A global snapshot of total numbers of participants in trials by country.
Vaccine and Antibody Trial Participant Recruitment, 2018
Interpreting PEPFAR Data: A look at Zimbabwe
In this centerspread taken from Px Wire, our quarterly newsletter, we take a closer look at Zimbabwe’s data, and highlights amfAR’s detailed country factsheets that draw from PEPFAR’s giant data sets. Additional tools and information on influencing the COPs process are available from COMPASS partner Health GAP’s PEPFAR Watch.
Map of HIV Prevention Research and PrEP Demonstration Sites in Kisumu, Kenya
This map demonstrates the breadth of HIV prevention research and demonstration projects in the Kisumu region of Kenya by site and type (e.g. daily oral PrEP, preventive Vaccines, etc.). This map was developed by Wits RHI with support from AVAC as part of the Coalition to Accelerate and Support Prevention Research.
Target Tracking for Epidemic Control
Calculating progress toward the UNAIDS Fast Track Goals is complex but ambitious targets are the best kind. AVAC has long argued they propel action even if they aren’t met. But when it comes to achieving epidemic control, progress must be properly calculated, and can never be confused with success.
Appearing in Px Wire, this is a modified version of a graphic appearing in AVAC Report 2017.
NIH-Funded HIV Trial Networks: A family tree
This graphic provides a visual history of the DAIDS Networks and a look at what’s proposed for the next funding cycle. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.
The Delivery Challenge
This figure shows the timeline to achieve public health targets related to a new intervention, both globally and (in dashed lines) in the US. The message: it takes time and, based on history, today’s prevention tools are on track. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.
Total Global HIV Prevention R&D Investment by Prevention Option, 2015–2016
This graphic shows the percentage of total global investment in HIV prevention spent on different interventions in 2015 and 2016. For much more on HIV prevention research & development funding, visit www.hivresourcetracking.org.
US HIV Research: A family tree
This graphics shows a family tree representing HIV research in the United States. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.
The Math Behind the “Bulge”
There are many more young people today than there were 30 years ago. This has profound implications for the HIV response because young people are at the highest risk of HIV in East and Southern Africa.
This graphic explains why this youth bulge is the most important demographic issue facing HIV prevention today and why efforts to date are only barely holding the problem at bay. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.
MSMGF’s Model for Conceptualizing Prevention
This graphic from MSMGF presents a range of prevention strategies, from policy to products, and how each interact with a continuum of risk factors. It appears in AVAC Report 2017: Mixed messages and how to untangle them.