Advocacy in Uncertain Times: A call to action

AVAC’s report for HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on the state of the HIV vaccine research and development field, including key priorities for advancing research and sustaining support.

Financing the Search: Then and now

Funding for vaccines research in 1997 and 2016, segmented by government and other sector spending.

Number of Vaccines Trials: Then and now

A snapshot of the number of vaccine trials conducted globally between 1997 and 2017.

Where Does Oral PrEP Fit in to Vaccine and AMP Trials?

A global map showing current efficacy trial countries and their status of PrEP implementation.

Vaccine Approaches in Early-Phase Development

An outline of various approaches to vaccine development that are in earlier phase research, e.g., phase I or II trials; development pathways for these candidates are uncertain at this time.

Vaccines and Antibodies on Efficacy Pathways

A timeline of current efficacy programs for vaccines and antibodies, highlighting the P5 program testing pox-protein candidates, the Janssen program testing mosaic-based candidates, and the AMP studies testing the antibody VRC01.

Advocacy in Uncertain Times: A call to action

It’s almost here! HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is upon us. This Thursday will mark the day’s 20th anniversary and cap off AVAC’s month-long “vaccine immersion”. On Thursday, we will host the final webinar in our series, featuring Julie Ake of the US Military HIV Research Program. (Update: link to the recording.)

HVAD comes amidst a week when advocates for health and human rights are aghast at a new US guideline on expansion of the Global Gag Rule—a policy that is anti-woman and anti-public health, and that will now impact many more recipients of US funding. As AVAC states in a blog, we are committed to the rights and health of girls and women worldwide, and stand strong with our allies in this fight.

Our HVAD resources are designed for allies everywhere to use in the fight for rights-based, science-forward, sustainable solutions to the epidemic. They include our updated HVAD toolkit, which features our HVAD call to action, Advocacy in Uncertain Times, a new publication on HIV vaccine advocacy and priorities for the field—required reading for HIV prevention and vaccine advocates alike!

HVAD 2017 Toolkit

  • Advocacy in Uncertain Times: A call to action—AVAC’s report for HVAD on the state of the HIV vaccine research and development field, including key priorities for advancing research and sustaining support. (Click here to download all graphics from this report.)
  • HIV Vaccines: Key Messages for HVAD 2017—Bullet points on today’s pressing issues; great for informed audiences who need compelling outreach messages.
  • HIV Vaccines: An Introductory Fact Sheet—Part of AVAC’s basic fact sheet series, a two-pager of basic information and research updates; great for distribution to lay audiences.
  • HIV Vaccines: The Basics—Introductory PowerPoint slide set with basic concepts, an overview of research status and recent developments; great for use by research representatives and vaccine stakeholders for presenting information to wider audiences.
  • Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates: bNAbs—a one-pager reviewing highlights, next steps and key terms; great for lay audiences who are looking to understand complex technical issues.

Missed any of the previous webinars in the series? Visit for the slides and recordings.

And HVAD is active on social media this year! Follow the hashtags #HIVVaccineAware and #HVAD2017 on Twitter and Facebook for more messages and resources this HVAD.

At AVAC, we thank you for your work and partnership today and every day. We’re committed to ending the AIDS epidemic, and that means finding an HIV vaccine. We couldn’t do it without you.

AVAC’s Month-Long Vaccine Immersion Continues: Webinar series, cheat sheets and more! 

[UPDATE:] Recordings of webinars already held are now available below.

Join us in our month-long “deep dive” into the dynamic field of HIV vaccine research with the next installment in our HIV Vaccine Awareness Day webinar series coming up this Thursday—a review of the NIH’s Vaccine Research Center with Barney Graham. And read on for links to key resources, including quick references and a recording of our first webinar.

Webinar series lineup:

  • Friday, April 28: Ad26 Mosaic Program—Janssen’s Maria Pau discusses preparations for the next efficacy trial.
    YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • Thursday, May 4: The History—and Future—of the NIH’s Vaccine Research Center with Barney Graham.
    YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • Monday, May 8: Building on (and Building!) Success—Status of HVTN 702 with Fatima Laher.
    YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • Thursday, May 11: “Plan B”-NAb? An Overview of Antibody Research with Lynn Morris.
    YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • Thursday, May 18: An Overview of Vaccine Development from Julie Ake of MHRP.
    YouTube / Audio / Slides

Last Friday, the series launched with an overview from Janssen’s Maria Pau on the Ad26/Mosaic vaccine program—notable both for its science and for active leadership from industry. Two of the upcoming webinars will fill advocates in on bNAb research. Broadly neutralizing antibodies—bNAbs—are anti-HIV proteins now being tested for efficacy as HIV prevention through direct “passive” infusions. The upcoming discussions will help answer burning questions for HVAD 2017:

  • Which bNAb candidates should we be watching in the coming years?
  • What do bNAbs mean for HIV vaccine research? Are these current trials, testing direct infusion of bNAbs, a pathway to a new product or a way to advance the HIV vaccine field—or both?
  • What will current large-scale efficacy trials of vaccines and bNAbs tell us?

We know not everyone hears bNAb and immediately understands the term. This year, AVAC has updated our series, Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates, to provide quick, clear explanations, with a focus on topics corresponding to our webinars. Click here to access Busy Advocates: bNAbs. Download it, review the terms and be ready with your questions on May 4 and May 11.

There’s a lot to know. But the research is promising, and we need steady hands on deck to ask smart questions and sustain support. Continue with us over the next several weeks on the countdown to HVAD to play your part.

Funding Opportunity: Innovation for HIV Vaccine Discovery (R01)

Purposes: To support high risk/high impact, early discovery research on HIV vaccine approaches; a Go/No-Go approach to funding high risk research significantly different from most R01 projects; and encourage involvement of investigators new to the HIV vaccine field to build interdisciplinary approaches. For more information, click here.

A Steady Hand of Advocacy in Uncertain Times: HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2017

[UPDATED] This post now includes recordings of previously held webinars.

This year will mark the 20th anniversary of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD). On this May 18, as HIV prevention advocates we find ourselves in new terrain when it comes to vaccine research—both in terms of scientific progress and the challenging political environment. We’ll be highlighting these important issues in an HVAD webinar series leading up to and ending on May 18—read on for full information and to register.

As we look back on the 20 years since President Bill Clinton called for accelerating HIV vaccine development, AVAC recognizes that, now more than ever, we need steady hands and supportive voices to back this long-term, challenging, essential endeavor. Can you help us identify the next HIV vaccine champions? Are you one of them?

This year we are celebrating HVAD, not only on May 18, but throughout the month leading up to it (and beyond). We promise not to inundate you! But we recognize the “breadth and potency” of the current research landscape and the many events that will happen around the globe to mark the momentous day. We want to keep you in the loop.

We’ll provide research literacy tools; share AVAC’s take on developments in the field; and host a series of webinars to discuss key issues in vaccine research and advocacy. Please register, mark your calendars, and have your questions ready.

Recordings of previous webinars available here:

  • Ad26 Mosaic Program—Janssen’s Maria Pau discusses preparations for the next efficacy trial
    April 28YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • The History—and Future—of the NIH’s Vaccine Research Center with Barney Graham
    May 4YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • Building on (and Building!) Success—Status of HVTN 702 with Fatima Laher
    May 8YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • “Plan B”-NAb? An Overview of Antibody Research with Lynn Morris
    May 11YouTube / Audio / Slides
  • An Overview of Vaccine Development with Julie Ake of MHRP
    May 18YouTube / Audio / Slides

We hope you’re looking forward to the month ahead as much as we are! Talk soon.