVAC over the years – and she was an essential partner in helping to navigate the field through more disappointing results than any of us wanted. But those results never deterred her determination to keep pushing for the next trial.

She said it the best herself: “I strongly believe that my calling in life is to find methods that empower women to take control of their HIV prevention and reproductive health rights through informed choices.” She will be sorely missed by all of us who had the privilege to work with her.

May we all build on her legacy and make her calling, her dream a reality.

Activism in Action: Week 3 reporting from the frontlines of the PEPFAR planning process in the shadow of COVID-19

Many of us are focused on the global—and in most cases very personal—response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the work in the fight against HIV continues apace. In this update, AVAC shares the essential work of civil society groups and activists who are influencing PEPFAR programming for the coming year. Their continuing advocacy led to important wins, gained over the three weeks spent at the Regional Planning Meetings (RPMs) in Johannesburg. Read on for wins from week three and check out previous posts on wins from week one and week two.

Week three, which wrapped up March 6, focused on Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam. AVAC was there, along with a range of civil society partners including from the Malawian Civil Society Advocacy Forum (CSAF) and Tanzanian partners from COMPASS. Here are some highlights and a look at what was won in week three.

COMPASS in Action in the Malawi and Tanzania Rooms

COMPASS partners came to the week three RPMs with a list of community priorities. In Malawi, these priorities were reflected in the LIU LATHU MU COP20 (“Our Voice Malawi”), developed by CSAF. The final version of PEPFAR’s country operational plan (COP) for Malawi, adopted after strong advocacy by COMPASS partners and others, reflected many of the community COP priorities, including:

  • Commitment to launch a T=T (“Tizilombo tochepa = thanzi la bwino” in the local language, or less virus = better health) program, Malawi’s version of Undetectable=Untransmittable or U=U, both are public health campaigns designed to increase viral load suppression and reduce stigma.
  • A plan to signficantly increase the number of clients who are trained to help with treatment literacy and adherence, and add over 400 health care workers and lab technicians. These gains are in addition to sustained funding for all current health care workers.
  • Commitment to provide an additional 120,000 PLHIV with a preferred TB prevention drug, known as 3HP, in 2020. The term 3HP comes from the regimen’s duration (weekly doses for three months) and the abbreviations of each of the two drugs used, isoniazid (INH) and rifapentine (RPT). Under the commitment, the remaining approximatley 287,000 PLHIV will receive 3HP in 2021.
  • PEPFAR to expand cervical cancer screening in 41 additional sites, for a total of 80 facilities in 24 districts.
  • Frontline service providers to develop a program of friendly services for key populations (KPs) in districts where PEPFAR is implementing its KP program.
  • An increased PrEP target up to 16,000 for the COP in 2020 (COP20), up from 6,700 in COP19. COP20 targets include a communication strategy and supporting materials that were developed through a multi-stakeholder process aimed at improving uptake and adherence.
  • Malawi commits to “social network testing” (vouchers for free testing that people can give to partners and social contacts) instead of the more controversial index testing.

The final version of the Tanzania COP was also the result of strong advocacy, and reflected many of the COMPASS partner priorities, including:

  • Commitment to make index testing (also known as Partner Notification Services or PNS) client-centered. The commitment addresses safety concerns raised by civil society. There will be no quantitative targets, programs will return to a focus on ensuring safety and informed consent when Index Testing is used. For background on the issue of index testing see AVAC’s FAQ.
  • 5,000 additional health care workers will be hired, with the Government of Tanzania agreeing to support recruitment and training of community-based workers to do services like HIV self-testing and PrEP demand creation.
  • A PrEP NOW! campaign by COMPASS partners resulted in an ambitious PrEP target of 180,000 in COP20. The activists in the room challenged the premise that slow uptake in a limited pilot in COP 19 should reduce the ambition of the program overall. As a result, the Government of Tanzania presented the PrEP NOW! Campaign at the end of the week to PEPFAR. PEPFAR agreed to expanded rollout starting in June.
  • COMPASS activists with other Tanzania civil society continued to push for a more supportive environment for Tanzanian KPs. The Government of Tanzania agreed to review training on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE) for all clinical workers, and to integrate such training into the workplans of Tanzanian implementing partners and law enforcement. This will be reviewed by Tanzania’s Key and Vulnerable Population Forum (KVP-F).

Progress on Testing

As we noted in our week one and two blogs, this year’s PEPFAR COP Guidance, an annual statement of priorities and requirements used by country teams to develop their COPs, directed an aggressive scale-up of index testing. In week three, AVAC and other civil society continued to voice concern about potential harm from how index testing might be applied. There is concern and evidence that high testing targets—in some cases requiring that 80 percent of positive tests be derived from index tests—result in coercive practices, as implementing partners seek to meet high targets. See AVAC’s recent Call to Action. But week three saw some progress. In Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, activists were able to reach agreements with country teams that in addition to community monitoring of sites for harm, index testing targets would not be communicated to implementing partners in those countries.

Partners still have testing goals, now with smaller budgets as PEPFAR seeks to shift resources elsewhere, but they are not required to meet those goals almost exclusively through index testing. In response to pressure from civil society, policy from The Office of the US Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) has now shifted, de-emphasizing index testing. Now country programs are required to set targets for HIV diagnoses with a clear strategy for how they’ll reach that total. Programs must present a full picture of how they will reach their targets, but that requirement no longer includes the use of index testing per se.

Community Monitoring

COMPASS partners and advocate allies received approval and funding for community-led monitoring in Malawi and Tanzania. These funds will not be released until October 2020. In Tanzania, small grants from PEPFAR will be made available in the near-term to begin the urgent work of developing tools for community-led monitoring.


COVID-19 cast its shadow over the RPM meetings. Ambassador Birx left Johannesburg before week three began to assume her new additional responsibilities as the US White House coronavirus response coordinator, with Deputy Coordinator Angeli Achrekar acting in her stead.

General concerns focused on the impact of COVID-19 on PLHIV, particularly for people with compromised immune systems. In addition, civil society at the RPM began to identify advocacy priorities related to the impact of the pandemic on HIV clinical trials, and on sustaining supply chains and quality services from condoms to voluntary medical male circumsion to antiretrovirals for treatment prevention, and more. Advocates also identified the need to track the rapidly evolving COVID-19 research and development agenda for treatments and vaccines.
For an overview, download AVAC’s table of ongoing studies for treatment and prevention of the COVID-19 virus.

Want to learn more about the issues above and engaging with PEPFAR? Check out these resources: