MPT R&D Funding 2018-2021

This graphic tracks funding levels for a variety of multipurpose technologies for several years. Excerpted from our Advocates’ Guide to Multipurpose Prevention Technologies.

Top Vaccines Funders

Total US dollars invested by each of the top 10 global funders of vaccine research in 2022.

Oral PrEP in Cisgender Women

Displayed in these two graphics: researchers documented patterns of adherence for oral PrEP and we graphed HIV incidence based on weekly F/TDF adherence in cisgender women. Excerpted from PxWire.

The Years Ahead in Biomedical HIV Prevention Research

This graphic shows the updated status of large-scale prevention trials through the end of 2024.

Allocation of Non-Commercial CAB for PrEP Supply in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2023-2025

Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, Zambia, and the European Medicines Agency have approved CAB for PrEP; ViiV also made submissions in Canada, Colombia, and the United Kingdom. There are now 13 regulatory approvals and 15 additional submissions that are pending.

HIV Vaccine and Antibody Efficacy Trials to Date

This infographic provides a comprehensive overview of HIV vaccine and antibody efficacy trials. Over 20 years and 12 trials, only two positive signals have been observed.

Cumulative PrEP Initiations


In 2020, the world missed the UNAIDS’ goal of reaching 3 million PrEP users. The updated target for 2025 is 10 million. Is the 2025 target achievable based on the current trends in PrEP uptake? Excerpted from an issue of PxWire.

STI Diagnostic R&D Funding by Pathogen

This bar chart shows STI diagnostic research & development funding by pathogen.

Excerpted from STIs: A Review of the 2022 Vaccine and Diagnostic R&D Pipeline and Investments, the full report is available at

STI Vaccine R&D Funding by Pathogen

This bar chart shows STI vaccine R&D funding by pathogen.

Excerpted from STIs: A Review of the 2022 Vaccine and Diagnostic R&D Pipeline and Investments, the full report is available at

STI Vaccine and Diagnostic R&D Funding among US and International Organizations

This pie chart shows STI vaccine and diagnostic R&D funding among US and international organizations.

Excerpted from STIs: A Review of the 2022 Vaccine and Diagnostic R&D Pipeline and Investments, the full report is available at