Looking Ahead to R4P!

October 12, 2018

At AVAC we are looking ahead with anticipation to the biennial HIV Research for Prevention 2018 conference to be held in Madrid, October 21-25. Affectionately known as R4P, it’s a space where HIV prevention takes center stage. Whether you’re headed to Madrid in a couple weeks or following the action from afar, AVAC will keep you connected! Read on for information on AVAC sessions, a sortable roadmap, the Advocates’ Corner (open all week) and more!

For those joining in-person, use this roadmap of conference sessions and satellites, sortable by intervention, to find what interests you at the conference.

From updates on major trials to the complex work of implementing the tools that exist today and all the advocacy needed to get it all done, our dispatches to the Advocates’ Network keep you informed. For real-time coverage follow AVAC’s discussions on Twitter.

If you plan to be in Madrid, you won’t want to miss the satellite sessions AVAC has organized with partners (more below) including a Sunday-morning pre-conference for advocates. Register by Octoberober 17th and get an in-depth and of-the-moment view of the field and advocacy priorities to carry with you throughout the conference.

Find continuing support for your advocacy and expand your knowledge of critical issues at the Advocates’ Corner (AC), found by the Estrasbrugo Room. The AC will be open throughout the conference, and in addition to the materials displays and opportunities for informal networking, the Advocates’ Corner will play host to a program of activities scheduled during breaks in the conference program. Stay tuned for the final AC program, available next week!

The entire program for R4P is available here. If you are tuning in remotely, there are webcasts from current and past conferences.

Here’s a calendar of satellites and sessions of interest:

Sunday, 21 October

Advocates’ Pre-Conference Workshop
Provides an overview of the field and explores cross-cutting issues, priorities and common goals. Register here.
Location: Dresden & Stuttgart

Planning for Success: Next Steps for Dapivirine Ring
Stakeholders share research and experience to inform next steps for introduction.
Location: Burdeos

Social Sciences in Vaccine Trials: A Booster to Recruit Volunteers
ANRS, Vaccine Research Institute
Time: 12:30-14:30​
Location: Marsella

Monday, 22 October

Current State of Play: PrEP Implementation Update and Challenges
A look at the status of PrEP and future products, and approaches to implementation in low and middle income countries, including challenges and controversies.
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: Bristol

Voices in the Long-acting PrEP Movement: Fostering Dialog Between End-users and Product Developers During the Product Development Process

AVAC, RTI International, Desmond Tutu HIV Research Foundation, IAVI
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: Burdeos

GPP@10—Setting New Standards for Clinical Trial Engagement Globally
AVAC, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases
How Good Participatory Practice evolved over the last ten years with a look at implementation, challenges, and the status of GPP as a standard in clinical trials.
Time: 8:30-11:30
Location: Marsella

Whose Desire? Whose Choice? A Debate on the Future of HIV Prevention
Panelists unpack the priorities for HIV prevention research and product development and debate what it means to give people choices.
Time: 12:00-15:00
Location: Oxford

Accelerating a Labor of Love: Time to Transform HIV Prevention for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
A look at the growing body of evidence and advocacy for biomedical HIV prevention options for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Time: 12:00-15:00
Location: Estrasburgo

The Omololu Falobi Award for Excellence in HIV Prevention Research Community Advocacy
African Microbicides Advocacy Group (AMAG), AVAC, IRMA, Journalists Against AIDS in Nigeria (JAAIDS), NHVMAS
This award honors individuals who have shown extraordinary leadership and commitment to HIV prevention research advocacy and inspired others to action. This year’s recipient will be announced during the opening session, 17:47-17:55.
Location: Auditorium

Tuesday, 23 October

Entry Into the PrEP Continuum (oral abstract)
Tracking Global Oral PrEP Provision: The Who, What, Where of Oral PrEP
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: Marsella, Burdeos & Estrasburgo

ARVs for Prevention: Extrapolating from Data to Clinical Practice (symposium)
The PrEP Paradigm for Prevention, Advocacy and Implementation in sub-Saharan Africa: Strong Starts, Short Cuts, and the Use (and Abuse?) of Data
Time: 15:00-16:30
Location: Marsella, Burdeos & Estrasburgo

Wednesday, 24 October

Accelerating Product Introduction for Impact (roundtable)
Time: 15:00-16:30
Location: Bristol

Trials and Tribulations in Roll Out (poster discussion session)
Time: 16:45-17:30
Location: Oxford

Thursday, 25 October

Opinion 360: Meaningful Engagement From Research to Roll Out (oral abstract)
Time: 8:30-10:00
Location: Oxford

Putting It Together: Strategies to End the Epidemic (closing plenary)
Implementing a Multi-disciplinary Prevention Revolution
Time: 15:00-16:30
Location: Auditorium

Here’s to the work ahead in Madrid and afterward!