Intervention Update: What’s Next for AIDS Vaccines and the P5 Partnership?

Excerpted from AVAC Report: HIV Prevention on the Line, this update details attempts to test vaccine strategy which showed promise in the RV144 trial.

Invest in an oral PrEP-driven paradigm shift

The data all point the same way: daily oral PrEP works if you take it. This excerpt from AVAC Report: HIV Prevention on the Line, provides a number of steps to scale-up PrEP rollout.

What’s Next for the Pox-Protein Public-Private Partnership (P5)?

This timeline, appearing in AVAC Report 2014/2015: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows the progress and future of the P5.

Turning Targets into Impact

This graphic, which appears in the AVAC Report 2014/15, lists and describes key attributes that ensure a target into impact.

Mind the Gap

This graphic, presented in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows all the components of a comprehensive response to end the epidemic.

Targets that Worked

As seen in this graphic from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, ambitious coverage targets that are well-defined in terms of the components of service delivery, impact and populations and need led to success for VMMC (VMMC) and antiretroviral therapy (ART).

A Target That Worked: 3 by 5

Appearing in AVAC Report 2014/2015: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic shows how a target was set and met to provide ART Treatment U=U to 3 million people.

New HIV Infections in Low-and Middle-Income Countries by Scenario

Appearing in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic illustrates how different combinations of interventions affect rates of HIV acquisition.

Targets that Require Work: PrEP and Combination Prevention

Targets are urgently needed for daily oral PrEP and combination prevention. This graphic, from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, proposes goals and shows what’s in place and what is missing today.

Past Success, Present Gaps: VMMC targets, 2011 and today

VMMC (VMMC) is a highly effective HIV prevention strategy that has benefited from ambitious target setting that ticked all the boxes—investment, political will and evidence. This graphic is from AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line.