Consultation avec les parties prenantes de la PF/SSR sur la pilule de double protection

Ce rapport résume et rapporte les prochaines étapes d’une consultation organisée par AVAC et FP2030 avec les parties prenantes de la planification familiale (PF) et de la santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR). L’objectif de la consultation était de comprendre les points de vue uniques des parties prenantes sur la pilule de double prévention (DPP), une pilule orale quotidienne qui prévient le VIH et la grossesse.

Click here for the English version.

Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial (French)

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

The GLAM Toolkit: Advocacy to improve access to safe, condom-compatible lubricant in Africa (French)

“La boîte à outils GLAM – Plaidoyer pour améliorer l’accès en Afrique à du lubrifiant fiable et adapté au préservatif”, published by IRMA, amfAR and AVAC, provides background on the status of lubricant (lube) access in Africa and suggests potential strategies for civil society and government partners to secure and distribute sustainable supplies of safe, condom-compatible lube. Global Lube Access Mobilisation (GLAM) is a campaign of IRMA’s Project ARM (Africa for Rectal Microbicides) initiative.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (French)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.