Africa Needs Safe and Accessible Lube Today; Rectal Microbicides Tomorrow

“Africa Needs Safe and Accessible Lube Today; Rectal Microbicides Tomorrow” was presented by Cindra Feuer (AVAC) and Jim Pickett (IRMA) at the AMSHeR pre-conference at ICASA 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation includes a discussion on the WHO prevention guidelines; and updates on PrEP and rectal microbicides.

Biomedical Prevention and Anal Sex

Cindra Feuer (AVAC) and Jim Pickett (IRMA) presented at AMSHeR’s 2-day Sexual Health and Rights Institute, which was held in December 2013 prior to ICASA 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation included an update on biomedical ARV-based prevention and advocacy and rectal microbicide research and advocacy.

On the Map: Ensuring Africa’s Place in Rectal Microbicide Advocacy

IRMA hosted a strategy development meeting on 2-3 December 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to develop an African rectal microbicide agenda that articulates research, advocacy, and community mobilization strategies. The strategy meeting brought together African stakeholders and allies representing a wide array of perspectives, experiences, and geographies to develop action steps for RM research and advocacy, specific to the African context.

The GLAM Toolkit: Advocacy to improve access to safe, condom-compatible lubricant in Africa (French)

“La boîte à outils GLAM – Plaidoyer pour améliorer l’accès en Afrique à du lubrifiant fiable et adapté au préservatif”, published by IRMA, amfAR and AVAC, provides background on the status of lubricant (lube) access in Africa and suggests potential strategies for civil society and government partners to secure and distribute sustainable supplies of safe, condom-compatible lube. Global Lube Access Mobilisation (GLAM) is a campaign of IRMA’s Project ARM (Africa for Rectal Microbicides) initiative.

The GLAM Toolkit: Advocacy to improve access to safe, condom-compatible lubricant in Africa

The GLAM Toolkit: Advocacy to improve access to safe, condom-compatible lubricant in Africa” published by IRMA, amfAR and AVAC, provides background on the status of lubricant (lube) access in Africa and suggests potential strategies for civil society and government partners to secure and distribute sustainable supplies of safe, condom-compatible lube. Global Lube Access Mobilisation (GLAM) is a campaign of IRMA’s Project ARM (Africa for Rectal Microbicides) initiative.

Rectal Microbicides Video Facilitator’s Guide (Thai)

This guide is meant to be used as a preparation tool for people leading community discussions, workshops, or recruitment sessions who will be showing the educational video in Thai. Background information on rectal microbicide research and the clinical trial process is included in the guide.

Rectal Microbicides Video Facilitator’s Guide (Spanish)

This guide is meant to be used as a preparation tool for people leading community discussions, workshops, or recruitment sessions who will be showing the educational video in Spanish. Background information on rectal microbicide research and the clinical trial process is included in the guide.

Community-driven strategies for the use of antiretrovirals as prevention: United States Workshop Report

Launched in 2011, the multi-national Mapping Pathways project provides a community-led, research-driven, multi-layered synthesis about the use of antiretroviral-based prevention strategies. Project partners included RAND, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, AIDS United, Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Naz India, and Bairds CMC.

In the latter half of 2013, a subset of the Mapping Pathways team from RAND Europe and AIDS Foundation of Chicago conducted a series of three “knowledge exchange” scenario development workshops with a focus on the United States, held in San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Washington, DC. The aim of the workshops was to further share the findings of the report and to continue enhancing the community-driven, locally informed approach to the wider evidence base for ARV-based prevention. This report summarizes the outputs of those three workshops.

Mapping Pathways: Developing evidence-based, people-centred strategies for the use of antiretrovirals as prevention

Mapping Pathways is a multinational project to develop and nurture a research-driven, community-led global understanding of the emerging evidence base around the adoption of antiretroviral (ARV)-based prevention strategies to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The project is based on the premise that the current array of prevention options is not sufficient; new pathways to prevention, based on enhanced assessment and analysis of likely impact, are needed to address new infections adequately.

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: What Gets Counted

This table from Px Wire January-March 2014 Volume 7, No.1 examines why the global systems for tracking voluntary medical male circumcision are lagging behind the actual progress being made.