IPM 056 / CCN019B

HPTN 096

Cabotegravir implant (Preclinical)



PrEPWatch is designed to be a clearinghouse for information on PrEP research (ongoing and completed; clinical trials and demonstration projects), data, additional research, cost, access and advocacy efforts across the globe.

Px Wire July-September 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2

PrEP Tracker data, preparing for new products, the HIV prevention pipeline and our prevention playlist. All that and more in the latest issue of Px Wire.

Webinar Roundup — Including An Upcoming Webinar With Tony Fauci!

In October AVAC’s calendar of webinars took on a range of topics, each crucial for the field, and November’s webinars will be just as rich and diverse. Read on for highlights from October’s discussions and related resources, and be sure to register for webinars and events that are coming up this month, including a Fireside Chat with Tony Fauci!

Upcoming Webinars and Meetings

PEP Needs Some Pep! Addressing PEP Neglect in HIV Prevention Research, Programming and Uptake
Thursday, November 3 at 9:00am ET; 16h00 EAT
Register here
PEP, post-exposure-prophylaxis, is an HIV prevention intervention marked by both great promise and profound neglect. PEP works, but far too few people know about, or when and how to obtain this valuable intervention. Join The Choice Agenda for a discussion with James Ayieko, Julie Fox, Ken Mayer, Catherine Koss, Njambi Njuguna and Ace Robinson.

Africa Health R&D Week 2022
November 8 – 11, 2022, virtual
Register here
Join AVAC, IAVI, CASPR and others for a continental forum on domestic resource mobilization (DRM) for health research and development (R&D) in Africa. This week-long program for advocates, media, policymakers, program implementers, researchers, and funders will bring clarity to key issues and trends of DRM for health R&D in Africa.
Agenda / Concept Note / Flyers

Reintroducing PrEPWatch
Thursday, November 10 at 9:00am EDT; 17h00 EAT
Register here
Join us as we introduce AVAC’s updated PrEPWatch.org, a one-stop clearinghouse for the latest PrEP data on implementation and uptake, resources, and information on PrEP policies, programs and products, approved and in development. During this webinar, we’ll share:

  • New data on PrEP rollout worldwide and by country.
  • New ways to access global and country-specific PrEP resources for PrEP planning and advocacy.
  • Stories of innovation from the field.
  • Toolkits for each phase of planning, from policies & budgets to monitoring & evaluation, and everything in between.

Much Accomplished, Much to Do: A Conversation Looking Back & Looking Ahead with Tony Fauci
Monday, November 28 at 11:30am EDT; 18h30 EAT
Register here
Join AVAC for a conversation with NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci as we discuss all that’s been accomplished in the HIV and COVID-19 responses over the years, what’s ahead, and what the future looks like for NIAID, for Dr. Fauci and for pandemic preparedness.

Recordings and Resources

Doxycycline for STI prevention: Evidence and Current Research
Featuring Dr. Connie Celum, Jennifer Mahn, Dr. Victor Omollo, Rodney Perkins and Dr. Jenell Stewart
Recording / Slides / Resources

Private Sector Delivery Opportunities for the Dual Prevention Pill (DPP): Lessons from family planning (FP) for the introduction of multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs)
Co-hosted by AVAC and FP2030, this webinar highlighted findings from a report on private sector opportunities for the DPP and explored lessons from the family planning field
Recording / Slides / Resources

RINGing the Bell for Choice: Actions and Solutions on Dapivirine Ring (DVR) Access
The Choice Agenda hosted a conversation around the latest in DVR advocacy last month. Watch the webinar, explore up-to-date resources on DVR, and sign-up for The Choice Agenda listserv—a growing community of over 800 prevention advocates and counting.

