Global HIV Prevention R&D Investments by Technology, 2000-2015

In 2015, global funding for HIV prevention R&D declined slightly, from US $1.25 billion in 2014 to US $1.20 billion in 2015. This continues a decade of roughly flat funding. The US public sector remained the largest global contributor at US $850 million, and together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest philanthropic funder, constituted 81 percent of all funding.

Self-Testing is on the Map

UNAIDS’ “Fast Track” plan to end the AIDS epidemic includes a trio of targets known as “90 90 90”. Achieving the first 90 (testing) can only happen with a dramatic growth in the number of people testing their HIV status. Only about 54 percent of the approximately 37 million people with HIV around the world know their status. One way to reach this goal might be “self-testing” kits. Studies reported at the AIDS 2016 conference brought insight into how self-testing kits could work.

UNAIDS’ “Fast Track” plan to end the AIDS epidemic includes a trio of targets known as “90 90 90”—ninety percent of all people living with HIV will know their status, ninety percent of them will get effective treatment, and ninety percent of them will see the virus suppressed in their bodies… all by 2020. Achieving the first 90 (testing) can only happen with a dramatic growth in the number of people testing their HIV status. According to US Department of Health and Human services, only about 54 percent of the approximately 37 million people with HIV around the world know their status. One way to reach this goal might be “self-testing” kits, which can be used at home and yield results within twenty minutes using technology as simple as a swab and a test tube.

Studies reported at AIDS 2016 conference in Durban brought insight into how self-testing kits could work. We’ve summarized some of these abstracts and their key findings below.

Community-based distribution of HIV self-test kits: results from a pilot of door-to-door distribution of HIV self-test kits in one rural Zimbabwean community
Euphemia Lindelwe Sibanda reported on the findings of a study conducted by the Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research, Zimbabwe. Researchers distributed more than 8,000 HIV self-testing kits over a one-month period, door-to-door, in a rural district in Zimbabwe. People could choose to take their test with a trained community volunteer present or on their own. Participants were asked to return their used test kits to a locked drop box. Results were obtained from the used tests.

The 8,000 people who received kits represent well over half the adult population (both men and women) in the district. 85 percent declined assistance from a community volunteer and chose to take their test alone or with their partner. Sixty-eight percent of the kits were returned to the locked drop box. Researchers were able to establish HIV positive results for more than 1100 individuals (21 percent of the returned kits), and 824 of them sought follow-up services which represents 10 percent of the 8,000 who received a kit, and 15 percent of the returned kits. The study’s authors said demand for the kits exceeded supply. The authors also reported that especially high numbers of men and young people tested themselves at home.

Acceptability, feasibility and preference for HIV self-testing in Zimbabwe
Another study based in Zimbabwe also demonstrated the acceptability and desirability of self-testing. Sue Napierala Mavedzenge from RTI International presented a study of 1,000 participants, recruited from rural and urban outskirts. Of these, 70 percent opted to test themselves and 30 percent chose testing administered by a provider. At a two week follow up, 663 (95 percent) had used the home test kit, 32 individuals (5 percent) had not. Forty-seven (8 percent) had tested positive and 25 of them had sought follow up care.

Provision of oral HIV self-test Kits triples uptake of HIV testing among male partners of antenatal care clients: results of a randomized trial in Kenya
A study from Kenya suggests that self-testing could be an important tool for reaching men, who as a rule are less likely to seek testing. The Kenya study was presented by Anthony Gichangi of Jhpiego Kenya. This randomized trial followed 1,410 women who were counseled about HIV testing during ante-natal care visits. Some were provided standard care. Others were given literature about partner testing and the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child. A third group took home both literature and self-testing kits. Testing rates for the latter group (literature and a home testing kit) far surpassed the other two: 83 percent of the men in group three took the test. Only 28 percent of men from the first group, who received standard care, obtained a test. Thirty-eight percent of men responded to the literature alone. A majority of men and women who tested, including all three options, reported they took the HIV tests together.

Together these studies suggest that scaling up the availability of home test kits could spur accelerated HIV testing in countries hard hit by the epidemic. Visit here for a look at current initiatives, funded by UNITAID and implemented by Population Services International, advancing this work.

All this sounds like good news. And maybe it will be, especially if the field pays proper attention to the potential risks.

Understanding coercion in the context of semi-supervised HIV self-testing in urban Blantyre, Malawi
Wezzie Lora explored one such risk in a study conducted by the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust.

