2015 Update on the Rectal Microbicide Pipeline: New Agents, New Formulations

The field has spent several intense years studying tenofovir gel as a rectal microbicide, and we all look forward to the results (due early 2016) of the world’s first Phase II rectal microbicide trial MTN 017 which tested a reduced glycerin formulation of tenofovir gel.

But there is a lot more going on than tenofovir gel!

In this webinar, hosted by IRMA and AVAC, we looked at new rectal agents in development, including the antiretroviral drug Dapivirine and Griffithsin, a potent, anti-HIV protein derived from red algae. We also discussed plans for developing new microbicide formulations like rectal douches.

Vaccines in Vivo: Advances in AIDS Vaccine Research

On May 18, advocates around the world observed HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD)—an annual commemoration of the need for and commitment to the ongoing search for a vaccine. AVAC convened a webinar—Vaccines in Vivo: Advances in AIDS Vaccine Research—and updated a number of materials, including our “HVAD Toolkit” for those interested in easy-to-digest research updates. This year brought the launch of long-awaited initiation of clinical trials building on positive results from the RV144 “Thai” trial. This effort is led by the Pox-Protein Public-Private Partnership (P5), including the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, who joined the webinar to provide a status update of their current vaccine research and development program. We also featured Janssen, part of Johnson & Johnson, to provide an overview of the research program they are moving forward that focuses on a cross-clade vaccine product.

Breaking Regulatory Barriers for Greater Female Condom Access

A variety of safe and effective female condoms currently exist. However, regulatory hurdles limit new products from entering consumer markets. With the pipeline of new receptive-partner initiated condoms growing, advocates must understand how regulatory issues determine product introduction and approval in their country.

Receptive partner-initiated condoms in development
Link between regulatory environment and female condom access
Current regulatory issues and obstacles
Unique advocacy opportunity to break barriers to existing female condoms and pave the way for emerging internal condoms

You can watch the webinar here.

Transgender Women and PrEP: What’s the latest?

The US Women and PrEP Working Group and partners had a first-hand look at PrEP and transgender women — through the eyes of women prescribing it, using it, choosing not to use it, advocates calling for more research on it and policy-makers charged with integrating it into the national HIV response.

You can click here to view the video.

Slides are also available here.

Post IAS 2015 Webinar: What was presented and what it means on the road to Durban 2016

Advocates and researchers discussed data presented at IAS 2015, its implications and what’s next on the road to Durban 2016!

After FACTS: What’s next for HIV prevention in women?

FACTS 001, which released data at CROI, found no evidence of protection overall associated with the vaginal gel. Partners Demonstration Project, which reported data at the same meeting, found that serodiscordant couples using oral PrEP and/or ART had very low levels of HIV transmission. In this webinar, we discussed what these and other data meant for women, including young and adolescent girls.

Success with PrEP: Next Steps to Support Policy Decisions in Southern and East Africa

Convened on 26 October 2014 by AVAC, UNAIDS and WHO, this meeting brought together representatives of ministries of health and national AIDS councils, PrEP researchers and participants from research and demonstration sites where PrEP is currently being delivered in Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, along with funders, manufacturers and HIV advocates and activists. Through a series of presentations, moderated discussions and small group work, participants shared current experiences and helped define a structured approach to considering the integration of PrEP in HIV prevention programs in the region. In addition, some of the knowledge gaps that remain to be researched were identified.

Slides from the Workshop on Alternative Trial Designs for Microbicides

CONRAD, AVAC and the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research convened a workshop on alternative trial designs for microbicides which generated lively discussion among more than 60 participants. All slide presentations from the workshop are included.

What do women want in multipurpose technologies?

Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) are a fast-growing area in women’s sexual and reproductive health. On November 12, AVAC and CAMI Health co-hosted a webinar: MPT Acceptability in Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa.

Data and Uncertainty: Understanding updates on hormonal contraceptives and HIV

AIDS 2014 featured analyses of data on the potential relationship between hormonal contraceptives and risk of HIV infection. Researchers Charles Morrison (FHI 360) and Kristin Wall (Emory University), and Mary Lyn Gaffield from the WHO discussed the newest findings and guidance.