It’s All About Choice

July 8, 2022

Real choices in healthcare are fundamental. They empower individuals, advance equity across healthcare systems and transcend healthcare altogether, fostering community resilience. But choice depends on commitment, requires investment and needs champions.

At AVAC, we are thinking intensely about how to be a champion for choice. Wherever our work takes us. Here’s what’s top of mind today.

Our newly launched initiative, The Choice Agenda (TCA), led by veteran advocate Jim Pickett, is hosting its next webinar in its series on HIV prevention, The Research Says Yes, YES, YES – Just Like That, Wednesday, July 13 at 9:00am ET / 1:00pm GMT / 15:00 SAST. Register now.

This webinar explores insights from HIV prevention and sexual health research that point to the many positive outcomes when we center and prioritize pleasure and sexual satisfaction in our interventions and prevention programming.

We’ll be featuring a discussion with experts:

• Christine M. Curley, University of Connecticut

• Dr. Joao Alves Neto, University of Minho (Portugal) and FACEFI (Brazil)

• Anne Philpott, The Pleasure Project

Get access to our previous webinars, register for what’s upcoming on The Choice Agenda webpage, and sign up with [email protected] to join the TCA listserve for dynamic, cross-cutting conversations with hundreds of dedicated advocates.

Fighting for Choice Together

All of our voices must be heard to protect and expand access to real choices for everyone who needs them. Especially when it comes to sexual health, which is so often stigmatized and often profoundly under threat. AVAC condemns last month’s decision by the US Supreme Court, which rolls back decades of protections for those seeking safe abortion services in the US and undermines other landmark rulings that safeguard fundamental human rights, privacy and personal liberty.

Read AVAC’s statementRead AVAC’s statement condemning the opinion and declaring our commitment to stand always for reproductive justice and to work with our partners and allies to ensure that the right to abortion is protected.