In this study, fifteen heterosexual couples were interviewed on two occasions after having been provided with self-testing kits. A total of thirty men and women participated. Researchers asked if the participants experienced coercion by their partners to take the test. Some women reported feeling empowered by the option to bring a self-test home. More men than women said they felt coerced to take the test. Some of the participants rationalized coercion as sometimes acceptable or ethical, where there was history of infidelity, for example. Others characterized coercion as an “infringement of human rights,” according to the study’s authors. The study framed coercion as a culturally-informed concept and concluded that in certain contexts, under particular conditions, men and women expressed tolerance for coercion.

This raises a range of important questions about minimizing the risk of coercion in culturally appropriate ways. Details about what led women to feel empowered and how that affected their choices is important to understand. Certainly, the issue is complex—the privacy associated with testing at home may be appealing and empowering, and it may also invite coercion. What’s more, the privacy surrounding this technology might make it difficult for the field to ascertain if the net effect increases or reduces safety.

Self-testing offers the potential to quickly expand the global population who knows their status. Such a tool belongs alongside an equal imperative in the fight against HIV: an absolute commitment to protect human rights. More exploration is necessary and these studies, while leaving questions, also support that ongoing work.


Uptake, Accuracy, Safety and Linkage into Care over Two Years of Promoting Annual Self-Testing for HIV in Blantyre, Malawi: A Community-Based Prospective Study in PLoS Medicine

Home Tests – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Durban 2016 Scorecard—How did it deliver?

Excerpted from Px Wire, this is a scorecard for the 2016 International AIDS Conference. Did it deliver?

Breaking the Cycle of Heterosexual Transmission

Excerpted from Px Wire, this is a novel look at how to use today’s tools to break the cycle of heterosexual transmission that was so clearly defined in a major AIDS 2016 presentation.

New Px Wire: Where did Durban leave HIV prevention?

The International AIDS Conference closed exactly a month ago today. While it lacked the pageantry of last night’s Olympics closing ceremony—which included a prime minister dressed as a video game character—the Durban wrap-up was a reminder of how important the meeting can be in framing global issues and priorities. AVAC’s new issue of Px Wire offers a look at how the Durban wrap-up catapults us into the future.

Click here to download the new issue.

And don’t miss our centerspread graphic:

  • A scorecard for the conference—how did it deliver?
  • A novel look at how to use today’s tools to break the cycle of heterosexual transmission that was so clearly defined in a major Durban presentation.

Prevention, Treatment and Human Rights

AVAC Executive Director Mitchell Warren and international gay rights activist Bisi Alimi dig into the tough realities of fighting HIV in 2016 in this interview, originally livestreamed from the AIDS 2016 conference in Durban.

Alimi asks Warren to make sense of scientific advances and new discoveries that are answering big questions and raising others. And Warren shows the imperative connection between prevention, treatment and human rights. Click to view.

Ighodaro spars with Bisi over some provocative questions about the role of Africa’s activists and an agenda for the future. View the video here.

A Cycle of Transmission in South Africa

Men and women in specific age groups have distinct health and prevention needs. HIV transmission conforms to specific patterns, depending on age and gender. Effective prevention and Treatment U=U must reflect the needs of each profile. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

After the HIV Test: Targets and Progress in Making and Measuring Linkages

If a person tests HIV-negative, the next steps are poorly understood. This infographic from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People, shows a cascade of interventions needed for prevention, as well as the existing structure in place to guide an HIV positive individual from testing to Treatment U=U.

Biomedical Prevention in 2016 – At a Glance

A snapshot of prevention strategies underway or under development from 2015-2020. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

Key Barriers to Women’s Access to HIV Treatment: Making ‘Fact-Track’ a Reality

It is essential to understand the barriers to and facilitators of women’s access to ART, so that individual choices about when and whether to start, and continue with, treatment translate into positive mental and physical health outcomes for the woman, as well as benefiting public health.

In this review, socio-structural factors were explored at macro-, meso- and micro-levels in order to better understand the experiences women living with HIV have of treatment availability and their decision-making around uptake, and to assess how treatment programmes affect their lives. Removing barriers and changing policies and programmes to align with best practices will contribute substantially to efforts for the achievement of global goals such as the ‘90-90-90’ UNAIDS ‘Fast-Track’ targets.