Antiretroviral Treatment for Prevention of HIV and Tuberculosis

Despite considerable evidence supporting the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for prevention of HIV and TB illness, death and transmission, only 37 percent of the 35 million people living with HIV were receiving it in 2013. This paper examines ongoing and planned global treatment as prevention studies and addresses research questions related to access and implementation.

Community-driven strategies for the use of antiretrovirals as prevention: United States Workshop Report

Launched in 2011, the multi-national Mapping Pathways project provides a community-led, research-driven, multi-layered synthesis about the use of antiretroviral-based prevention strategies. Project partners included RAND, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, AIDS United, Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Naz India, and Bairds CMC.

In the latter half of 2013, a subset of the Mapping Pathways team from RAND Europe and AIDS Foundation of Chicago conducted a series of three “knowledge exchange” scenario development workshops with a focus on the United States, held in San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Washington, DC. The aim of the workshops was to further share the findings of the report and to continue enhancing the community-driven, locally informed approach to the wider evidence base for ARV-based prevention. This report summarizes the outputs of those three workshops.

Mapping Pathways: Developing evidence-based, people-centred strategies for the use of antiretrovirals as prevention

Mapping Pathways is a multinational project to develop and nurture a research-driven, community-led global understanding of the emerging evidence base around the adoption of antiretroviral (ARV)-based prevention strategies to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The project is based on the premise that the current array of prevention options is not sufficient; new pathways to prevention, based on enhanced assessment and analysis of likely impact, are needed to address new infections adequately.

Treatment as Prevention: An introductory factsheet

This introductory 2-page document defines treatment as prevention, reviews the scientific evidence behind it, and outlines implementation advocacy priorities. The factsheet is part of a series on emerging HIV prevention strategies.

Press Statement from Kenya AIDS Civil Society AIDS Groups Cheer First Major New Commitment by Presidential Candidate

This press release from a coalition of Kenyan civil society groups celebrates a success in an election-year campaign led by 2013 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Maureen Milanga to secure commitments to good HIV policy by political candidates. The pledge by Prime Minister Raila Odinga committed his administration, if elected, to provide universal access to antiretroviral therapy and to spend 15 percent of the national budget on healthcare.

HIV Civil Society Recommendations for Kenya’s New Health Secretary and Global Fund Application

This letter, written by a civil society coalition co-led by 2013 AVAC Advocacy Fellow Maureen Milanga, summarizes concerns and demands related to Kenya’s 2013 application to the Global Fund. The letter was sent during the Global Fund’s transition to its New Funding Model and includes guidance to the Government of Kenya on how to navigate the new system to secure support for ambitious treatment scale-up in the wake of new WHO treatment guidelines.

The Change We Need to End AIDS in Uganda: A civil society analysis of the state of Uganda’s AIDS response

This document, developed by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, identifies failures in the Ugandan AIDS response and a 10-point plan to end the country’s epidemic.

Letter to Ambassador Goosby on PEPFAR and the national response to HIV in Uganda in 2012-13

This letter, written by a coalition of civil society groups co-led by AVAC Advocacy Fellows Alice Kayong-Mutebi, Richard Hasunira and Sylvia Nakasi, summarizes concerns and demands related to the US PEPFAR program’s 2012 Country Operating Plan. A country operating plan dictates the scope, funding levels and targets of PEPFAR programming on an annual basis.

Letter to Ambassador Goosby from Kenyan Civil Society

This letter on behalf of civil society organizations working in HIV and AIDS in Kenya offers recommendations for PEPFAR’s Kenya Country Operational Plan (COP) in 2013. The letter includes calls for increased investment in HIV treatment options and enhanced participation of CSO-selected civil society groups in every stage of the COP drafting process.

Px Wire April-June 2011, Vol. 4, No. 2

Px Wire is AVAC’s quarterly update covering the latest in the field of biomedical HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy. Highlights in this issue include a feature on new momentum to end the AIDS epidemic in light of the new HPTN 052 results showing that early ARV treatment is highly protective against transmitting HIV to one’s sexual partner. This issue also includes an abbreviated roadmap highlighting sessions on the latest biomedical prevention updates at the upcoming 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention. As appears each quarter, this issue includes a center foldout poster with an updated comprehensive timeline of efficacy trials of new biomedical HIV prevention worldwide and a world map showing where various strategies are being tested.