Trial Participants by Prevention Research Area, 2015

Given the higher rates of acquisition seen across so-called key populations—members of highly burdened and underserved groups—it is critical to provide access to the research process such that they can participate and reap more immediate benefit of scientific progress. Greater efforts must be made to include key populations in this crucial process for the HIV prevention response to be truly impactful.

Global HIV Prevention R&D Investments by Technology, 2000-2015

In 2015, global funding for HIV prevention R&D declined slightly, from US $1.25 billion in 2014 to US $1.20 billion in 2015. This continues a decade of roughly flat funding. The US public sector remained the largest global contributor at US $850 million, and together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest philanthropic funder, constituted 81 percent of all funding.

MPT Product Development: Many possibilities for MPT development

This table shows the indication (prevention effect the product is designed to have—e.g., pregnancy or one or more STIs) the way it will be delivered (e.g., through vaginal gel, pill or injection), how it might work to provide preventive effect (for example, as a physical barrier to prevent fluid exchange or as a hormonal contraceptive) and what kind of dosage could be possible (e.g., daily pill or application, sustained through the blood or around sex).
Excerpted from the MPTs factsheet.

Durban 2016 Scorecard—How did it deliver?

Excerpted from Px Wire, this is a scorecard for the 2016 International AIDS Conference. Did it deliver?

Breaking the Cycle of Heterosexual Transmission

Excerpted from Px Wire, this is a novel look at how to use today’s tools to break the cycle of heterosexual transmission that was so clearly defined in a major AIDS 2016 presentation.

ARV-Based Prevention Pipeline

The pipeline of ARV-based prevention products includes oral pills, vaginal rings, vaginal and rectal gels, vaginal films, long-acting injectable ARVs. Not pictured are a range of multipurpose technologies in development that aim to reduce women’s risk of HIV and STIs, and provide effective contraception.

Evidence for HIV Prevention Options

What’s the big picture of ARV-based prevention trial results? This graphic shows the levels of efficacy from each major trial (the circles) with the confidence intervals around the finding (the bars at either side). Not sure what a confidence interval is? See our one-page Advocates’ Guide to Statistical Terms.

A Cycle of Transmission in South Africa

Men and women in specific age groups have distinct health and prevention needs. HIV transmission conforms to specific patterns, depending on age and gender. Effective prevention and Treatment U=U must reflect the needs of each profile. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

A Map of Missed Chances: Oral PrEP Rollout and Further Research on Dapvirine Vaginal Ring

Ideally, prevention strategies would be coordinated and integrated into comprehensive programs. The field would gain vital knowledge as people respond to a selection of options. Instead, product-specific programs, such as the delivery of oral PrEP or research trials on the dapivirine vaginal ring, become available in isolation from one another. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.

After the HIV Test: Targets and Progress in Making and Measuring Linkages

If a person tests HIV-negative, the next steps are poorly understood. This infographic from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People, shows a cascade of interventions needed for prevention, as well as the existing structure in place to guide an HIV positive individual from testing to Treatment U=U.