HIV Cure Research – An introductory fact sheet

This introductory 2-page document defines cure, reviews the scientific evidence to date, and outlines key research strategies currently being pursued. This fact sheet is part of a series on emerging HIV prevention strategies.

Px Wire July-September 2014, Vol. 7, No. 3

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. This issue comes out on the eve of the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia—and we begin with “AVAC’s Take” on key messages and commitments to look for at and after the meeting. We also call for more PrEP demonstration projects and provide an update of the proposed ECHO trial.

Px Wire October-December 2014, Vol. 7, No. 4

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. In this issue, we offer a selective “state of the union” update on various areas of the prevention field—highlighting key developments, messages and areas of work that warrant particular joint attention at the first HIV Research for Prevention (HIV R4P) conference and beyond.

Homophobic legislation and its Impact on Human Security

This report by the MSMGF explores the circumstances around the enactment of new anti-homosexual legislation in Nigeria and Uganda, examining five categories of insecurity faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the context of these laws.

Data and Uncertainty: Understanding updates on hormonal contraceptives and HIV

AIDS 2014 featured analyses of data on the potential relationship between hormonal contraceptives and risk of HIV infection. Researchers Charles Morrison (FHI 360) and Kristin Wall (Emory University), and Mary Lyn Gaffield from the WHO discussed the newest findings and guidance.

The Research to Rollout Timeline for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis(PrEP)

There is a complex process for new prevention options to move from evidence of benefit in a clinical trial to being available to the public for use. This infographic traces milestones in recent years along the path from research to rollout of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The timeline plots key dates for four major clinical trials and related guidance and regulatory decisions.

Microbicide Clinical Trials Timeline

This graphic from AVAC’s Microbicides by the Numbers one-pager tracks major ongoing and completed microbicide trials. It shows the trials that have provided the current evidence about tenofovir gel as well as planned gel and ring trials.

Microbicide Products Currently in Clinical Trials

This graphic from AVAC’s Microbicides by the Numbers one-pager shows the different products currently being studied and how advanced the research is.

Data Watch: Closing a Persistent Gap in the AIDS Response

In this update to the 2012 Action Agenda to End AIDS, amfAR and AVAC argue that critical and expensive decisions made with incomplete data can undermine the response to the AIDS epidemic—even as the systems for collecting these data continue to improve. The report describes the issues and identifies critical areas where better, more complete data are needed to guide the key decisions for the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It also provides an update on prevention and treatment targets set in the Action Agenda.

Progress in VMMC Scale-up in Priority Countries

This map shows progress made through 2013 towards the target of circumcising 80% of eligible men in 14 priority countries. It is particularly useful as a tool for advocates to show how their country’s VMMC program compares to others in East and Southern Africa.