The Future of ARV-Based Prevention and More

The pipeline of non-vaccine HIV prevention products includes oral pills, vaginal rings, vaginal and rectal gels, vaginal films, long-acting injectable antiretrovirals and more. Also pictured are the range of MPTs in development that aim to reduce the risk of HIV and STIs and/or provide effective contraception for women. (Visit www.avac.org/hvad for vaccine and broadly neutralizing antibody pipelines.)

RINGing the Bell for Choice: Actions and Solutions on Dapivirine Ring Access

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hear the latest updates from African advocates leading the advocacy for access to the dapivirine ring. Plus tune in for the Population Council’s plans for moving the ring forward on multiple fronts, from roll-out of the monthly ring to research around the 3-month ring and multipurpose ring.

Recording / Slides / Resources

AVAC Condemns Court Decision that Tramples Human Rights, Reinforces Homophobia and Denies Life-Saving PrEP Drugs to Individuals in Texas

As a global organization dedicated to health as a human right, to social justice, and to individual autonomy and choice, AVAC condemns the decision by a federal judge in Texas who ruled in favor of a historically homophobic, misogynistic, and discriminatory plaintiff. A conservative activist sued on behalf of a Texas company claiming that adhering to a provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to provide coverage for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs violates their religious rights.

“This shocking ruling defies evidence, logic, public health and human rights and sets back enormous progress made in the fight to end the HIV epidemic in the US and globally,” said Mitchell Warren, AVAC’s executive director. “It is a blatantly homophobic and misogynistic ruling that will endanger the lives of many gay men and others who rely on PrEP to protect themselves from HIV.”

“This ruling is the latest blow in a campaign to roll back bodily autonomy and human rights for a wide swathe of the American people. The Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier this year was a wake-up call that individual rights are under attack by the far right,” Warren added. “This decision likely won’t be the last we see in a campaign to impose some individuals’ religious beliefs on the broader population. Access to contraception, vaccinations, routine health screenings, prevention services and patient privacy are all under attack.”

While this latest decision is for now limited to the Northern District of Texas, it has ramifications for the rest of the country and for global programs to provide PrEP to people of all genders and sexual orientations who need and want to use it. These kinds of decisions often test the ground for cases that go to the Supreme Court, where the current makeup of the court means such a decision may be upheld and even expanded upon nationally.

“Deciding to use PrEP is a decision between an individual and their healthcare provider, no one else. Another person’s religious beliefs have no place in determining the right to use a safe, highly effective, FDA-approved, life-saving drug,” said Suraj Madoori, AVAC’s director of policy and advocacy.

“Daily oral PrEP was approved by the US FDA a decade ago and still has not reached nearly all of those who would benefit from its use. This decision throws up another substantial barrier between a life-saving intervention and individuals and communities most vulnerable to HIV, further capping the untapped potential of an important prevention option,” Madoori added.

This decision creates enormous, unnecessary barriers for LGBTQ+ people in Texas, as well as heterosexual women who are HIV-vulnerable, from the healthcare they need and is yet another example of oppressive or criminalizing policies in countries around the world that set barriers to health and human rights. We know these barriers drive poverty, epidemics and disenfranchisement from civil society. Policies like this don’t advance anyone’s freedom to live full, healthy lives; rather they undermine community resilience, individual autonomy and public health.

“At a time when science has given us the tools to advance towards the end the HIV epidemic and rational evidence-based public health policies and programs can implement those tools to save millions of lives around the world, one judge’s biased and discriminatory decision could endanger programs and lives far beyond northern Texas,” Warren added. “As advocates, activists and citizens, we at AVAC stand in solidarity with those whom this decision affects. We firmly believe that the ruling must be called out as homophobic and dangerous and that every effort must be made to ensure that it does not stand.”


About AVAC: Founded in 1995, AVAC is a non-profit organization that uses education, policy analysis, advocacy and a network of global collaborations to accelerate the ethical development and global delivery of HIV prevention options as part of a comprehensive response to the pandemic. Follow AVAC on Twitter @HIVpxresearch and find more at www.avac.org and www.prepwatch.org.