Avac Event

Webinar: Vaccine and Cure Research in Europe: the EHVA and HIVACAR Consortiums

AVAC PxROAR Europe presents a webinar introducing European approaches to HIV vaccines and a cure:

  • The European HIV Alliance’s Sheena McCormack will discuss HIV vaccines and the quest to identify immune correlates associated with control of HIV replication. The EHVA is a consortium of 39 partners from eleven countries in Europe plus four in sub-Saharan Africa and the US. It is pursuing a number of different preventative vaccine strategies including improved viral vectors, modified versions of HIV envelope proteins and dendritic-cell vaccines.
  • HIVACAR’s Felipe Garcia will discuss research into a therapeutic alternative to “cART for life” (combined antiretroviral therapy). An innovative strategy based on the patient’s immune system that is safe, affordable and scalable to achieve the functional cure of HIV-1 infection will be tested in a Phase I/IIa clinical trial. HIVACAR is a 14-site consortium evaluating a combination of immune-based therapies to achieve a functional cure of HIV infection.

Both EHVA and HIVACAR are funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

Recording: YouTube / Audio / EHVA Slides / HIVACAR Slides

Avac Event

June 13, 2017

In this webinar, Jeff Taylor from the Care Collaboratory CAB at the University of North Carolina will discuss the basics needed to understand cure research and clinical trials, utilizing the CUREiculum, AVAC’s cure education tool.

Webinar objectives:

  • Define terms needed to understand cure research
  • Explore the major challenges to developing a cure
  • Understand the current state of cure research

Register at http://bit.ly/cure101

Avac Event

Webinar: HIV – The Basics What You Need To Know, And Want to Know About HIV Cure Research

This webinar covered the basics of cure research. The webinar was led by Nicolas Chomont, a leading researcher at the University of Montreal.

Topics covered during the webinar included:

  • What are researchers talking about when they say “cure”?
  • What kind of progress is being made toward a cure for HIV?
  • How can we talk about HIV cure to our communities?
  • What do we need to know before AIDS 2016?


For information on other CUREiculum webinars, visit here.

Avac Event

CUREiculum Webinar: Stakeholder Engagement

Based on the AVAC/UNAIDS Good Participatory Practice Guidelines (GPP), this module applies the principles found in the guidelines to early phase HIV cure research. The content is designed to help research teams, community members and other stakeholders understand and implement GPP in early phase research.

Slides and audio from this webinar are available for download below. And for information on the entire CUREiculum webinar series, click here.

Avac Event

CUREiculum Webinar: Early ART

Early ART does not cure HIV. However, researchers globally are looking to understand why some HIV-positive individuals can achieve a temporary remission while others rebound quickly after stopping treatment. This module gave an overview of the current research landscape and place early ART research in the larger framework of the HIV cure research agenda. The webinar was led by Dr. Jintanat Ananworanich, MD, PhD.

Avac Event

Webinar: The Ethics of Cure Research

The HIV cure research field presents new challenges to study conduct, design, risk and a host of other issues — scientific, biological, social, ethical and regulatory — that many stakeholders are grappling with. This module will begin to unpack some of the ethical issues associated with HIV cure research.

Avac Event

Webinar: Pediatric HIV Cure Research

The case of the “Mississippi child” has intrigued scientists since the case was first announced as “cured” in 2013. After the Mississippi child rebounded after two years of remission little has been mentioned about pediatric HIV cure research in the media. This webinar answered the essential questions about the state of the research and discussed the opportunities and challenges in pursuing curative strategies in pediatric populations.

Materials from additional webinars in the Cureiculum series are available, click here.

Avac Event

Webinar: Operationalizing Ethics – A focus on informed consent

Professor Gail Henderson, PhD describes what regulatory processes are in place to keep participants in HIV cure research safe. In this webinar, she described the relationship between informed consent and ethical research, identified challenges of discussions around risks and benefits and provided points of considerations for the informed consent process.

Materials from additional webinars in the Cureiculum series are available, click here.

Avac Event

HIV Cure: Where Are We And Where Are We Going?

The Water Reed Army Institute of Research invited anyone in or near the DC area for a World AIDS Day seminar.

Jintanat Ananworanich, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Director for Therapeutics Research, MHRP, was the guest speaker.

Avac Event

New York State 2016 HIV Cure Symposium: Connecting Research to Clinical Practice

This full day symposium will focus on progress being made in HIV cure research. It will highlight (1) research to improve stem cell transplants; (2) gene editing technology; (3) advances in immune modulators and latency reversing agents; (4) ethical concerns related to treatment interruption and patient risk; and (5) policy barriers.

At the conclusion of the symposium, participants should be able to:

  • Increase capacity of medical providers to discuss HIV cure research with patients
  • Summarize barriers of conducting HIV cure research in NY State and identify strategies to remove those barriers
  • Examine the place of HIV cure in the HIV care continuum

This symposium is restricted to New York State clinical providers, such as physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists, and pharmacists. Space will be limited!

New York University Kimmel Center
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012

For More Information:
Contact Sainabou Jobe at [email protected] or 212-523-7284.