Getting the COVID-19 Vaccines We Need

As of March 2023, the World Health Organization reported that there are 199 COVID-19 vaccines in pre-clinical development, and 183 in clinical trials. Most are injectable; but 16 candidates are intranasal, 5 are oral, 2 are inhalable, and 1 is an aerosol.

HIV Vaccine Research

HIV vaccine research is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration across many disciplines to develop a vaccine that protects people from HIV infection. The graphic outlines the different areas of research that are being pursued, including vaccine platforms, immune system research, clinical research capacity, and community engagement.

Excerpted From Lab to Jab.

West & Central Africa Oral PrEP Initiations, 2023

As of Q3 2023, the top five West and Central African countries for PrEP initiation have surpassed 10,000 initiations; Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ghana and Nigeria. Nigeria has marked almost 550,000 cumulative initiations as of this quarter, ranking it second, behind South Africa, worldwide. These milestones can be credited to targeted PEPFAR investments. But despite these successes, West and Central Africa make up only 14 percent of PrEP initiations recorded in Africa, compared to 85 percent reported by East and Southern Africa. These same countries are home to two thirds of all people living with HIV in West Africa. There is vital work to be done to close the gap.

West and Central Africa can and must continue to leverage this recent growth in oral PrEP by making additional HIV prevention options available. In September, Nigeria’s regulators approved injectable cabotegravir (CAB for PrEP)—approving the first new biomedical HIV prevention option in a West and Central African country since oral PrEP. But at this time, only one other CAB for PrEP application has been submitted in the region, in Côte d’Ivoire, and none for the dapivirine vaginal ring (DVR). Only one CAB for PrEP implementation study is planned for the region.

Excerpted from PxWire Volume 13, Issue 4.

PEPFAR Support for PrEP in 2023

PEPFAR’s role has been instrumental to accelerating global uptake of PrEP to date. In 2023, four countries started providing PrEP for the first time, and seven countries exceeded 70,000 new PrEP initiations, most of which are attributable to PEPFAR. This lifesaving, uniquely effective, program must see continued full funding and a 5-year reauthorization to carry on this work and help to put the world on track to control the epidemic.

Excerpted from PxWire Volume 13, Issue 4.

Vaccine Research and Development: Key Lessons and Ways Forward

From Lab to Jab

This issue brief on the vaccine research and development (R&D) process is one of a series of four briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the role of mRNA technology, the need for local vaccine production, and issues around global access.

Vaccine Access: What’s Working and What’s Next

From Lab to Jab

This issue brief covers the web of issues that influence access to vaccines. It is one of a series of four issue briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the research and development (R&D) process, the role of mRNA technology; and the need for local vaccine production.

Vaccine Development History

A graphic showing the duration between discovery of the microbiologic cause of selected infectious diseases and the development of a vaccine.

Excerpted From the Lab to Jab.

mRNA Technology: What It Might Mean for Future Vaccines

From Lab to the Jab

This issue brief on mRNA technology covers what it is, how it works, current knowledge gaps and ideas for advocacy to harness its potential. It is one of a series of four issue briefs, which provide a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, tuberculosis, and other global public health threats, and approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines. Additional topics cover the research and development (R&D) process, the need for local vaccine production, and issues around global access.

Local Vaccine Production: Harnessing Its Potential for Equity

From the Lab to the Jab

This issue brief on local vaccine production covers the current state of local production, what is needed to facilitate it, and ideas for advocacy to harness its potential. It is one of four briefs in a series providing a roadmap for advocacy to advance the development of essential vaccines for HIV, COVID-19, TB and
other global public health threats, including approaches to ensure equitable access to these life-saving vaccines once developed. Additional topics cover the research and development (R & D) process, issues around global access; and the advent of the mRNA platform for vaccines.

From the Lab to the Jab

A series of advocate guides to the latest in vaccine R&D

From the Lab to Jab are a series of briefs to learn the latest in vaccine R&D for HIV, COVID-19, TB and other global public health threats. Access them all here and stay tuned for a related webinar in early 2024. Watch this space or sign up for our email newsletter.