Data Watch: Closing a Persistent Gap in the AIDS Response

In this update to the 2012 Action Agenda to End AIDS, amfAR and AVAC argue that critical and expensive decisions made with incomplete data can undermine the response to the AIDS epidemic—even as the systems for collecting these data continue to improve. The report describes the issues and identifies critical areas where better, more complete data are needed to guide the key decisions for the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It also provides an update on prevention and treatment targets set in the Action Agenda.

HIV Prevention Research & Development Investment in 2013: In a changing global development, economic and human rights landscape

This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. The report shows that investment in HIV prevention research fell 4 percent in 2013, due to a combination of factors including declining investments by the United States and European donors, changes in the international development landscape and changes in the pipeline of HIV prevention products being tested.

When do you stop an HIV prevention trial for futility? A primer for HIV prevention advocates

This fact sheet looks at why trials are stopped early for “futility.” What does this mean, when is such a recommendation made and how does it affect other ongoing trials?

Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial (French)

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial (Spanish)

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

AIDS Vaccine Science: What’s all the buzz about?

This is training exercise designed to bring HIV vaccine research information to life.

AIDS Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates – Current AIDS Vaccine R&D Pipeline

One-pager reviewing what we’ve learned from previous efficacy trials, the product pipeline and where we are today and future directions toward finding a vaccine that works.

AIDS Vaccine Research: An overview

This series of infographics highlights the current state of the field. Each research area is expanded with key details about the current focus and advancements in the science along with critical issues that advocates should be tracking.

HIV Vaccines by the Numbers: Trials, discoveries, money and more

We know that an AIDS vaccine is possible and that a vaccine will be an important part of a long-term strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. The road ahead is long, but clinical trials—even those with disappointing results—and early-stage research provide critical clues to the way forward. This graphics  represents key facts about the AIDS vaccine field.