Applying Lessons from Family Planning to HIV Prevention Product Introduction

An analysis of lessons and data from family planning in sub-Saharan Africa to better inform introduction of HIV prevention products and integration of HIV prevention into family planning settings.

Integration of HIV Prevention and Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Kenya

Findings from an assessment of HIV prevention and SRH integration in Kenya, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, comprised of site visits to health facilities, key informant interviews, civil society dialogues and a policy review.

HIV & Sexual and Reproductive Health Integration

Compilation of top learnings on and approaches to implementing HIV/SRH integration in sub-Saharan Africa, drawn from literature reviews, qualitative interviews, and an analysis of policy requirements for PrEP and family planning providers.

Exploring Integration of Family Planning and HIV Services

A literature review to identify existing knowledge on barriers and enablers to the integration of HIV and family planning services in sub-Saharan Africa, in order to understand the feasibility of providing existing and new HIV prevention options and services in family planning settings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Index Testing

Index testing, a PEPFAR initiative that tracks the contacts of people who test positive for HIV, has potential benefits when done ethically. But index testing is presently being aggressively implemented in ways that cause harm, increase risk of violence and undermine people’s rights to consent, confidentiality and safety. Changes must be made to protect individuals and foster community trust in their healthcare system. For activists and advocates attending PEPFAR in-country retreats, this FAQ provides background and advocacy priorities.

AVAC Report 2019: One-pager

Each year, the AVAC Report frames the most pressing advocacy issues facing the HIV response. At the threshold of 2020, it’s clear that global goals for HIV prevention will miss the mark by a long shot. Now what?

This is a one-pager summarizing AVAC’s priorities for 2020. To download the full Report or see all its graphics, visit

AVAC Report 2019: Now What?

Each year, the AVAC Report frames the most pressing advocacy issues facing the HIV response. At the threshold of 2020, it’s clear that global goals for HIV prevention will miss the mark by a long shot. Though important progress has been made, the crisis UNAIDS called out in 2016 persists today with new infections around 1.7 million annually, a far cry from the 2020 target of fewer than 500,000. So, we asked ourselves, Now What?, and answered with cross-cutting analysis and an advocacy agenda to match.

For more from the report, including a link to all its graphics, visit A one-pager of AVAC’s 2020 priorities is also available.

The Dapivirine Ring: Key learnings from like-product introductions

Vaginal insertion and partial efficacy are two challenges that could affect the uptake and continued use of the dapivirine ring. Analyses of the introductions of other products that share similar characteristics provide useful lessons to inform planning for rollout of the dapivirine ring. This paper provides information for planners, implementers, funders, researchers, trainers, providers of technical assistance and others to build an agenda for introducing the dapivirine ring that addresses these two challenges.

Contraceptive Eligibility for Women at High Risk of HIV Guidance Statement

WHO released updated guidance on “Hormonal Contraceptive Eligibility for Women at High Risk of HIV”. The WHO updated guidance shifts DMPA, other progestogen-only injectables and IUDs to a MEC 1 classification, which states that the products can be used without restriction. The updated WHO recommendations follow a thorough review of the latest scientific evidence, including the recent results of the ECHO trial, which evaluated whether the risk of HIV differs with the use of three different safe and effective contraceptive methods.

Translating Progress into Success to End the AIDS Epidemic

Dramatic reductions in HIV incidence and mortality have been accomplished in very different settings around the world, from Malawi and Thailand to London and San Francisco. While success was achieved in different ways in each location, taken together they demonstrate the gains that can be realized on a global scale.

This publication highlights six locations — Thailand, Malawi, Rakai, New South Wales, London, and San Francisco — that have made impressive progress against the epidemic. Each visual provides an HIV surveillance timeline as well as crucial policy changes—inflection points—that contributed to success.