CAB-LA is a Highly Effective HIV Prevention Option; Now what?

Long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) is a promising new option for HIV prevention. In 2020, early results from two trials—HPTN 083 and HPTN 084—showed CAB-LA was safe and highly effective at preventing HIV when compared to daily oral TDF/FTC (Truvada) in men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender (TG) women and cisgender women. Now what? What questions remain unanswered and what support is needed now to make the growing range of prevention options feasible choices for people who may want and need them?

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention (VMMC): An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document explains how VMMC works, reviews the scientific evidence behind it, and outlines key advocacy issues for implementing it.

Px Wire July-September 2017, Vol. 10, No. 3

This issue of AVAC’s quarterly newsletter, Px Wire, is now available. Check it out for a deep dive into the data that suggest men who have sex with men may be able protected by oral PrEP, even if they don’t dose every day—and for the reasons why these data do not apply to women. You’ll also find out why messages about global AIDS are on our mind—and what we’d change about the current global conversation.

PrEP for MSM in Africa: Meeting Summary and Next Steps

Advocates gather in South Africa for the continent’s first PrEP and MSM consultation to chart a path for PrEP access. See the report summary with links to presentations and country plans.

Demanding Clarity on PrEP: Understanding recent data on oral PrEP

This webinar featured Jean-Michel Molina of the French research agency ANRS and Sheena McCormack of the UK Medical Research Council discussing the data from the IPERGAY and PROUD studies, respectively. Both trials evaluated oral TDF/FTC (brand name Truvada) as PrEP in gay men and other men who have sex with men, and both reported high levels of protection against HIV acquisition. PROUD prescribed a daily pill regimen; IPERGAY asked trial participants to follow an “event driven” regimen that involved a sequence of doses before and after sex. IPERGAY participants took an average of four doses per week—comparable to the estimated protective dose required in trials of daily oral PrEP.

Homophobic legislation and its Impact on Human Security

This report by the MSMGF explores the circumstances around the enactment of new anti-homosexual legislation in Nigeria and Uganda, examining five categories of insecurity faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the context of these laws.

PrEP for Black Gay and Bi-sexual Men in the US: What you need to know

This factsheet includes information on accessing and paying for PrEP, side effects and outlines key information on the relevance of PrEP for Black gay and bisexual men.

Will a pill a day prevent HIV? Anticipating the results of the tenofovir “PrEP” trials

This 2005 report examines the issues surrounding the tenofovir trials and makes recommendations for ensuring that trials are carried out ethically and that provisions are made for dealing with the results of the trials when they are available. The report also calls for more concerted coordination and advance planning to accelerate evaluation, licensing, and access to PrEP.

Ready, Set, Rectal Microbicides: An Update on Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy

Until recently, microbicide research has focused on vaginal microbicides. Recent initiatives and ongoing studies highlight the need for safe and effective rectal microbicides as part of an essential HIV prevention toolkit.

The Bottom Line in HIV Prevention… Rectal Microbicides

“The Bottom Line in HIV Prevention… Rectal Microbicides” was presented by Jim Pickett at the 22nd Annual Illinois HIV/STD Conference, October 16, 2013. This presentation provides introductory information on rectal microbicides as an HIV prevention strategy.