The Change We Need to End AIDS in Uganda: A civil society analysis of the state of Uganda’s AIDS response

This document, developed by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, identifies failures in the Ugandan AIDS response and a 10-point plan to end the country’s epidemic.

Letter to Ambassador Goosby on PEPFAR and the national response to HIV in Uganda in 2012-13

This letter, written by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, summarizes concerns and demands related to the US PEPFAR program’s 2012 Country Operating Plan. A country operating plan dictates the scope, funding levels and targets of PEPFAR programming on an annual basis.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Thai)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Russian)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

Good Participatory Practice: Guidelines for biomedical HIV prevention trials second edition (Portuguese)

The Good Participatory Practice (GPP) guidelines offer trial funders, sponsors and implementers systematic guidance on how to engage stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle of HIV Prevention Trials.

This second edition of the guidelines, published in 2011, contains three sections: The Importance of Good Participatory Practice, Guiding Principles of GPP in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Good Participatory Practices in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials. The sections provide context, foundational principles and key practices.

Women and HIV Prevention Research: Designing, testing and marketing products to improve adherence

The fourth webinar in AVAC’s Research & Reality series, a year-long dialogue about prevention research and advocacy, this webinar provided a forum to learn about and discuss key issues around women and the HIV prevention agenda, including challenges around marketing of and adherence to new prevention options. Click for speaker details, slides and audio.

Letter to Ambassador Goosby from Kenyan Civil Society

This letter on behalf of civil society organizations working in HIV and AIDS in Kenya offers recommendations for PEPFAR’s Kenya Country Operational Plan (COP) in 2013. The letter includes calls for increased investment in HIV treatment options and enhanced participation of CSO-selected civil society groups in every stage of the COP drafting process.

Community Stakeholder Checklist

The Community Stakeholder Checklist is a set of questions that can be used by community stakeholders to evaluate a research team’s compliance with the Good Participatory Practice guidelines. The checklist can be used as a starting point for dialogue with a research team, a way to share experiences with other stakeholders or as an assessment tool.

Capitalizing on Scientific Progress: Investment in HIV Prevention R&D in 2010

This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. The 2011 report describes the funding environment in the wake of a number of the findings of efficacy in the RV144, CAPRISA, iPrEx and HPTN 025 trials and calls for sustained funding to build on these results.

Px Wire April-June 2012, Vol. 5, No. 2

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. Highlights from this issue include a newly debuted research timeline: “ARV-based Prevention for HIV Negative Adults.” The timeline charts the time-to-approval trajectory, showing efficacy trials, related confirmatory studies and dates of possible regulatory submission for a range of prevention options including oral PrEP with TDF, oral PrEP with TDF/FTC, vaginal and rectal formulations of tenofovir gel and the dapivirine-containing vaginal ring.