New Peer-Reviewed Articles, Upcoming Webinars & More!

August 26, 2024

Dear Advocate,  

AVAC and partners authored three new peer-reviewed articles this month on a range of HIV prevention issues. From the potential and challenges of long-acting formulations in HIV care, to the benefits of delivering family planning AND PrEP using pharmacies, e-pharmacies and private sector clinics, to the necessity for gender-transformative approaches to ensure effective and equitable participation of women in biomedical prevention trialsthese are must-read pieces. Scroll down for more and mark your calendars for four webinars coming up, including this week!

The Long Wait for Long-Acting HIV Prevention and Treatment Formulations

This commentary in The Lancet HIV calls on WHO, financial donors, manufacturers, and governments to take coordinated action to make long-acting HIV prevention and treatment available at scale in lower- and middle-income countries.

Harnessing Private Sector Strategies for Family Planning to deliver the Dual Prevention Pill

The latest edition of the Journal of the International AIDS Society features newly published research by AVAC and partners on the benefits of delivering family planning and PrEP using pharmacies, e-pharmacies and telemedicine, in addition to private sector clinics. The research demonstrates why these delivery methods should be prioritized for rolling out the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP), a daily pill that combines oral PrEP with an oral contraceptive to prevent both unintended pregnancy and HIV. 

Meta-analysis of Pregnancy Events in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Gender Transformative Trials

CASPR partners authored new research published in AIDS and Behaviorhighlighting the need for clinical trial teams to balance the goals of generating scientific evidence with participants’ fertility choices. The authors argue that to better support participants, trials should adopt strategies that accommodate changing fertility preferences, plan for pregnancies, and consider the ethical implications of allowing pregnant participants to continue in studies. This approach would contribute to a more gender-transformative approach to pregnancy in HIV prevention trials.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Webinar

TOMORROW, August 27: Opportunities to Expand Equitable Access to HIV Prevention Services through Community Pharmacies 
Join The Choice Agenda and RxEACH, a national coalition effort working to expand and sustain access to HIV prevention and linkage to care services in community pharmacies for a webinar discussing the opportunity to expand equitable access to HIV prevention services, including PrEP, and what is needed to grow and sustain community-based HIV prevention service programs in pharmacies. 

August 29: Let’s Talk LEN: What global advances in HIV prevention mean for Black communities in the US
Join PrEP in Black America, Black Public Health, Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP), AVAC, and APHA, this webinar will explore the implications of the groundbreaking results from the PURPOSE 1 trial of Lenacapavir for US Black populations.
August 29: PrEP Your Booty
Join The Choice Agenda and HPTN 106 (REV UP), an innovative clinical trial from the HIV Prevention Trials Network that will investigate the safety and acceptability of a tenofovir-based rectal douche for HIV prevention, for a discussion with researchers leading the study.
September 11: Innovations in GPP
Join AVAC and champions of Good Participatory Practices (GPP) as they illustrate the evolution of GPPS from CABs and town hall meetings to more innovative and partnership-based approaches.