Universal Test and Treat (UTT) Trial Results

As this table shows, the two trials that offered community-wide testing in both arms (SEARCH, TasP) did not find a difference in incidence between the arms. One explanation may be that the expanded access to testing and linkage in both arms had an impact in both intervention and control communities. The two trials that only provided universal testing in the intervention arm identified differences in incidence between that arm and the control arm.

There were other differences between the four UTT trials. As described below, PopART was the only trial with urban and peri-urban communities.

Excerpted from AVAC Report 2019: Now What?

Vaccine Strategies in the Pipeline

Scientists are studying these strategies to develop an effective vaccines and deliver it into the body in a way that maximizes the immune response.

HIV-Specific Neutralizing Antibodies – Targets and research status

Numerous studies, both early and late phase, are investigating the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies. This infographic shows the ongoing studies and the differing locations they target on the virus.

Total Vaccine Spending by Area

A look at the percentage of total funds invested in different aspects of vaccine research.

Vaccines Trial Participation in 2019

A look at the number of participants in vaccines trials in 2019 according to trial phase.

Regulatory Status of TDF/FTC for PrEP

The TDF/FTC combination pill (brand-name Truvada) that has shown efficacy for PrEP is already used for Treatment U=U in HIV-positive people, and so is approved and licensed in many countries. One key step for this PrEP strategy is to ensure that the drug is licensed (and therefore available) and that it is approved for use for both prevention and Treatment U=U in each country. National guidelines for PrEP use are another key step.

One Timeline, Two Stories, One Message: Putting trials and targets together

One problem with HIV prevention agendas is that they either live in an eternal present or in a far-off future. It’s “work with what we’ve got, which is condoms and VMMC and a little bit of PrEP”, or it’s “nothing can change without an AIDS vaccine”. The future depends on using what’s available, better and more widely, without ever losing sight of what’s in the pipeline.

As the figures below show, in the very same timeframe that the world will miss its critical target for incidence reduction and scale-up of primary prevention, several trials will release results that could change the future. 2020 will be a time of hope and reckoning. But only if the two stories start to be told as one.

HIV Prevention Research and Demonstration Sites in South Africa

This map demonstrates the breadth of HIV prevention research and demonstration projects in South Africa by site and type (e.g. daily oral PrEP demo projects, ARV-based rings, long-acting injectable PrEP, preventative Vaccines, antibodies, hormonal contraceptives). This map was developed by Wits RHI with support from AVAC as part of the Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research. This graphic first appeared in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.

Global HIV Prevention R&D Investment by Technology Category, 2000-2017

In 2017, reported funding for HIV prevention R&D decreased by 3.5 percent (US$40 million) from the previous year, falling to US$1.13 billion. The full report, HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2017: Investing to end the epidemic, is available for download. And all the graphics are available as well.

HIV Prevention R&D Trial Participants by Region in 2017

Participation of volunteers and the engagement of communities in which trials take place is essential to conducting HIV prevention research. In 2017, there were nearly 600,000 participants in HIV prevention research trials globally, mostly originating from sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, North America and Asia. A majority of participants were enrolled in research investigating TasP and PrEP, and while there are trials aimed specifically at men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender individuals and people who inject drugs, most of the studies do not specify the need to include members of key populations.

The full report, HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2017: Investing to end the epidemic, is available for download.