Investment in HIV Prevention R&D by Top Philanthropic Funders in 2017

Global philanthropic funding increased by 4.1 percent from 2016 levels and amounted to US$164 million, or 14.6 percent of overall funding. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) remained the largest funder and increased its contribution by 6.6 percent, to US$150.2 million. Wellcome Trust investment fell for the fifth consecutive year to an annual US$2 million.

The full report, HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2017: Investing to end the epidemic, is available for download.

Investment in Women-Focused PrEP R&D, 2017

Out of the US$63 million invested in PrEP overall, US$16 million (or 25 percent) was for research explicitly focused on women. Most of this research was preclinical, with an emphasis on discreet products with long-acting formulations, e.g., PrEP implant studies and long-acting injectables. Almost 30 percent of the implementation studies focused on the uptake of and adherence to oral PrEP in high-risk women, and 15 percent focused on PrEP for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The full report, HIV Prevention Research & Development Investments 2017: Investing to end the epidemic, is available for download. And all the graphics are available as well.

Contraception and HIV Prevention: A clear picture of women’s needs

Women face many choices about HIV prevention and contraception. Funders and governments need to move to integrated programs that provide a variety of services in one place.

Anatomy of a Target

It’s been four years since AVAC advanced these criteria for effective targets in our 2014/15 Report, Prevention on the Line. Then, we identified targets that have advanced the field and ones that have fallen short. Today’s prevention crisis exists in part because the primary prevention targets set by UNAIDS didn’t meet these criteria. Targets for primary prevention are still essential, but they won’t get met without demand creation work, such as we describe in this section. It’s not too late to recalibrate resources and commitment.

Annual Number of VMMCs, 2008-2017

AVAC’s take on milestone events and impact on VMMC numbers.

Comparison of Traditional Socio-Behavioral Research and Human-Centered Design Approaches

The table below comes from an article by Betsy Tolley, which contrasts human-centered design (HCD) with “traditional socio-behavioral research” (SBR). It resists over-simplification like: “HCD looks for solutions, SBR looks for theories”, while also giving a sense of the differences between formal, protocol-driven SBR and a commerce– and private sector-derived methodology, now proving its worth in public health.

Global Number of New HIV Infections, 2000-2017 and 2020 Target

1.3 million person gap between the current rate and the 2020 target.

Human-Centered Design: How it adds up

Human-centered programming is increasingly offered as a solution to public health challenges, but what does it really mean? This simple graphic shows some of the core elements in the equation.

Using HCD to Solve a Problem

This graphic describes, in three parts, how to use human-centered design could be used to help with the low uptake of VMMC.

Kenya’s HIV Prevention Revolution Roadmap

From the Kenyan Ministry of Health, here’s Kenya’s HIV prevention roadmap — counting down to 2030.