Layers of Biomedical HIV Prevention Trial Stakeholders

Various stakeholders may influence or be affected by a biomedical HIV prevention trial. Stakeholders include trial participants and other community stakeholders as well as a broader range of national and international stakeholders.

Excerpted from the Good Participatory Practice (GPP) Guidelines, which provide trial funders, sponsors, and implementers with systematic guidance on how to effectively engage with all stakeholders in the design and conduct of biomedical HIV prevention trials. More at

Financing the Search: Then and now

Funding for vaccines research in 1997 and 2016, segmented by government and other sector spending.

Number of Vaccines Trials: Then and now

A snapshot of the number of vaccine trials conducted globally between 1997 and 2017.

HIV-Specific Neutralizing Antibodies: A guide to targets and candidates

A detailed graphic describing the status of pre-clinical and clinical work around relevant bNAbs today.

Where Does Oral PrEP Fit in to Vaccine and AMP Trials?

A global map showing current efficacy trial countries and their status of PrEP implementation.

Vaccine Approaches in Early-Phase Development

An outline of various approaches to vaccine development that are in earlier phase research, e.g., phase I or II trials; development pathways for these candidates are uncertain at this time.

Vaccines and Antibodies on Efficacy Pathways

A timeline of current efficacy programs for vaccines and antibodies, highlighting the P5 program testing pox-protein candidates, the Janssen program testing mosaic-based candidates, and the AMP studies testing the antibody VRC01.

An Advocate’s Guide to Research Terms in the Post-Placebo Era

In Px Wire, AVAC’s quarterly update on HIV prevention design, we presented this illustration on some new types of biomedical prevention trial design. You’ll find a summary of long-acting PrEP trials, a lexicon of key terms for the “post-placebo era”, and a handy illustration for looking smart while you explain “double-dummy double-blind”.

To download just the graphic, without the accompanying text and lexicon, click here: JPG, PDF. For the lexicon only, click here (PDF).

Regulatory Status of TDF/FTC for PrEP

A global snapshot of the regulatory status of oral PrEP by country. JPEG and PPT versions available here.

Introduction to Long-Acting Injectables

This infographic details the process for developing long-acting injectables for PrEP and Treatment U=U.