Evidence for HIV Prevention Options

What’s the big picture of ARV-based prevention trial results? This graphic shows the levels of efficacy from each major trial (the circles) with the confidence intervals around the finding (the bars at either side). Not sure what a confidence interval is? See our one-page Advocates’ Guide to Statistical Terms.

State of the Funding in 2015

In 2015, preliminary reported funding for HIV prevention R&D decreased from US$ 1.25 billion in 2014 to US$1.18 billion. However, overall funding has remained essentially flat for over a decade. While investments towards research for preventive vaccines and female condoms increased from 2014 levels, investments towards microbicides, PrEP, TasP, VMMC, declined. Prevention of vertical transmission remained almost flat-funded in 2015.

The US public sector remained the single largest source of funding for HIV prevention R&D, with a total investment of US$836 million. European public sector investment continued its decade-long decline, falling US$8 million from 2014. Public sector funding outside the US and Europe also continued to fall, decreasing another US$5 million in 2015 for a total US$18 million decline since 2013. Finally, the philanthropic sector comprised 13% of all funding at US$155 million, a 23 percent decrease from 2014 contributions, while the commercial sector increased its contribution to HIV prevention R&D by 19 percent over 2014.

AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People

In the Report, we argue that the state of HIV prevention data collection in 2016 is poor. One part of the solution lies in the adoption of “HIV Prevention Data Dashboards”. This tracking tool could bring the same specificity and accountability to non-ART prevention services that the “treatment cascade” of diagnosis, initiation, retention and virologic suppression does for antiretrovirals for people living with HIV.

A Cycle of Transmission in South Africa

Men and women in specific age groups have distinct health and prevention needs. HIV transmission conforms to specific patterns, depending on age and gender. Effective prevention and Treatment U=U must reflect the needs of each profile. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

A Map of Missed Chances: Oral PrEP Rollout and Further Research on Dapvirine Vaginal Ring

Ideally, prevention strategies would be coordinated and integrated into comprehensive programs. The field would gain vital knowledge as people respond to a selection of options. Instead, product-specific programs, such as the delivery of oral PrEP or research trials on the dapivirine vaginal ring, become available in isolation from one another. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

After the HIV Test: Targets and Progress in Making and Measuring Linkages

If a person tests HIV-negative, the next steps are poorly understood. This infographic from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People, shows a cascade of interventions needed for prevention, as well as the existing structure in place to guide an HIV positive individual from testing to Treatment U=U.

Biomedical Prevention in 2016 – At a Glance

A snapshot of prevention strategies underway or under development from 2015-2020. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

Contraceptives: A Global Access Emergency

Access to contraceptives for older women is far too limited, and for younger women the very low numbers represent an urgent matter. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Results

An overview dapivirine ring results and the product pipeline. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

Broad Data Needs for Women and Girls

There is a serious dearth of data on a range of factors affecting women and girls that must be addressed. Effective programs require data on characteristics such as education, employment, HIV status and health outcomes. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.