Global ART Coverage (2014)

This graphic, which appears in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, depicts global ART coverage.

Change in Funding for Civil Society Organizations for Human Rights-Related Work

This graphic, presented in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, shows the change in funding for civil society organizations for human-rights related work.

What to Expect for PrEP in Africa in 2015

Appearing in the AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic shows ongoing and completed PrEP trials in Africa.

Global HIV Prevention R&D Investment 2009-2013

Appearing in AVAC Report 2014/15: HIV Prevention on the Line, this graphic shows the global HIV prevention research and development investment from 2009-2013.

An Advocate’s Guide to Tracking the P5 Development Tracks

This graphic, shown in the AVAC Report 2014/15, shows the P5 development and research track trials.

Px Wire January-March 2015, Vol. 8, No. 1

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. This issue includes a highly selective list of ten issues, events and developments to hold attention and spark actions in 2015—and beyond. This issue is also available as a webpage.

AVAC Report 2014/15: Prevention on the Line [Executive Summary]

This executive summary, excerpted from AVAC Report 2014/15, puts the current discussion about global targets for ending AIDS in context. What makes a good target? What targets have worked in the past—and why? What is the state of HIV prevention targets and plans today?

Biomedical HIV Prevention Efficacy Trials, 2014–2016

Hormonal Contraceptives and HIV – An introductory fact sheet

This introductory 3-page document summarizes the debate over whether certain hormonal contraceptives increase women’s risk of HIV acquisition. For more basic fact sheets, visit

Regulatory Mapping Project

AVAC undertook this review of activities designed to strengthen regulatory capacity, particularly in Africa. This included a desk review of various planned or ongoing activities and interviews with key informants. The results are summarized by country, initiative, and objective among other parameters.