Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial (French)

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial (Spanish)

In late February 2003, the world heard preliminary results of the first large-scale human trial of a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection. The results for the overall trial cohort were clear and disappointing. The results for a relatively small subset of trial participants are less clear, and they have sparked controversy and require further analysis. This brochure will help you understand what we do and do not know about the experimental vaccine known as AIDSVAX.

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day: On the road to an AIDS Vaccine

Each year on May 18th, HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD), we recognize and thank the thousands of volunteers, community members, health professionals, advocates, policy makers and scientists who are working together to find a safe and effective AIDS vaccine. HVAD is a reminder that vaccine research is rarely linear, often unpredictable and always an essential component of a comprehensive response to the epidemic. It is also often a reminder that awareness of the next steps for vaccine development is limited, and HVAD is an annual opportunity to raise awareness.

The road to an AIDS vaccine is not easy. But after 30 years since HIV was identified, researchers believe we’re closer to a vaccine than we ever have been. In 2009, scientists announced that RV144, a large-scale trial in Thailand, found modest levels of protection. This was the first evidence in people, or proof of concept, that an AIDS vaccine can reduce the risk of HIV. The Pox Protein Public Private Partnership (P5) now aims to build on RV144 findings in Thailand, and to explore a modified vaccine in South Africa. Follow-on studies are starting and ongoing in Thailand; additional large-scale trials in both countries are expected to start in the next two to three years.

At the same time, the AIDS vaccine pipeline of other vaccine approaches is increasingly diverse. More than 30 AIDS vaccine clinical trials are underway, testing a variety of candidates and vaccine concepts. In the UK, funders are supporting key AIDS vaccine research though the UK HIV Vaccine Consortium, the Department for International Development, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative. The current challenge is to continue moving promising strategies forward without delay.

In this period of scientific development, while the world waits for an AIDS vaccine, we believe it is critical to:

Track Timelines and Investment

The P5 timelines have shifted, with delays that have challenged the sense of momentum and optimism. However, follow-on trials are still expected to begin in South Africa in 2015—and it is critical to support this effort, even while urging the P5 to remain transparent, efficient and accountable. Pubic sector investment and industry involvement in AIDS vaccine research are both essential and advocates should press for commitments from government and industry.

Get Engaged

Civil society input is needed to be sure that trials are acceptable, and address the concerns of the communities who might be asked to participate— and who might benefit from the research in the future.

Help Manage the Hype

There are many steps between positive animal data and trials to test efficacy in humans. Headlines that tout efficacy in small animal studies before it’s been proven in humans can over-inflate expectations.

Demand a Plan

The field has to be vigilant and selective, so that concepts advance or are set aside swiftly, with clarity about next steps.

Finally, at AVAC, we have developed a 2014 HVAD “toolkit” and will be hosting a webinar entitled Breakthroughs and Big Questions: AIDS vaccine research in 2014 on Monday, May 19 3 PM (BST) (see full information below).

Visit our HVAD page and download the toolkit.

For more on the webinar, visit here.

This post first appeared on stopaids.org.uk

New Materials on the State of Vaccine Research for HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD)

AVAC’s HVAD Toolkit includes a new set of infographics on the current state of the field, a set of fact sheets and other tools to help explain vaccine science in simple language.

AIDS Vaccine Science: What’s all the buzz about?

This is training exercise designed to bring HIV vaccine research information to life.

African Women’s Civil Society Consultation on HIV Risk and Hormonal Contraceptives

More than 40 women representing HIV prevention advocates, reproductive health service providers, and women living with HIV from Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe met to review and discuss the existing data on hormonal contraceptive use and HIV risk.

AIDS Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates – Current AIDS Vaccine R&D Pipeline

One-pager reviewing what we’ve learned from previous efficacy trials, the product pipeline and where we are today and future directions toward finding a vaccine that works.

AIDS Vaccine Research: An overview

This series of infographics highlights the current state of the field. Each research area is expanded with key details about the current focus and advancements in the science along with critical issues that advocates should be tracking.

HIV Vaccines by the Numbers: Trials, discoveries, money and more

We know that an AIDS vaccine is possible and that a vaccine will be an important part of a long-term strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. The road ahead is long, but clinical trials—even those with disappointing results—and early-stage research provide critical clues to the way forward. This graphics  represents key facts about the AIDS vaccine field.

AIDS Vaccine Science for Busy Advocates – Current AIDS Vaccine R&D Pipeline

One-pager reviewing what we’ve learned from previous efficacy trials, the product pipeline and where we are today and future directions toward finding a vaccine that works.