In this update to the 2012 Action Agenda to End AIDS, amfAR and AVAC argue that critical and expensive decisions made with incomplete data can undermine the response to the AIDS epidemic—even as the systems for collecting these data continue to improve. The report describes the issues and identifies critical areas where better, more complete data are needed to guide the key decisions for the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It also provides an update on prevention and treatment targets set in the Action Agenda.
Data Watch: Closing a Persistent Gap in the AIDS Response
Global Investment in HIV Cure Research and Development in 2013
The International AIDS Society HIV Cure Resource Tracking group joined with the HIV Vaccines and Microbicides Tracking Working Group to estimate global investments in HIV cure research and produce this short report.
Creating a Prevention Agenda for Women: AVAC/CHANGE meeting for coordinated global advocacy
This report, released by CHANGE and cosponsored by AVAC, summarizes the key recommendations related to integration of HIV and family planning services, how to best move forward in the context of uncertainty about whether some hormonal contraceptives (HC) increase HIV risk, and how to advance “method mix”—a wider array of contraceptive choices for women everywhere.
HIV Prevention Research & Development Investment in 2013: In a changing global development, economic and human rights landscape
This annual accounting of funding for biomedical HIV prevention research tracks trends and identifies gaps in investment. The report shows that investment in HIV prevention research fell 4 percent in 2013, due to a combination of factors including declining investments by the United States and European donors, changes in the international development landscape and changes in the pipeline of HIV prevention products being tested.
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies for Reproductive Health
In May 2011, AVAC, USAID and CAMI convened a group of scientists to discuss and recommend strategies for accelerating the development of multipurpose prevention technologies for protection against unintended pregnancy, HIV and other STIs. This report includes the presentations and discussions from the meeting, as well as recommendations for next steps.
Antiretroviral Treatment for Prevention of HIV and Tuberculosis
Despite considerable evidence supporting the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for prevention of HIV and TB illness, death and transmission, only 37 percent of the 35 million people living with HIV were receiving it in 2013. This paper examines ongoing and planned global treatment as prevention studies and addresses research questions related to access and implementation.
Global Investment in HIV Cure Research and Development in 2012
In 2013 the International AIDS Society HIV Cure Resource Tracking group joined with the HIV Vaccines and Microbicides Tracking Working Group to estimate global investments in HIV cure research and produce this short report.
On the Map: Ensuring Africa’s Place in Rectal Microbicide Advocacy
IRMA hosted a strategy development meeting on 2-3 December 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to develop an African rectal microbicide agenda that articulates research, advocacy, and community mobilization strategies. The strategy meeting brought together African stakeholders and allies representing a wide array of perspectives, experiences, and geographies to develop action steps for RM research and advocacy, specific to the African context.
GPP Trial Site Binder
The GPP Trial Site Binder is a companion tool to the Good Participatory Practice guidelines that research teams can use to help develop, organize and document the stakeholder engagement activity at the site. The binder is is divided into sixteen sections aligned with the guidelines. Each section contains key steps to help research staff follow the practices, templates for documenting and planning activities, and a place to file draft documents.
African Women’s Civil Society Consultation on HIV Risk and Hormonal Contraceptives
More than 40 women representing HIV prevention advocates, reproductive health service providers, and women living with HIV from Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe met to review and discuss the existing data on hormonal contraceptive use and HIV risk.