Access to the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring: A timeline on progress

This infographic shows the timeline of progress for end user access to Dapivirine Vaginal Ring.

Future Prospects for New Vaccines Against Sexually Transmitted Infections

This review provides an update on the need, development status, and important next steps for advancing development of vaccines against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including herpes simplex virus (HSV), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea), Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia), and Treponema pallidum (syphilis).

Undetectable = Untransmittable Resources

This website from the Prevention Access Campaign is filled with links to the latest information on Undetectable = Untransmittable as well as other pertinent documents and resources.

Where Is PEPFAR’s Strategy for Key Populations?

This document from Health GAP’s PEPFAR Watch is a community analysis of the success and challenges of PEPFAR’s Key Population program and recommendations for the next PEPFAR Ambassador.

Seven Global Civil Society Priorities for the 2021-2025 President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Strategy

As the largest funder of HIV/AIDS programming in the world, PEPFAR has the power and opportunity to move the dial. A large number of AVAC partners and other civil society organizations in Eastern and Southern Africa heard the call for comments and suggestions for the new strategy—and responded here with seven key priorities.

Tips to Approach Host Organization

A strong working relationship between a Fellow and Host Supervisor is instrumental to a successful fellowship. Fellows can be hosted by an employer or organization where they volunteer, or for an organization that aligns with project goals. This checklist supports applicants who are reaching out to prospective Host Organizations.

PEPFAR-Funded PrEP and VMMC Services in 14 Priority Countries

This infographic shows that PEPFAR’s increased investment and creation of a budget code resulted in improved scale-up of VMMC (VMMC). A budget code could have the same impact if applied to PrEP initiations.

BioPIC Adaptable Product Introduction Framework

This framework is intended to inform stakeholders involved in all stages of product introduction from clinical research to rollout in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). While the framework focuses on activities to begin in parallel to phase III clinical trials, stakeholders in early product development phases may also want to understand what to expect in terms of downstream product introduction needs. Stakeholders involved in early product development may also consider leveraging some of the activities included to anticipate future needs.

Illustrated Glossary for Long-Acting Technologies

Language is important and how affected communities become familiarized with the technical aspects in emerging fields, such as nanomedicines to treat HIV, hepatitis C virus, TB and malaria, is an essential part of meaningful, equitable engagement in early stage science. The Illustrated Glossary for Long-Acting Technologies compiles frequent terms and concepts used in the research and development of long-acting technologies. The glossary is a non-exhaustive list and the graphics are artistic renderings meant to spur discussion and assist with community treatment literacy.

2021 Pipeline Report

The Treatment Action Group Pipeline Report provides an overview of research and development of innovations for diagnosing, preventing, treating, and curing HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and tuberculosis (TB).

Read the report on the Treatment Action Group website.