CUREiculum 2.0

The CUREiculum strengthens community capacity to understand and engage in discussions about HIV cure-related research by providing basic information on a variety of topics in meaningful and accessible language, so that it is understandable to a wide variety of audiences and learning styles. The tools are designed for community educators, funders, media and other stakeholders interested in learning more about HIV cure-related research.


Efficacy Study Design

This graphic details the trial design behind HPTN 083 and HPTN 084, two-large scale efficacy trials testing cabotegravir, an antiretroviral formulated as an injectable for long-lasting pre- exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

To learn more, read An Advocates’ Primer on Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir for PrEP.

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs): Technology Landscape and Potential for Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This landscape report provides an overview of the current novel technologies in development and assesses their relevance and potential in low- and middle-income countries. While the pipeline is rich, the report calls out the need to involve key populations early in the design, introduction and scale-up of new products and proactively address potential market barriers. These considerations, as well as plans for adoption, manufacturing capacity, a broad supply base and an effective introduction strategy are crucial to developing solutions that are accessible, affordable, and acceptable and truly respond to people’s needs.

Research Fundamentals: What is an endpoint?

The next installment of our Px Pulse series Research Fundamentals, explaining key concepts in HIV prevention research, is up. In this episode, Px Pulse host Jeanne Baron and Matthew Rose, a veteran HIV advocate and now Director at Global Health Strategies, look at endpoints in research.

Endpoints are a crucial component in every clinical trial but they are not always well understood. In addition, advocates can and should play a role, reviewing endpoints and interrogating how well the trial will serve communities that need HIV prevention.

Joining us to explore all this are:

  • Dave Glidden, Professor of Epidemiology & Bio-statistics at UC San Francisco
  • Erica Lessem, Senior Strategist for NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, former Deputy Executive Director, Treatment Action Group
  • Meagan O’Brien, Senior Medical Director of Early Clinical Development & Clinical Experimental Sciences at Regeneron

Listen to learn how endpoints are used in clinical research, why they change overtime, and what matters most about endpoints for advocates and researchers alike.

HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments Report

The annual HIV Prevention Research and Development Investments Report reveals a growing mismatch between the current promise of HIV prevention R&D, and consistent declines in the funding available to both research new HIV prevention approaches and expand access to the prevention tools available today. The 2020 report, based on outreach to 215 funders of HIV prevention R&D in the public, philanthropic and commercial sectors, is the 16th annual report from the Resource Tracking for HIV Prevention Research & Development Working Group.

Read the report at

AVAC’s Strategic Plan 2022-2026

AVAC’s strategic framework is grounded in a multi-layered approach that carefully considers all of the components needed to achieve the organization’s vision, capitalize on its key strengths, and ensure that AVAC is poised to make an impact on the issues it cares most about over the next five years, and beyond.

The vision describes the world we are striving for. The mission describes what AVAC does in service to achieving this vision. The strategic pillars outline the objectives and approaches that AVAC will take over the next five years to achieve its mission and vision. The strategic pillars are supported by AVAC’s core values—the principles by which we work—as well as a set of key enablers.

Advocate, Translate, Catalyze: For HIV prevention and health equity

In this document, we look at the actions we are taking and those that as a field we all need to take to transform prevention “options” developed through research into prevention “choices” for people that can save lives and help end epidemics. This work is critical, and it is shared – just as we developed our strategic plan and EDI statement in partnership with so many, so too will we move this work forward, together.

20 Essential Resources – Condoms & Family Planning

As recent-day family planning and reproductive health efforts place greater emphasis on innovation, it is important to remember the value of evidence-based family planning tools that have been effective for decades. Since the physical properties of condoms have not undergone substantial change, many people may forget the power of condoms as a family planning tool. This collection was created as a reminder to all of us that some methods continue to work even as innovations arise.

Global Investment in HIV Cure Research and Development in 2020

In 2014, the HIV Vaccines and Microbicides Resource Tracking Working Group and AVAC began a collaboration with the International AIDS Society’s (IAS) Towards an HIV Cure initiative. AVAC, Treatment Action Group (TAG) and the IAS brought together a group to review and allocate grants towards HIV cure research and analyze data on global funding. The working group released a report in July 2021, Global Investment in HIV Cure Research and Development in 2020.

A Situation Analysis Report on the Mobilization of Resources for Health Research & Development in Africa

This is a report commissioned by WACI Health in an effort to identify gaps, strengths and opportunities in health research funding. This aims at informing strategy and advocacy for all stakeholders committed to expanding the resources for health research and development (R&D) in Africa drawing from the experience and lessons from existing health R&D investments.