May 1, 2023
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! It was one year ago that we introduced The Choice Agenda (TCA) with Jim Pickett in the hopes of creating a space to continue the discussion, debate, and information sharing that has been core to four decades of HIV advocacy and activism in HIV treatment and prevention – and is central to global health equity.
In its first year, we’ve seen close to 1,000 threads on a list serve of 1500+ subscribers covering a broad range of topics from HIV prevention research to sexual health, STIs, PrEP implementation, pleasure, LGBTQIA+ rights, public health, human rights, abortion rights, funding, politics, pandemic preparedness and so much more. We also hosted 18 webinars on an exciting range of topics – with many more to come.
We take this moment to honor the life and work of two of our first subscribers who died this year – the US CDC’s Dawn Smith and Italian activist Giulio Maria Corbelli – each highly consequential, deeply-involved, community-focused and adored.
Today, as we work to make complex science accessible, identify where advocacy and action are needed and pursue bold agendas that improve global responses to HIV and prepare to prevent future pandemics, the TCA’s agenda-setting conversations are more important than ever.
Thank you to everyone who started with the TCA a year ago, who has been a part of the discussion and debate along the way and who are using this platform to continue and who have been part of the discussions and debate.
Take a minute to review our archived resources and webinars, and be sure to sign up for our next two upcoming webinars. Also, if you are interested in joining The Choice Agenda’s global discussion list, reach out to Jim at [email protected].
PrEP (In)equity: Documenting, measuring, and flipping the script towards justice
Tuesday, May 9 at 9:00 AM–10:30AM ET
Featured Speakers: Leisha-McKinley Beach, National HIV/AIDS Consultant, Michael Chancley, PrEP4All, and Patrick Sullivan, Emory University
PrEP That Booty: The latest on rectal microbicide research for the back door
Thursday, June 29 at 9:00 AM–10:30AM ET
Featured Speakers: Jonathan Baker, #RectalRockstar, Craig Hendrix, Johns Hopkins, Juan Michael Porter II, The Body, and Sharon Riddler, University of Pittsburgh