Catch Up on the Advocacy for IP Waivers, Tech Transfers and PPPR

April 13, 2023

In case you missed it, highlights from our April 6 webinar, Global PPPR Equity: Why do we need agreements on IP and tech transfers?, are a must read. Panelists, bringing a range of expertise, explored lessons learned from the HIV/AIDS epidemic on IP and tech transfer advocacy and what’s next in the fight for global equity in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR).

Featured speakers included:

-Fifa Rahman, ACT-A CSO and Health Poverty Action
-Brook Baker, Northeastern University and Health GAP
-Fitsum Lakew, WACI Health
-Esteban Burrone, Medicines Patent Pool

Listen to the webinar to learn:

-Why patents matter for diagnostics, despite assertions from industry that they do not
-The impact of intellectual property monopolies during COVD-19
-About the need for rapid scale up of manufacturing in African countries and more

“There are five key reasons we need licensing and tech transfer: they reduce prices, accelerate access to new and innovative treatments and other technologies, enable production of greater volumes, contribute to supply security, and support geographical diversification of manufacturing.” – Esteban Burrone, Medicines Patent Pool

Check out our summary of the webinarwatch the recordingdownload the slides and find links to a host of resources on PPPR, including an Advocate’s Guide to PPPR and two recent podcasts on the global architecture being put in place to make investments and coordinate resource sharing.

With pandemic prevention, preparedness and response an area of increasing investment and planning, these voices are sharing insights and messages that are instrumental for collaboration and advocacy. Tell us what you think and contact to get involved!