Anatomy of a Target – Treatment

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at antiretroviral therapy and treatment.

Six Things to Know About PrEP

Six things to know about PrEP. For more information on PrEP, visit PrEPWatch.

Anatomy of a Target – Treatment U=U

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at antiretroviral therapy and Treatment U=U.

Anatomy of a Target – PrEP

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at PrEP.

Anatomy of a Target – VMMC

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at VMMC.

Anatomy of a Target – DREAMS

In Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we looked at the strengths and limitations of new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals.

In this excerpt from our centerspread graphic, we take a closer look at the DREAMS program.

Px Wire October-December 2015, Vol. 8, No. 4

In this issue of Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we decipher the strengths and limitations of the multiple recent developments impacting HIV prevention: new PEPFAR targets, new UNAIDS targets, new guidelines on ART and PrEP from the WHO and new Sustainable Development Goals. What does each development mean, and how do advocates tailor their advocacy accordingly?

The New Context for HIV Prevention: Is the world on target?

In this issue of Px Wire, our centerspread graphic looks at the sum total of the new targets and guidelines and gives our “take” on whether the current context is on target.

EATG 2015 Webinar 1: An update on PrEP in Europe

This series of three webinars, hosted jointly by EATG and AVAC, was designed to prepare and update EATG members for a special meeting on new developments in prevention January 2016 in Brussels. The first webinar addressed the latest updates on PrEP in Europe. Speakers: Dr Valentina Cambiano of University College London, Daniela Rojas Castro of AIDES and Dr Anastasia Pharris of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

A Pipeline of Promise: Global Health Research and Product Development Process

Global Health Technologies presents an infographic overview of the many steps it takes to bring a product to market.