Composition of the Global HIV Prevention R&D Investment Base, 2015-2016

The call for a more diverse base of funders in the prevention R&D landscape is not a new one, but recent trends display greater polarization and a more extreme funding imbalance. In 2016, 75 percent of the overall funding came from the US public sector. Together, the US public sector and the BMGF represented 88 percent of the total global investment in 2016, compared to 81 percent in 2015.

Excerpted from our HIV prevention research tracking report, visit here for all graphics from the report.

HIV Prevention R&D Trial Participants by Region, 2016

HIV prevention research cannot be conducted without those who volunteer to participate in clinical trials or without the engagement of communities in which those trials take place. In 2016, there were almost 700,000 participants in HIV prevention research trials, primarily based in sites with high HIV/AIDS burdens in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the US.

Excerpted from our HIV prevention research tracking report, visit here for all graphics from the report.

HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments, 2000–2016: Investment priorities to fund innovation in a challenging global health landscape

This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. In 2016, funding for HIV prevention R&D decreased by US$35 million from the previous year to a total of US$1.17 billion. This marks the lowest recorded annual investment in more than a decade. While investments toward research in preventive vaccines, PrEP and medical male circumcision increased in 2016, funding for microbicides, treatment as prevention, female condoms and prevention of vertical transmission decreased.

Global Investment in HIV Cure Research and Development in 2016: Funding for a cure remains a priority

Don’t miss this report looking at investment in cure research in 2016. It’s part of the annual report on investment in research and development that AVAC produces as a member of the Resource Tracking for HIV Prevention Research & Development Working Group.

Hormonal Contraceptive Methods and HIV: Research gaps and programmatic priorities

This article in Contraception summarizes key findings and conclusions from a December 2015 meeting convened by WHO on the research agenda for hormonal contraception and HIV.

PrEP 101 Presentation from US Women & PrEP Working Group

Created by the US Women and PrEP Working Group, this PowerPoint is intended to help make quality, basic presentations on PrEP to community members.

HIV Prevention Trial Terms: An advocate’s guide

This lexicon explains some of the terms used to talk about trials designed to test new HIV prevention tools.

From Proof-of-Concept to Prevention Phenomenon in Five Years

This timeline, first appearing in AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows PrEP going from proof-of-concept to prevention phenomenon in five years and can be used to anticipate and speed action on the next generation of ARV-based prevention options.

Layers of Biomedical HIV Prevention Trial Stakeholders

Various stakeholders may influence or be affected by a biomedical HIV prevention trial. Stakeholders include trial participants and other community stakeholders as well as a broader range of national and international stakeholders.

Excerpted from the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Guidelines, which provide trial funders, sponsors, and implementers with systematic guidance on how to effectively engage with all stakeholders in the design and conduct of biomedical HIV prevention trials. More at

Advocacy in Uncertain Times: A call to action

AVAC’s report for HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on the state of the HIV vaccine research and development field, including key priorities for advancing research and sustaining support.