This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. In 2014, the reported funding for HIV prevention R&D decreased by US$10 million from the previous year to a total of US$1.25 billion. While investments toward research in preventive vaccines, PrEP, female condoms and prevention of vertical transmission increased in 2014, investments towards microbicides, treatment as prevention and medical male circumcision decreased.
Overall funding has remained at nearly the same level for approximately a decade. As in past years, the public sector made up the majority of total funding at US$990 million (79 percent), with the US public sector contributing US$868 million (69 percent). European public-sector funding made up US$69 million (five percent), public-sector investment from other countries made up US$52 million (four percent), philanthropic investment was US$200 million (16 percent) and investment from the commercial sector was US$63 million (five percent).
A one-page summary document is also available.