Investment in HIV Prevention R&D by Top Philanthropic Funders in 2017

Global philanthropic funding increased by 4.1 percent from 2016 levels and amounted to US$164 million, or 14.6 percent of overall funding. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) remained the largest funder and increased its contribution by 6.6 percent, to US$150.2 million. Wellcome Trust investment fell for the fifth consecutive year to an annual US$2 million.

The full report, HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2017: Investing to end the epidemic, is available for download.

HIV Vaccine Science, Research, Updates and Advocacy

With HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) in the spotlight earlier this month, AVAC’s May episode of PxPulse features four experts steeped in HIV vaccine research. Together they help set expectations for where the field is now and where it is going.

The Stories of HIV Vaccines in 2018—From science to stakeholder engagement

This four-pager explores stories about stakeholder engagement in the current suite of efficacy trials as well as stories around global support for vaccine research in the age of an expanded HIV prevention landscape.

Vaccines Efficacy Trials: A surge of activity

A picture of the status of vaccine trials since 2003: The four trials shown here represent an unprecedented number of late phase trials underway in vaccines research.

Prevention Research & Oral PrEP Rollout: The evolving context for HIV prevention research

Many of the current or planned prevention trials are taking place in countries where daily oral PrEP is available or will be soon. This infographic shows the status PrEP and the location of scheduled trials by country.

Vaccine and Antibody Trial Participant Recruitment, 2018

A global snapshot of total numbers of participants in trials by country.

Three Perspectives, Two Trials and One Big Goal

With more efficacy trials underway today than ever before in HIV prevention research, this episode of Px Pulse zooms in on two that have most recently launched: one of two trials testing a long-acting injectable antiretroviral called cabotegravir (HPTN 084), and the study of a “mosaic” vaccine developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals (HVTN 705/HPX2008).

NIH-Funded HIV Trial Networks: A family tree

This graphic provides a visual history of the DAIDS Networks and a look at what’s proposed for the next funding cycle. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.

Total Global HIV Prevention R&D Investment by Prevention Option, 2015–2016

This graphic shows the percentage of total global investment in HIV prevention spent on different interventions in 2015 and 2016. For much more on HIV prevention research & development funding, visit

US HIV Research: A family tree

This graphics shows a family tree representing HIV research in the United States. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.