A snapshot of prevention strategies underway or under development from 2015-2020. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Biomedical Prevention in 2016 – At a Glance
Contraceptives: A Global Access Emergency
Access to contraceptives for older women is far too limited, and for younger women the very low numbers represent an urgent matter. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Results
An overview dapivirine ring results and the product pipeline. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Broad Data Needs for Women and Girls
There is a serious dearth of data on a range of factors affecting women and girls that must be addressed. Effective programs require data on characteristics such as education, employment, HIV status and health outcomes. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
Demographic Shift in Southern Africa: 10- to 29-year-olds
Early gains in the fight against HIV could be lost if the growing population of young women in sub-Saharan Africa is neglected. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016 Big Data Real People.
Four Problems with Data Points for HIV prevention
The four problems with data points for HIV prevention.
HIV Prevention Research Status Report
A survey of prevention strategies and the status of their safety and efficacy. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.
How to Fix the Four Major Problems with Data for HIV Prevention
How to fix the four major problems with data for HIV prevention.
Key Populations and Data Gaps
Where data do not exist, new and innovative approaches to gathering it via partnerships with civil society should be implemented.
Not on Track: The Slow Pace of VMMC Scale-up
More than five years ago, epidemiologists and modelers helped set a target of 20 million VMMCs in 14 key countries in sub-Saharan Africa by 2015. WHO’s official tally is 11.7 million cumulative procedures through the end of 2015. That’s 60 percent of the original target—and will avert 335,000 new HIV infections by 2020. Excerpted from AVAC Report 2016: Big Data, Real People.