Patchwork of Prevention for Women: Oral PrEP and the Dapivirine Ring

Participants in the ring efficacy studies will get extended access to the ring via open-label studies. But will they have access to PrEP? This map shows which sites will provide PrEP and which will not. Excerpted from Px Wire.

Dapivirine Ring Results—A snapshot

This infographic provides detailed study design and result information from The Ring Study (IPM 027) and ASPIRE (MTN-020). The lower portion of the infographic charts additional, related studies and the regulatory process before the ring’s earliest possible introduction. Excerpted from Px Wire.

Harnessing Antibodies for HIV Prevention and Treatment

John Mascola of the NIH Vaccine Research Center spoke about harnessing antibodies for HIV prevention and treatment. The recording includes discussion with webinar participants. For more background, click here to view his CROI plenary session.

Evidence for HIV Prevention Options

What’s the big picture of ARV-based prevention trial results? This graphic shows the levels of efficacy from each major trial (that’s the square icon) with the confidence intervals around the finding (the bars at either side). Not sure what a confidence interval is? See our one-page Advocates’ Guide to Statistical Terms. For PDF and JPEG versions, please click here.

ASPIRE and The Ring Study Results — A Snapshot

Results from two Phase III multi-country trials (ASPIRE and Ring) studying the 4-week slow-release dapivirine vaginal ring were released at the 2016 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection. This chart details study design and enrollment, gives overall results and breaks results down by age.

Px Wire January-March 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. In this issue we survey the year ahead and write about what to watch for in 2016. In our centerspread we update our timeline of biomedical HIV prevention research.

Effectiveness and Adherence in Trials of Oral and Topical Tenofovir-Based Prevention

Trials of oral and topical tenofovir-based PrEP show that these strategies reduce risk of HIV inection if they are used correctly and consistently. Higher adherence is directly linked to greater levels of protection.

Advocating Female Condoms: A reflection on stakeholder commitments & trends in support for female condoms

Produced by the Universal Access to Female Condoms consortium, this document analyzes policies, programs and budgets of organizations working on female condoms; looks at trends in expenditures on female condoms; provides an overview of emerging trends relevant for female condom advocacy, programming and procurement; and formulates recommendations for the future of female condom advocacy.

Anatomy of a Target – VMMC

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at voluntary medical male circumcision.

Anatomy of a Target – PrEP

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at PrEP.