Financing the Search: Then and now

Funding for vaccines research in 1997 and 2016, segmented by government and other sector spending.

Number of Vaccines Trials: Then and now

A snapshot of the number of vaccine trials conducted globally between 1997 and 2017.

HIV-Specific Neutralizing Antibodies: A guide to targets and candidates

A detailed graphic describing the status of pre-clinical and clinical work around relevant bNAbs today.

Where Does Oral PrEP Fit in to Vaccine and AMP Trials?

A global map showing current efficacy trial countries and their status of PrEP implementation.

Vaccine Approaches in Early-Phase Development

An outline of various approaches to vaccine development that are in earlier phase research, e.g., phase I or II trials; development pathways for these candidates are uncertain at this time.

Vaccines and Antibodies on Efficacy Pathways

A timeline of current efficacy programs for vaccines and antibodies, highlighting the P5 program testing pox-protein candidates, the Janssen program testing mosaic-based candidates, and the AMP studies testing the antibody VRC01.

Px Wire April-June 2017, Vol. 10, No. 2

This issue of Px Wire, AVAC’s quarterly update on HIV prevention research, offers an advocate’s guide to some new types of biomedical prevention trial designs. You’ll find a summary of long-acting PrEP trials, a lexicon of key terms for the “post-placebo era”, and a handy illustration for looking smart while you explain “double-dummy double-blind”.

An Advocate’s Guide to Research Terms in the Post-Placebo Era

In Px Wire, AVAC’s quarterly update on HIV prevention design, we presented this illustration on some new types of biomedical prevention trial design. You’ll find a summary of long-acting PrEP trials, a lexicon of key terms for the “post-placebo era”, and a handy illustration for looking smart while you explain “double-dummy double-blind”.

To download just the graphic, without the accompanying text and lexicon, click here: JPG, PDF. For the lexicon only, click here (PDF).

Regulatory Status of TDF/FTC for PrEP

A global snapshot of the regulatory status of oral PrEP by country. JPEG and PPT versions available here.

AIDS Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates: Antibody Research

A primer on antibodies and their role in HIV prevention research. Read on for a glossary of relevant terms and to learn how broadly neutralizing antibodies may be important to the development of a vaccine.